please tell me whence Buddhahood without Meditation: Dudjom Lingpas Visions of the Great Perfection, Volume 2 by Dudjom Lingpa windows without signing epub book view

please tell me whence Buddhahood without Meditation: Dudjom Lingpas Visions of the Great Perfection, Volume 2 by Dudjom Lingpa windows without signing epub book view

please tell me whence Buddhahood without Meditation: Dudjom Lingpas Visions of the Great Perfection, Volume 2 by Dudjom Lingpa windows

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Book description

Book description
To reach Buddhahood without meditation at first glance appears an impossible task. The highly influential mystic Dudjom Lingpa and his disciple Sera Khandro address this seeming contradiction and what it means in B. Alan Wallaces landmark translation.Dudjom Lingpa (1835–1904) was one of the foremost tantric masters of his time. Buddhahood without Meditation is his most widely taught visionary text. In a series of fourteen visionary encounters with wisdom beings and historical figures in the Great Perfection lineage, Du¨djom Lingpa’s transcendent teachers emphasize the view of cutting through to the original purity of pristine awareness. This view is developed via four themes: nonexistence, oneness, uniform pervasiveness, and spontaneous actualization, which are known as the four special samayas, or pledges, of the Great Perfection. At each stage of his spiritual progress, Dudjom Lingpa’s doubts are dispelled and his realizations enhanced by pithy advice.  Also included here are two complementary works by Dudjom Lingpas charismatic female disciple, Sera Khandro, who is accomplished and well loved in her own right. Her short composition Fine Path to Liberation establishes the necessary motivation and conduct for receiving teachings such as Buddhahood Without Meditation. This sublime Dharma is to be seen in the context of the five perfections of the sambhogakaya: the teacher, place, time, disciples, and Dharma are fully perfected and must not be reified as ordinary.  Sera Khandros Garland for the Delight of the Fortunate fills in the gaps of Buddhahood Without Meditatio, explaining the metaphors, and spelling out the implications of the root text’s highly condensed verses. This extensive commentary is liberally supported with quotations from seminal sutras, tantras, and commentaries. Unless one has already reached a very high level of realization, this commentary is an essential key for unlocking the profound wisdom contained in Buddhahood Without Meditation.
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