Cuando se eliminan portales se crea un área de exclusión de unos 50 metros alrededor de dónde estaba

Tenéis que ir a la página de soporte, abrir el chat, saltar las recomendaciones de páginas a consultar, seleccionar 'problem with scanner/intel map/OPR', seleccionar de nuevo opr y mandar lo que sea

In the February 2019 Ingress AMA Andrew Krug stated that NIA Ops would like to reach out to players that have outstanding portal submissions that are not seeing upgrades applied to them. I have ## outstanding submissions in my queue: <PONER NOMBRE DE LOS PORTALES EN EL LIMBO AQUÍ>. I have one upgrade since they were submitted and none of them were ever selected, even when there was nothing else in the queue. The oldest submission is barely <PONER TIEMPO QUE LLEVAN PENDIENTES> old but given that OPR reviews in my zone usually take <PONER TIEMPO QUE TARDAN EN APROBAR LOS PORTALES NORMALMENTE> to get a response, I believe there’s something unusual about these ones. I have received submission confirmation emails for all of these portals.

Report Page