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The One Sentence Summary: The prime suspect of a rape and mutilation from ten years earlier is found hanging in an empty tenement in Glasgow, a string of similar attacks is uncovered, and an entire police squad on the brink of closure is pulled into the case.The Meat and Potatoes: On New Year’s Eve in 2000 a young girl is attacked, raped, and severely beaten outside Glasgow, Scotland. She is able to identify one of her two attackers, but he flees the country before an arrest can be made. Ten years later he’s founded murdered—beaten in the same manner as the girl he helped violate. Then another young female victim surfaces, this one a member of a wealthy family. Soon connections to other cases begin to appear, and the detectives of Partickhill Station are left on the trail of a serial offender operating all over Scotland, who now appears to have come home.Dark Water is a novel written in the third person, past tense, with an omniscient narrator. The story focuses on the detectives of the nearly defunct Partickhill Station in Glasgow as they try to solve the crimes, the complexity of which increase with every page. Caro Ramsay has set Dark Water in a bitterly cold winter when the city has been blanketed with thick fog that never lifts in the four days that the novel takes place. While the fog creates added mystery (since the detectives can’t see more than a few feet in any direction at any time), it’s a little hard to believe that such a heavy fog could last so long.Other than the prologue, which follows the first victim as she’s attacked, the novel is exclusively a cop story. The only characters in Dark Water are police, forensic investigators, victims and their families, witnesses, and a small camera crew set to follow the police for PR photos, and rarely, if ever, are these other characters described outside their interactions with the police. Even the detectives are almost exclusively shown in their working lives, and we hardly get a sense of them as real people. These characters end up interchangeable in the readers minds because we’re given very little to differentiate them, and they are almost always referred to by their last names, all of which are very generic.Ramsay spends a lot of time building up the evidence, but fails to work it into the story with any nuance. The first half of the book describes the tedious gathering of evidence on two crimes that may or may not be related. The story picks up some pace when a task force of sorts is created and other victims are discovered across Scotland, but on the whole the novel is a slow march to ten or so pages of action, with an unsatisfying conclusion. Ramsay’s writing is technically proficient but includes nothing that makes it especially enjoyable to read.The Praiseworthy: Interspersed through the third person narrative are short accounts written in the first person present tense, which are the thoughts and observations of a mysterious outside character. This technique helps to liven up the story and keep the reader guessing.The Shortcomings: The plot. And the characters. The mystery that Ramsay has created is not bad, but her choice in focusing completely on the police in telling that story is a poor one. While reading Dark Water I kept confusing the characters with each other. At first I thought I was simply tired, but I came to realize it was because every character had a nearly identical personality. Similarly, I often got lost in the unattributed dialogue because all of the characters had the same voice. The only detective who stood out was DC Browne, and that was only because she was a wimpy, whiney female who even goes so far as to exclaim “I’m scared!” when walking through the fog with her partner to confront a suspect.Another major failing is Ramsay’s excessive use of initialisms:DS Lambie, I’d like to see you in my office. DI Anderson, can you join us please? DS Littlewood, please make sure DS Mullholland is OK; take him to hospital if necessary. DC Browne, can you clean the place up? DS Costello will help you.Even if it’s true that the police in Glasgow always refer to each other by title, one would think Ramsay could have dropped a few of these for the sake of the narrative flow. Another problem is that Ramsay gives us these initialisms (as well as DCI, SOCO, SIO, ACC, PC, and CID*) with only context clues to determine their meanings. While the police titles may be familiar to Glasgow readers, a good writer would spell out each at least once so as not to alienate others.The writing in Dark Water also suffers from weak transitions that do little to ground us in the new scene. For example, Ramsay starts a section about an interrogation with a description of a swinging light bulb, which could be any light bulb in any building, and adds nothing to the scene.Ramsay’s writing is also rife with repetition. In one scene she describes a character as “sinking into a big chair as though he was thinking of taking root in it,” and just two paragraphs later mentions that he “felt himself sink deeper into the leather chair.” Later she includes a thought by the chief investigator that an officer’s actions were “strange behaviour for one so dedicated.” With a mere sentence between, another character repeats “Strange, for one so committed to the case.” Even considering that the point was for one character to speak aloud the other’s thoughts, a resourceful writer would have used different words.The Verdict: I would recommend Dark Water only to readers who enjoy crime stories that focus exclusively on police investigations, and aren’t deterred by proficient but mediocre writing.*For your convenience, a list of Ramsay’s unexplained initialisms and their meanings:ACC- Assistant Chief ConstableDCI- Detective Chief InvestigatorDI- Detective InspectorDS- Detective SergeantDC- Detective ConstablePC- Police Constable SOCO- Scene of Crime OfficerSIO- Senior Investigating OfficerCID- Criminal Investigative Division
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