One-Punch Man

One-Punch Man


[🇯🇵] ワンパンマン


Saitama has a rather peculiar hobby, being a superhero, but despite his heroic deeds and superhuman abilities, a shadow looms over his life. He's become much too powerful, to the point that every opponent ends up defeated with a single punch.
The lack of challenge has driven him into a state of apathy, as he watches his life pass by having lost all enthusiasm, at least until he's unwillingly thrust in the role of being a mentor to the young and revenge-driven Genos.

Main Characters:


🇯🇵 サイタマ

Character ID: 73935

About Character and Role:

Race: Human
Alias: Bald Cape
Height: 175 cm (5'9")
Weight: 70 kg (154 lbs.)
Location: Z-City
Abilities: Invaluable Physical Prowess, Supernatural Reflexes and Senses, Invulnerability, Indomitable Will
Occupation: Superhero
Level: A-Class; Rank 39
Affiliation: The Heroes Association
Partner(s): Genos (Disciple)
Debut: Chapter 1

Saitama is the main protagonist of One Punch Man, and the most powerful hero alive. Having apparently trained himself to superhuman condition, Saitama faces an existential crisis as he is now too powerful to gain any thrill from his heroic deeds. He is registered with the Heroes Association as a C-Class Superhero and is tasked to defend Z-City against Mysterious Beings.

Appearance: Saitama is a bald man of thin, but well-built physique and average height and weight. He claims to have lost all of his hair suddenly and prematurely as a result of the toll taken on his body by intense hero training. Three years before the story line, Saitama had spiky, black hair and brown eyes. Saitama is usually deliberately drawn in a simpler style than other characters, with a very rounded head and only a simple mouth and eyes. When drawn in a more 'action-oriented' style with more detail, Saitama is revealed to have sharp features, dangerous looking eyes, and chiseled musculature. His costume is a plain yellow jumpsuit with a short zipper at the collar and a belt. The costume is finished out by a red ensemble of boots, gloves and a cape.

Personality: For a superhero, Saitama is rather laid-back. Because even the mightiest foes pose no challenge to him, he doesn't take his hero work very seriously. In spite of this, he is constantly searching for an opponent that can challenge him, since his superhero work is beginning to bore him because it's too easy. The combination of his attitude, unstoppable strength, and distinctively simple and 'unimpressive' appearance often cause his battles to become anticlimactic. Saitama will usually allow his opponents to rant about their motives and power up into their strongest forms before suddenly and nonchalantly obliterating them with one punch.

(Source: One Punch-Man Wikia)


🇯🇵 ジェノス

Character ID: 73979

About Character and Role:

Race: Cyborg
Alias: Demon Cyborg
Height: 178 cm (5'10")
Weight: Undisclosed
Location: Z-City
Abilities: Enhancements Physical feats, Full Cyborg Weaponry, Highly Skilled and Strategist Combatant
Weapons: Cyborg Body
Occupation: Superhero
Level: S-Class; Rank 16 (beginning), Rank 14 (current)
Affiliation: The Heroes Association
Partner(s): Saitama (Master)
Debut: Chapter 6 / Episode 1

Genos (ジェノス Jienosu) is a 19 years old cyborg and a self claimed disciple of Saitama. He is always aiming to become stronger and fights for justice.

Appearance: Genos has a mechanical body of a teenage model, a pale looking face, yellow eyebrows, black sclera and yellow piercing eyes and has blond spiky hair. Over his mechanical limbs, he wears black pants and black shoes. Genos sometimes sports new black mechanical arms, during the time when he sparred with Saitama, and during the time on preparing to stop a giant meteor, he equipped more block-shaped, black mechanical arms along with a small headgear. Sometimes the arm sets he uses create a metal framing around his face, like when utilizing Arms Mode and in his Monster Association Arc Upgrade.

Personality: Genos is an extremelly serious character. He has a strong drive to get stronger than he is, and pesters Saitama to train him frequently.

(Source: One Punch-Man Wikia)

More Info:

Started On: 5/10/2015



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