

Dear Sirs,

In response to your message, we can confirm that we are indeed the current owner of the domain „soulevents.com“. We appreciate your interest in this domain.

soulevents.com” is a great domain: easy to remember, catchy and brandable.

We take part in a bigger group of companies with lots of projects and new company foundings. Therefore, we regularly register or buy domain names which seem suitable for our purposes. We are interested in names/domains which are in particular: short and catchy / easy to pronounce, easy to spell, easy to remember / brandable.

Since we acknowledge that other persons/companies have good ideas/projects, too, for which they need good names/domains, we consider offerings for our registered domains on an individual basis.


We list our domains with a minimum offer price tag and make a current estimate of the value of a domain, when we receive a buyer’s offer above the minimum offer.

For security reasons, “soulevents.com” comes together with “soul-events.com”.  

Particularly, given the valuation of USD 3’632 for “soulevents.com” and USD 1’489 for “soul-events.com” by godaddy.com (www.godaddy.com/domain-value-appraisal), the investments we made in this domain, our expenditure for managing and transferring domains, and the potential we are giving to this unique domain, we see USD 6’999 as a fair price for this domain group.

We are convinced that “soulevents.com” and “soul-events.com” will bring both, value and joy and success to its future owner.

Fontes Finance AG

Marco Minuz

lic. oec. HSG et lic. iur. HSG

CEMS Master in International Management

eidg. dipl. Immobilientreuhänder


Maienwies 6                      mob +41 (0) 76 577 39 39

8852 Altendorf                   tel   +41 (0) 44 786 18 18

Schweiz/Switzerland         fax   +41 (0) 44 786 25 25


www.fontes.ch                   mail@fontes.ch

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