Paranormal Activity

Paranormal Activity

Little Fox

Something happened last night. A few mins before 4AM my time. I couldn't move. I could feel something climbing unto my bed. It just lay on me.

I suddenly wake up and there was nothing.

So, I fall asleep again. Again, it happens. Except my eyes are open. And I can't move again.

This time, I feel it crawl. The weight of my bed shifts.

I wake up. Nothing.

I'm scared as hell, because it's 4AM, still dark, and every time I try to fall asleep, it's like I'm not in my body and that something else wants to take over.

I'm not sure if you feel the same but sometimes, I can feel when someone is getting closer to my room. Like, it might be footsteps, or the noise of someone approaching... but this time it was all silent and that feeling was very strong.

I lay in bed awake for a bit longer until finally I felt calm enough to go back to sleep.


Half asleep, I feel my blanket move away from me, as the cold air embraced my legs.

I could feel my dress move up. This time I'm awake. Wide awake, but my eyes are closed. I don't want to see what's taken my blanket. I don't want to see what's moved my night dress to expose my thighs.

Suddenly, I feel a light but quick tickle right on my panties. It was sharp, I'm scared to find out if it's really sharp. I don't want to open my eyes at all. I don't want whatever it is to find out I know what's happening. I shut my eyes tighter, hoping it' just a dream. A really scary dream.

I feel a breath against my panties. I slowly move my legs apart, from each other.

Why am I doing this?

As I try to move my legs back together, I feel circular movements around my area.

What's happening? This has to stop!

I let out a soft moan.

I wake up.

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