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please tell me whence Boost: Create Good Habits Using Psychology and Technology by Max Ogles (Goodreads Author) android download writer german pocket

please tell me whence Boost: Create Good Habits Using Psychology and Technology by Max Ogles (Goodreads Author) android download

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Book description
One of the most accessible and useful books about habits that I have read. - Amazon Reviewer In Boost, a tech entrepreneur teaches you how to create good habits using psychology and technology. Youll read dozens of fascinating stories, from the 13-year-old girl who landed a clothing line at Nordstrom to the little-known origins of the 20th centurys most famous Paul McCartney melody. Along the way, take a look at compelling psychological research to learn why charitable people live longer, why youre likely to fail when your willpower is strongest, and much more. The book is simple, direct, and contains valuable insights about creating habits. Each section ends with actionable tasks you can do to apply the principles from the book. Become familiar with the latest habit-forming technology and the psychological principles behind it, on your way to achieving your own good habits. Along with the book, youll receive access to a free guide, 117 Apps to Help You Create Good Habits, which introduces you to the top apps and services that will help you apply the principles from the book. Download your copy of Boost: Create Good Habits Using Psychology and Technology by scrolling up and clicking Buy Now With 1-Click button. Tags: habit change, self-help, habit book, breaking bad habits, making good habits, making habits, breaking habits, effective habits, healthy habits, productivity habits, habit, habits, the power of habit, habit change, good habits, bad habits, habit, successful habits, breaking habits, habit forming, how to break bad habits, how to stop bad habits, breaking bad habits, good habits to have, forming good habits
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