please tell me whence Alpha Bait by Zoe Perdita (Goodreads Author) sale price value ios online

please tell me whence Alpha Bait by Zoe Perdita (Goodreads Author) sale price value ios online

please tell me whence Alpha Bait by Zoe Perdita (Goodreads Author) sale price value ios online

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Book description
Sam grew up next door to a house full of hot as hell Russian brothers, but something about the boys was always off. After he’s attacked by a huge white wolf as a teenager, Sam leaves the town and his friends behind. He can’t deal with the mixture of confusing emotions surging through him whenever he’s around the Russian young men. Seven years later, the death of his parents brings Sam back to his former life. Now he has to deal with the five sexy brothers all grown up, the return of the huge white wolf and his overwhelming desire for the gorgeous Russian men. But Yuri, the oldest brother, isn’t happy with Sam’s return. He claims Sam is wolf’s bait and that he needs the five sexy brothers to protect him from werewolves hell bent on claiming him as their own.Will Sam accept their protection at the price of his freedom?Formally published as the Savage Wolf Pack Complete including the following chapters: Wolf Bait, Wolf Charm, Wolf Lust, Wolf Bite, Wolf Tempt and Wolf Mate
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