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Original Mattress Factory Best Bed


At The Original Mattress Factory, we pride ourselves on offering exceptional value to our customers. We manufacture our own brand of mattresses and box springs in our locally owned and operated factories and sell direct to the consumer, ensuring that you get the best possible products for the very best price. We also strive to educate our customers and help you understand what sets us apart…from our two-sided mattresses and real working box springs to our friendly, knowledgeable and courteous sales associates. All that you have to do is choose the bed that is best for you…whether it be a traditional innerspring model, one of our latex mattresses or perhaps an adjustable bed. In the market for more than just a mattress? We also sell quality bedding accessories such as headboards, heavy duty frames, mattress protectors, pillows and sheets for your convenience. We also offer custom mattresses including RV Mattresses, Boat Mattresses, Antique Bed Mattresses and more! Adjustable Bed Sleep Systems

Adjustable bed units give you the flexibility to raise or lower the head and foot of your adjustable bed, as well as enjoy the specialty massage features. Sheets, bed frames, pillows, center supports, mattress pads, and more to help you enhance your sleep environment in a simple and convenient manner. We feature a selection of beds and headboards from Fashion Bed Group®, who specializes in decorative beds. Mattress & box spring Construction See what makes our mattresses and box springs different from the national brands. We offer home mattress delivery service in our local areas for a nominal charge, including set-up in your home. The Original Mattress Factory Orthopedic Luxury Firm mattress This queen-size innerspring mattress from the Original Mattress Factory measures 14 inches high and has 4 grips for handling. to get immediate access to our unbiased reviews and ratings The The Original Mattress Factory Orthopedic Luxury Firm is part of the Mattress

test program at Consumer Reports. In our lab tests, Mattress models like the Orthopedic Luxury Firm are rated on multiple criteria, such as those listed below. Petite side sleeper: Sleepers small in both height and weight. Average side sleeper: An average of both the petite and large scores that applies to many people. Large/Tall side sleeper: Side sleepers who are above 6 ft 2 inches tall and/or 220 pounds.Now that you’ve determined you need a new mattress, it’s time to start shopping! Before you go, take note of these simple shopping tips so that you can make an informed decision at the store. If possible, the person(s) that will be sleeping in the bed should try it out at the store before purchasing to ensure that it meets their individual comfort preference. Selecting a mattress for someone else is a difficult task and should be avoided. If you must select a bed without trying it first, be sure to ask about the return policy. Wear comfortable clothes for lying down and shoes that can be easily removed.

Pants are always a good idea when shopping for a new bed. Lie down and relax on each model that you are considering. You should try lying on your back, side and stomach. Ask yourself these questions: Is there enough space? Are my hips and shoulders comfortable? The longer you test a mattress, the more adequately you will be able to judge whether or not it’s right for you. Get the whole story.  Study all of the available information about the product.  Read the labeling and be sure to ask questions about product features and design.  If you have any doubts, ask the sales associate to write down the key product information for you. Shop at a store you know and trust. You should feel confident that you are getting good information, good service and top quality products. Shop for the best value, not the lowest price. You can always find "bargain bedding" at rock bottom prices, but when it comes to getting a good night’s sleep, you should always buy the best that you can afford.

Be wary of "free" products. Some ads offer a free frame or delivery, but in reality nothing is free. If you go to a store that advertises anything "free" and try to just get the "free" item, without making a purchase, you will find that it is built into the price of the merchandise you buy and nothing is "free." If you need a frame, make sure you purchase a good one. All quality frames should have at least 2” wide wheels and a center support with a leg(s) for Full, Queen and King size mattress sets. A sub-standard frame will only cause you problems in the long run and is not a bargain at any price. Buy a complete set if at all possible. Mattresses and box springs are designed to work together and should be purchased as such. A real working box spring not only provides more consistent support, but also helps the mattress last longer by acting as a shock absorber. However, please note that some beds don’t use a box spring (i.e. platform beds, bunk beds). This is something that you should keep in mind when shopping for furniture as not having a box spring will affect the feel and durability of your mattress.

Compare different brands feature for feature and make an educated buying decision that you can feel good about.Looking for the best mattress for your money? To cut through the clutter of advertising you'll see out there, Consumer Reports has a look at the best mattresses and mattress retailers. The magazine broke out their findings by category: Traditional innerspring, memory foam and adjustable air. In each category, Consumer Reports recommends a best buy, as well as other mattresses they recommend based on ratings. Innerspring: The Denver Mattress Doctor's Choice for $500.  The Sealy Posturepedic Hybrid Trust Cushion for $1,275 is also a best buy in this category, with a higher rating, but it's obviously a bit more expensive. Memory foam: Tuft & Needle Ten for $600. (Message from Tuft & Needle: "We don't actually use any memory foam in our mattress. We use our own time of polyfoam, T&N Adaptive™ foam. We created it with a foam scientist to have the pressure relief and comfort of memory foam and the breathability and support of latex foam.")

The Novaform 14" Serafina Pearl Gel (Costco) is also a "best buy" pick for this category, but it's more expensive at $800. Adjustable air: Sleep Number c2 Bed for $800. It's important to remember that price does not necessarily equate to satisfaction with mattresses. A more expensive mattress may not make for a better product. For more tips on finding the right mattress for you, check out Consumer Reports' buying guide here. Read more: What you need to know about sleeping pills On the question of retailers, Consumer Reports ranked the Original Mattress Factory stores as the top choice for customer satisfaction. Costco Wholesale was a close second. The high placement for Costco may reflect their return policy on mattresses: A full money back refund without penalty and no time limit. That really makes Costco stand apart! I particularly like the warehouse clubs for mattress shopping, and I've long advised people to test the mattress right there in the store for an extended period.

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