𐂥 — 𝑺𝑶𝑹𝑻𝑰𝑵𝑮 𝑯𝑨𝑻.

within the venerable chamber, the sorting hat, an enigmatic artifact steeped in antiquity, perched atop a ceremonial stool, awaited its moment of transcendence. stitching whispered forgotten incantations, and its brim bore the weight of centuries' worth of sagacity.

the sorting hat delved into the recesses of each young mind, a sagacious arbiter unraveling the tapestry of their magical essence. its decisions, a confluence of wisdom and intuition, echoed through the chamber like whispers of ancient spells.

as the shorting hat whispered its counsel “perhaps in slytherin, you'll make your real friends, those cunning folk use any means, to achieve their ends.” the assembly witnessed a metamorphosis in each student's countenance—a moment of self-discovery etched in the subtle nuances of their expressions. the sorting hat, an oracle of arcane cognition, proclaimed its verdict “SLYTHERIN!” aligning each apprentice with the essence of their destined house.

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