

Nowadays websites are full of ads that try to sell you something they think you need by creating an unfriendly and irritating browsing experience. Also, lots of them have hidden malware, scammy ads or mining scripts.

Project Description: platform aims at making a groundbreaking change of the Internet, by revolutionizing the browsing experience and making it faster, non-trackable, malware and ad free.

The financial rewarding basis for website operators will be the proof of online, namely a number that quantifies the time spent by users on each website. Most importantly, everyone will benefit from an ad free, secure and private browsing experience. Also, the end users will be able to rank each website based on their experience, by using a voting system based on 1 to 5 stars. The stars will then be converted based on an algorithmic formula in Trust Rating which will be an indicative of each websites' quality, awarded by its visitors.

Main Features: no ads, no tracking, antivirus protection, faster browsing, browser extensions, mobile application, ethereum based, wallets, merchants, marketplace.


The name of the token is OIO . Payment methods accepted: Ethereum, Bitcoin, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin Gold, Dash, Eth. Classic. Maximum number of tokens is 2500 millions. OIO token price is 0.04 USD. Softcap is $ 5 millions. Hardcap is $ 50 millions. Pre-sale started on June 15,2018. Public start on Jule 10, 2018. TGE end on 31 July 2018.

Bonus: 15-19 June(25%), 20-24 June(20%),25-29 June(15%), 30 June-4 July(10%), 5-9 July(5%), 10-31 July(no bonus).

The distribution of tokens: community - 70%, reserve fund - 15%, marketing-10%, advisers-5%.


Partners are Microleaves,, Zfort, Hubs Crypto Fest and Quality Verified. Whitepaper is available for download English, Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese. As of June 21, 2018 in telegram – 12374 followers, facebook - 13467, twitter - 12000, linked in-107, reddit - 535, google-31, medium and bitcointalk. There is a channel on YouTube called Blockchain Technologies (39 subscribers).


In 2018 was completed 2nd phase of research, published Whitepaper, finished development for user API, started private TGE sales and TGE platform beta version, finished Online time tracking development, implemented ICE token distribution algorithm. Also, in 2018 will be extension Chrome and Firefox browser beta, will be publish ICE token smart contract, will be release beta version of web dashboard for OIO and ICE token owners, will be start mobile applications development. In 2019 will be feature wallet additional security, will be release marketplace beta, will be release marketplace and will be release plug-ins for E-Commerce solutions. 


The team includes 22 people, which of them 10 advisors and 1 co-founder.

ALEXANDRU IULIAN FLOREA - officer at MICROLEAVES LTD. Iulian is a serial entrepreneur with over 9+ years experience and over 10 start-up exits. He started his online venture as a very successful Affiliate Marketer which lead him on the path of Online Entrepreneurship. He is the founder and CEO of Microleaves, which under his management has grown to the World Largest Peer-to-Peer Residential Proxy Network with over 30 million IPs and around 20k customers including top Fortune 500 Companies.

Advisors have work experience in different places, such as Tuca Zbarcea &Asociatii, Jeco Capital, ZotAds, DELOITTE, ORACLE, Hubs, Open Hosting, MaZee.

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