please tell me whence Bubbles, Bubbles (Sesame Beginnings) by Sesame Workshop eReader download online ebay itunes

please tell me whence Bubbles, Bubbles (Sesame Beginnings) by Sesame Workshop eReader download online ebay itunes

please tell me whence Bubbles, Bubbles (Sesame Beginnings) by Sesame Workshop eReader download online ebay itunes

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Book description

Book description
This is a rhyming book for infants. This can help infants learn the word bubbles, and they can learn some of their body parts like nose and toes. I believe infants will love this book because it shows bright colors, and children love sesame street. While I read this book out loud, I would touch the infants toes and nose softly when the words nose and toes comes up. Also, this book introduces numbers only from one through three, and I will say 1,2,3 and showing them 1-3 with my fingers as I am saying them out loud.
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