please tell me whence Count my Squares: A Fun and Rhyming Counting Book by Vanessa Rouse (Goodreads Author) read epub on ipad

please tell me whence Count my Squares: A Fun and Rhyming Counting Book by Vanessa Rouse (Goodreads Author) read epub on ipad

please tell me whence Count my Squares: A Fun and Rhyming Counting Book by Vanessa Rouse (Goodreads Author) read epub on ipad

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Book description
Vanessa has over 10 years of teaching experience in the fields of Special Education, Elementary Montessori Education, Physical Education, Adapted Physical Education, university level Sports & Health Science courses, and Pre-College Upward Bound Biology courses.Born and raised in Brazil, Vanessa came to the U.S. on a tennis scholarship. She earned her Ph.D. in Kinesiology/Adapted P.E. from the University of Arkansas in 2009 and currently lives in Fayetteville with her husband, sons, and four rescued pets.Vanessa is devoted to her Christian faith and her family, and she is now fulfilling a childhood dream creating educational childrens books with fun and engaging artwork and storylines. She is the author of Dragon Howl, The Silly Potty Story (for boys), The Silly Potty Story (for girls), Crazy Town Upside Down: An Alphabet Book, Crazy Town Upside Down: An Alphabet Workbook, Count my Circles, Count my Squares, Count my Triangles, Count my Rectangles, and is already working hard on her next book!In her spare time (when she is not busy working on a new book project, or taking care of her boys, husband, and pets, or cleaning the house, or doing the laundry, or cooking, or helping with homework and extracurricular activities), Vanessa loves reading, watching chick flick movies, and working out.She would love to hear from you! Please check out her facebook page and keep updated on Vanessas future book releases and promotions!
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