please tell me whence Burning Bridges by Laura Anne Gilman (Goodreads Author) book txt online

please tell me whence Burning Bridges by Laura Anne Gilman (Goodreads Author) book txt online

please tell me whence Burning Bridges by Laura Anne Gilman (Goodreads Author) book txt online

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Book description
Wren Valere used to be almost invisible. But now shes not only being seen, shes getting involved.Recent attacks against nonhuman Fatae have escalated into hate crimes against magic users in general--humans included. With the Mage Council distracted by internal power struggles, Wren is guilted into stepping up as spokesperson for the fragilely united Fatae and lonejack communities.And, because the cosmos deems her without enough complications, her partner-lover Sergei is drowning in his own problems. But not only cant she help him shes the cause.With lives on the line, including her own, Wrens going to have to break the lonejack credo, ditch her long-cherished invisibility and take a stand.But burning bridges can be deadly.
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