please tell me whence Alfons och Milla by Gunilla Bergström read apple audio direct link get

please tell me whence Alfons och Milla by Gunilla Bergström read apple audio direct link get

please tell me whence Alfons och Milla by Gunilla Bergström read apple audio direct link get

> READ BOOK > Alfons och Milla

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Book description

Book description
Alfons is about 8, and his best friend is Milla. The other boys inform him that this is socially unacceptable. Everyone knows what girls are like! Theyve got cooties (tjej-baciller, in case youre wondering). And theyre silly, and theyre always checking themselves out in the mirror, and they whisper things to each other, and start giggling for no reason. To mention just a few of the things they do... the book gives four whole pages of examples. Alfons tries in vain to tell them that Millas not like that... shes cool! Quite apart from anything else, shes one of the few kids whos not afraid to jump from the garage roof. But the pressure keeps getting worse, and pretty soon there are ugly rumors going around about a romantic relationship. One day, a heart (Alfons + Milla = True, is how you write it in Swedish) appears in the boys bathroom at school. As the narrator observes: it isnt nice to have your heart on the bathroom wall.So Alfons has to stop playing with Milla, and he feels pretty sad about it. Until one day he sees that shes building a tree-fort. This is just too much. He has to be in on it too! So he helps her with the construction work, and, when the other kids try to make insinuations, he just tells them politely to go fuck themselves. I love this story!
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