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please tell me whence A Moments Indiscretion by Peggy J. Herring reader free ios torrent prewiew

please tell me whence A Moments Indiscretion by Peggy J. Herring reader free ios torrent prewiew

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Book description
Unlucky in love, advertising executive Jackie Knovac has had more than her share of unfaithful and unstable lovers. Unwilling to let down her guard, she vows never to let another woman get close enough to love her...or to hurt her. Though many tried, no one could break through Jackies emotional barriers – no one that is, until Valerie Dennison.From the moment beautiful young Valerie walks into her office, Jackie is torn between better judgment and the overwhelming attraction she feels. Despite her resolve – and the fact that she knows little about the woman’ s mysterious past – Jackies fears begin to vanish in the power of Valeries sensuous charm. But if she dares to trust again, will Jackie be opening herself up to a world of hope and passion...or a nightmare of betrayal and shattered dreams?
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