

Акулич Маша

Hello, Olga Sergeevna. today I will tell you about spring in the Republic of Belarus.

In March snow and ice melt away fast, slush and unattractive views, give way to, green grass, the first flowers, but freezing temperatures at nights stand the night's hoar frost.

In April begin to recover fresh and tender green, multicolored tulips, primroses, peonies, daffodils, irises.

In May fabulous, beautiful nature, fair weather, comfortable temperatures, busy birds making nests, blossoming fruit trees, encourage life, but in May you have limitations about activities don't go for a swim in a river or lake because water is cold, but you can go to pienic by a river, and for example see gracious swans.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to write to me at email

With best wishes, Masha Akulich

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