please tell me whence Deus ex Machina by K. Alexander (Goodreads Author) read without signing audio fb2 online

please tell me whence Deus ex Machina by K. Alexander (Goodreads Author) read without signing audio fb2 online

please tell me whence Deus ex Machina by K. Alexander (Goodreads Author) read without signing audio fb2 online

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Book description
When psychotherapist Claire Walsch is contracted – against her will – to take on the case of the infamous schizophrenic Marine Force Recon Captain Leah Ryan, she has no idea that she is about to experience something far beyond her belief. The physical, mental and psychological journey that follows brings the realization that reality may not always be as black and white as we make it out to be, and that the truth can be far more sinister and complicated than we give it credit for.
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