please tell me whence Annas Book by Barbara Vine apple francais wiki writer online

please tell me whence Annas Book by Barbara Vine apple francais wiki writer online

please tell me whence Annas Book by Barbara Vine apple francais wiki writer online

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Book description
Anna is a young Danish woman living in London at the turn of the century. Homesick and lonely for her husband, she keeps her innermost thoughts in a diary. When she dies, these memoirs, spanning sixty years, will be published to international acclaim and huge commercial success. But as Annas granddaughter discovers many years later, one entry has been cut out of the original journals, which may shed light on an unsolved multiple murder - the stabbing death of an elderly woman and her daughter - and the mysterious disappearance of an infant child. Vintage Vine, this novel alternates between passages from Annas best-selling memoirs and the thoughts of Annas granddaughter, recent heir to Annas estate. With unforgettable characters and a plot rich in complexity, the mystery unfolds like a dark flower, petal by petal. Another tour de force from Barbara Vine.
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