please tell me whence Better Food for Pregnancy: Nutrition Guide Plus More Than 125 Recipes for Healthy Pregnancy and Breastfeeding by Daina Kalnins fb2 direct link book wiki kickass

please tell me whence Better Food for Pregnancy: Nutrition Guide Plus More Than 125 Recipes for Healthy Pregnancy and Breastfeeding by Daina Kalnins fb2 direct link book wiki kickass

please tell me whence Better Food for Pregnancy: Nutrition Guide Plus More Than 125 Recipes for Healthy Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

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Book description

Book description
Expert nutritional advice and tasty recipes for a healthy pregnancy.Pregnancy is not a time for guesswork about nutrition. Expecting women have specific nutritional needs and will find it useful to have a sensible guide to this vital information.Better Food for Pregnancy is that guide. Written by experts on staff at the renowned Hospital for Sick Children, this book is comprehensive and authoritative. The first half of the book addresses:nutritional needs before conception and during each trimester how a mothers diet affects growth of the fetus healthy weight gains through each trimester nutritional supplements including vitamins, minerals, and herbs effects of particular foods, such as coffee, unpasteurized cheeses, and alcohol increased nutrient requirements needed during lactation The second half of the book features 125 recipes ideally suited to expectant mothers. Each recipe has a complete nutrient analysis plus there are handy meal plans and Snacks on the Go that help prevent nausea and vomiting. Every page of the nutrition section is packed with tips, sidebars, recommendations, and common-sense guidelines presented in easy-to-use tables and charts.Better Food for Pregnancy is an invaluable tool to help women make the best decisions during a critical time in their childs development.
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