please tell me whence Child of God by Lolita Files phone free kindle information audio

please tell me whence Child of God by Lolita Files phone free kindle information audio

please tell me whence Child of God by Lolita Files phone free kindle information audio

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Book description
In this searing novel, bestselling author Lolita Files tells the tale of a Southern family torn apart by the secrets it struggles to keep.Everybody knows everybody elses business in Downtown, Tennessee. Neighbors while away afternoons at the local bar, swapping rumors about voodoo, incest, and illegitimate children. Usually theyre gossiping about the Botens. In this epic saga, Lolita Files unveils the hidden lives of three generations of the Boten clan, a family as cursed by fate as they are blessed with hope. Theres Grandma Amalie, whos willing to sacrifice everything for her son; theres Grace, who manages to conceal the identity of her childs father for more than twenty years; theres Aunt Sukie, whose strange power over her husband, Walter, is matched only by the strength of her dark magic; and, finally, theres Lay, whose secret betrayals will set the Boten clan in motion, sending its members on a quest for self-discovery that will lead them from one end of the world to the other.From the drug-infested world of inner-city Detroit to the jungles of Vietnam, Lolita Files deftly captures one familys struggle to drag demons out into the light in this compelling story of the bonds of blood, forbidden love, sacrifice and redemption.
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