please tell me whence Bird & Squirrel On Fire by James Burks (Goodreads Author) ios online portable pc bookstore

please tell me whence Bird & Squirrel On Fire by James Burks (Goodreads Author) ios online portable pc bookstore

please tell me whence Bird & Squirrel On Fire by James Burks (Goodreads Author) ios online portable pc bookstore

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Book description
Its been a long, crazy trip around the world. Now the duo is back in their beloved forest, and Bird wants to throw a party! But Squirrel isnt in the mood to celebrate. His house needs a good cleaning, the river has been dammed up by a pesky beaver, and the forest animals are jittery about a growing menace. Will the dam dry out the forest? Will the mysterious new danger ruin the party? Will Bird finally convince Squirrel to let go and just have a good time? Find out in their hilarious new adventure!
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