please tell me whence City Of Salt by Gregory Orr online mp3 doc read direct link

please tell me whence City Of Salt by Gregory Orr online mp3 doc read direct link

please tell me whence City Of Salt by Gregory Orr online mp3 doc read direct link

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Book description
This is a calm, gentle collection of poems about life and grief by Gregory Orr. Three of the four sections in the book contain poems that harvest scenes from Orr’s life as a child who lost both parents at a young age, who accidentally killed one of his siblings and who is now an adult with a family of his own. The other section contains poems steeped in allusions to mythology, art and poetry, showing how these forces have shed light on humans complex relationships for eons. The tone of the book is soft, meditative and doesn’t waver from beginning to end. On one level, all of these elements were comfortable and reassuring, a collection that (like Orr’s book of prose, Poetry as Survival) brings me back to the first poetry I was drawn to and moved by years ago. But, on the other hand, after the concentrated amount of diverse poetry I’ve read, I found myself a little bored and distracted as I breezed through each poem, quickly deciphering the themes and techniques of each. Thus, I would recommend this book to early readers just discovering contemporary poetry, but more voracious poetry fans may not be as engaged.
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