Part 1

Part 1



It was a cold day for Monaco That old wooden cafe was really beautiful, but it had its own ridiculous problems For example, when it rained, water would drip from the roof It was very small, maybe four tables and chairs were forced inside it But it was beautiful.. It was in a normal neighborhood, not expensive The heating system did not work very well and it was always very cold there on cold days and very hot on hot days because there was no good air conditioning system. It was so small that it didn't even need to have many workers Charles was almost alone in everything there Of course, he also preferred solitude That cafe had its special customers, it is rare for a new customer to enter the cafe As always, he was busy putting buckets under the roof leaks The creaking sound of the old cafe door made him concentrate A new fragrance seemed to have reached his nose When he raised his head, he was stopped by the man in the long black coat That man was more stylish than one could imagine He said to himself, this must be rich, what is he doing here? The man chose the most comfortable place to sit Charles slowly went to him and said hello When the man opened his mouth to speak, it was clear that he was not there He only ordered a coffee But Charles took a piece of his simple cake along with coffee to sell more

I did not order a cake 

I know you are my guest Charles smiled at the man in such a way that the hollow in his cheek glowed The man looked at him and said, is there any occasion? Not just because you are a new customer and a traveler, I wanted to bring you our daily cake 


Aha? Only this? Charles said to himself how uneducated. Charles was attentive to the man, but he didn't want to seem too strange

Seeing the pen and paper on his desk, he became more curious and wanted to go further and learn more about that mysterious man. That man's words broke the silence of the cafe “I want someone to show me Monaco, I will pay good money for it” Charles concentrated more and his full attention went to the man The man looked and said, "Can you show me Monaco?" Charles raised his shoulders and said yeah why not!! Man. He smiled faintly and said what should I call you? I am Charles and you?

You can call me Carlos…..

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