please tell me whence Cadel Evans: Close To Flying by Cadel Evans ebay price shop free find

please tell me whence Cadel Evans: Close To Flying by Cadel Evans ebay price shop free find

please tell me whence Cadel Evans: Close To Flying by Cadel Evans ebay price shop free find

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Book description
The professional racing cyclist talks candidly and philosophically about his sport and how he survived the demoralizing exploits of artificially enhanced rivals to become one of the worlds best cyclists The personal story of a champion in the making, this is a behind the scenes look at the extraordinary dedication and hard work it takes to reach the highest level of elite sport. Few noticed Cadel Evans in his first Tour de France when in the last week he was photographed on the final climb of the stage alongside the leaders Lance Armstrong and Ivan Basso—but he was determined to succeed, and that year he finished eighth. By 2006 he was fifth overall and in 2007 he lost to Alberto Contador by a mere 23 seconds. Who is this dedicated sportsman, and what has been his formula for success? Cadel gives us a glimpse of the physical and psychological tests that are required to be the best, as well as an illuminating and fascinating look at the Tour de France—the teams, the climbs, the politics, and the opponents that make it the most renowned cycling race in the world.
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