please tell me whence Charmed: A Sugar Maple short story by Barbara Bretton (Goodreads Author) online pdf shop ipad acquire

please tell me whence Charmed: A Sugar Maple short story by Barbara Bretton (Goodreads Author) online pdf shop ipad acquire

please tell me whence Charmed: A Sugar Maple short story by Barbara Bretton (Goodreads Author) online pdf shop ipad acquire

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Book description
Can you keep a secret?Growing up in Sugar Maple, Vermont, knit shop owner and sorceress-in-training Chloe Hobbs learned to keep a secret before she learned to tie her shoes. When your town is home to werewolves, vampires, trolls, sprites, and everything else the real world is told doesnt exist, you learn quickly how to hide in plain sight.And now shes keeping the happiest secret of her life: she and 100% human chief of police Luke MacKenzie are going to have a baby.But when a quiet young knitter at an afternoon workshop blurts out a warning about Chloes unborn baby girl, Chloe and her magickal friends quickly discover just how hard it is to keep the biggest secret of them all.
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