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Old Wooden Chair Hire


COPYRIGHT © 2015 MY SWEET EVENT. WEBSITE DESIGNED BY DEARLY MY FRANK.Loot Vintage Rentals is Texas’ largest vintage rental and event styling company. Providing rentals for weddings, events, styled shoots, and more. Serving central Texas and beyond!AFR Event Furnishings offers exquisite furniture and accessory rentals for special events, corporate meetings, weddings, conferences, and trade shows nationwide. AFR has made its mark in the hospitality and event industry by providing unique, upscale furniture and accessory rentals to the social, red carpet, corporate, conference and trade show event professional. Our creativity and service strengths combined with our expansive inventory make us a go-to resource that many leading industry companies readily rely on for event furniture rentals. Immerse yourself in AFR’s versatile collections including lounges, café and bar tables, occasional seating, lighted cubes, chairs, tables and bars, accessories,, trend-forward outdoor furniture, and occasional tables in traditional to modern styles.

Our event furniture rental division services all major cities across the country, including Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Miami, Chicago, New York City, Dallas and more.In the course of owning a home, it is practically guaranteed that your furniture will, at some point, need repair. What is the cost of repairing furniture?The average cost to expect is $107 and $252, with larger repairs like re-upholstery of a couch costing considerably more. Here are some factors to consider in furniture repair.While there are many different pieces of furniture that may need repair, the most common furniture repairs involve dining tables, sofas, and recliners.In many homes, the dining table is a catch-all surface for grocery boxes and bags, school books for the kids, and everything else that comes into your home and needs a spot to rest. Using your dining table in this way can lead to scratches and dents in its surface.However, often the problem is that your table leg has become structurally unsound because of a large crack or break.

If this happens, you will need to replace the table leg entirely, and possibly repair the bracketing that secures the leg to the table.  The cost of table leg replacement depends on several different factors, including:For popular table leg styles, you may be able to find pre-made matching table legs. The costs for this vary widely. If your table is older or is a style that is uncommon, you may need to find a woodworker to fashion a replacement leg for you. Many woodworkers charge an hourly rate of $25 to $30. Additional costs will include the cost of the wood itself and the cost of any refinishing that needs to be done to match your other table legs.The procedures and costs of repairing or replacing sofa legs are much the same as the ones outlined above for repairing or replacing table legs. Broken frames usually require replacement of the sofa. Methods of repairing upholstery vary depending on how extensive the damage is, where the damage is, and what type of material covers your sofa.

For padding and upholstery problems, the same standard rates listed for sofas apply also to recliners. For bent reclining mechanisms and broken springs, costs can range from $200 to $350, making it often more cost-effective to replace than repair.There is a big difference between the costs of repairing something that simply looks bad or repairing structural damage to furniture. For instance, repairing a scratch on the surface of your table will cost considerably less than replacing a broken table leg.When thinking about a repair, determine whether the repair is structural or cosmetic. Here are some common examples of each:Cosmetic repairs include things like:Structural repairs include things like:In general, cosmetic repairs cost substantially less than structural ones, with the possible exception of re-upholstery of a large piece of furniture, which is technically a cosmetic repair, but costs more than some structural repairs.You may need to re-upholster your furniture if the upholstery is seriously damaged or if the furniture requires structural repair that would necessitate removal of existing upholstery.

The average cost of reupholstering furniture is $660, with small chairs costing as little as $150 and large pieces like sofas costing as much as $1500 or more, depending on fabric choice.Often a piece of furniture that is damaged must be refinished after repairs are completed. Here are some typical costs for refinishing several types of furniture:When trying to decide whether to replace or repair a specific piece of furniture, you must consider several factors.  You must gauge the value of the furniture, not only in monetary terms, but according to sentimental value as well. For instance, Grandma’s rocking chair may not be all that expensive monetarily to replace, but it may have extraordinary value to you if Grandma used it to rock generations of your family to sleep over the years.If you have no sentimental attachment to the piece, and are only comparing the cost of repair with the cost of replacement, the question becomes much simpler. Keeping in mind the costs of common repairs as listed above, here are some average costs for replacement.

Of course, these costs vary greatly according to the quality of the piece.  For instance, though the repairs for an older piece of furniture may cost more than a replacement, it is important to remember the intrinsic value of the piece. Older furniture may have been handcrafted, whereas much of the furniture on the market today has been mass-produced and may be of inferior quality.When considering a repair, you must calculate additional costs as well, including possible re-upholstery or refinishing, and also determine whether the repair is largely cosmetic or structurally necessary. Taking all of these considerations into account will help you make wise decisions regarding furniture repair.We Specialize In:Massachusetts Tent Rentals ~ Connecticut Tent Rentals ~ Vermont Tent Rentals ~ Wedding Tent Rentals ~ Special Event Rentals ~ Wedding Accessories Rentals ~ Festival Tent Rentals ~ Family Party Tent Rentals ~ Celebration Tent Rentals ~ Table Rentals ~ Chair Rentals ~ Pole Tent Rentals ~ Frame Tent Rentals ~ Flooring Rentals/Bandstand Rentals ~ Heating Rentals ~ Lighting Rentals ~ Catering Services ~ China Rentals ~ Linen Rentals ~ Tablecloth Rentals ~ Wood Table Rentals ~ Farm Tables Rentals ~ Flooring Rentals ~ Stage Rentals Classical Tents and Party Goods offers many stylish and unique items for your

wedding, party, gala, or special event. After thirty years in business we offer not only the practical tables, chairs, linens and tents that have long been staples in the industry, but also many custom rental items such as farm top tables, all wood tables, rustic wooden chairs, rustic metal bars and rustic wooden bars, real linen tablecloths and real linen napkins, vintage china and vintage glasses.Call to have our friendly, experienced staff guide you in planning your event. Computerized floor plans, site inspections and showroom visits help you have a vision for your next family party, gala, or wedding. Is your backyard sloped? Ask our flooring specialists to recommend a wooden lay-down floor or perfect stage-style floor to even out a difficult spot. Are you concerned about the flow of your upcoming event? Ask our experienced staff to assist you in planning the placement of the restroom trailers, catering tent, parking area, and tents.Classical Tents is the Berkshires’ premier source for wedding and event rentals.

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