

Brienne Nihira

i want so many pictures taken of me. i want

pictures of me writing in journals. i want pictures of me reading. i want pics of me watching the sky and i want pictures of me being excited. i want pictures of me jumping up and down after hearing the best news ever and i want pictures of me having to fix my glasses. i want pictures of me with my hair being blown everywhere because of the wind and i want pictures of me so blurry that im not even sure what im doing in them.i want photos of me sitting on my bed with my phone in one hand and a cigarette in the other whilst laughing the hardest i've ever laughed. i want pictures of me looking out windows and pictures of me sitting on the floor with paint all over my hands in nothing but a long flannel.i want pictures of me running in all types of directions in fields.i want pictures of my facial expression the second someone calls my name. want pictures of me dancing and jamming to music and i want photos of me when im in deep thought. i want pictures of me when im a mess and sobbing on the floor.

 i just want so many pics of me doing things be i wanna know what kind of person everyone else sees. i want to capture every raw moment

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