office chairs for neck support

office chairs for neck support

office chairs for intensive use

Office Chairs For Neck Support


doi: 10.1097/BRS.0b013e3181cb8f82., , .STUDY DESIGN: A repeated measures observational study.OBJECTIVE: To investigate change in sagittal alignment of head and neck posture in response to adjustments of an office chair with and without a lumbar roll in situ.SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: Forward head posture has been identified as a risk factor for neck pain, and there is evidence to show that ergonomic correction in sitting may reduce the incidence of pain. The effect placement of a lumbar roll has on cervical spine posture has not been previously investigated experimentally but rather, is assumed to have a positive influence on head and neck posture.METHODS: Thirty healthy male participants (18-30 years) were photographed while registered in the natural head resting position in each of 4 sitting positions with and without a lumbar roll in situ. Two positions incorporated adjustments to the back rest and 1 to the seat pan of the office chair. The craniovertebral (CV) angle, as a determinant of head and neck posture was measured from the set of digitized photographs obtained for each participant.

Comparisons between the CV angle in all postural registrations were made using a mixed model analysis adjusted for multiple comparisons.RESULTS: Of the positions examined, significant differences in the mean CV angles were found with the backrest of the chair at 100 degrees and at 110 degrees (P < 0.001). With the lumbar roll in situ and the backrest position at 110 degrees , there was a significant increase in the mean CV compared with the angle without the lumbar roll in situ (2.32 degrees , 95% confidence interval: 1.31-3.33; CONCLUSION: The degree of angulation of the backrest support of an office chair plus the addition of lumbar roll support are the 2 most important factors to be taken into account when considering seating factors likely to favorably change head and neck postural alignment, at least in asymptomatic subjects.Everyone knows that sitting for hours in the office is bad for the back, but we rarely do anything about it. Backcare Awareness Week, which runs from 6 to 12 October, is a good time to change your usual office chair for one that offers better ergonomic support.

But there are a lot to choose from, so to help you out, here’s our pick. 1. Humanscale Freedom Office Chair, £999, John Lewis With a backrest that automatically adapts to your body shape and headrest that moves according to how far you recline, the Humanscale Freedom Office Chair offers the latest in ergonomic technology. Plus, the snug cushions mould to the shape of your body. At nearly a thousand pounds, it’s a lot to cough up for a chair, but worthwhile if you want one of the best on the market. 2. Herman Miller Aeron Office Chair, £925, John Lewis If you are a design buff, this is the one for you. The Museum of Modern Art in New York has an Aeron in its permanent collection, so its design credentials are well established. But this chair is not just pretty to look at – its cushions are made from Pellicle, a high tech material which avoids heat build-ups, helping prevent muscular discomfort. 3. Comfort Operator Chair, £49, Office Furniture Online

It’s not a thing of beauty, but the Comfort Operator Chair is good value for its specification. The three levers allow you to vary the height of the chair and tilt the back rest and seat. Also, the curved foam provides good ergonomic support. This is the reliable Volkswagen – rather than the flashy Ferrari – of the office chair world. Available with or without arms. 4. HÅG Capisco Saddle Chair, £291, Wellworking If you find yourself fidgeting in your usual seat, try the Saddle Chair. The unique design, modelled on a horse rider’s saddle, allows you to sit equally comfortably whether facing forward or turned to the side. Free movement does not have to cost the planet though – this product is made from recycled car bumpers. 5. Classic Balance Ball Chair, £80, amazon You are sure to be greeted with a few raised eyebrows when you bring this into the office, but bemusement could soon turn into envy. Not only is the Classic Balance Ball Chair comfortable, but the act of balancing on it also gives you a powerful core-strengthening workout.

6. Herman Miller Sayl Office Chair, £383, Wellworking Effective spine and neck support needn’t result in a sweaty back. Inspired by the design principles of suspension bridges and modelled on a ship’s sail, the webbed chair back allows good air circulation, keeping you cool. Comes in four colours. 7. Markus Swivel Chair, £130, Ikea This is one of the cheapest executive style office chairs on the market. Offering easy height adjustment and a lockable tilt function – plus a headrest for good neck support – you get all the basics for a reasonable price. Also, this product comes with a 10 year guarantee, so it won’t risk your hard earned cash. 8. Back App Ergonomic Stool, £556, Back2 When you sit on the Back App your feet are placed on the footboard rather than the floor. This allows the chair to rotate around as you move, allowing a greater freedom of movement than that offered by conventional office chairs. At first this can make your lower back feel tired, but after a week or so this should go away.

For wacky style with green credentials, go for the HÅG Capisco Saddle Chair. If you are on more of a budget, the Comfort Operator or the Markus Swivel Chairs are your best bet. Office chair technophiles with money to spend should consider the Humanscale Freedom. But for sheer workmanship and iconic design, the Aeron is my top pick.Neck supports are often used for individuals who have muscular weakness or pain, where rotation of the head to either side or even maintaining the head up presents difficulty. Neck supports can assist with restrictions regarding head mobility, and this may be a contributing factor for stiff neck muscles, poor head and neck posture as well as significant pain. Weakness of neck muscles relates to the ability to control head motion as well as muscle tension, resulting in pain and further impairment of function, leading to additional pain as well as stress and anxiety. Emotionally distressed states may raise muscular tone, complicating the recovery process.

Weak neck muscles and already injured muscular tissues may require the use of neck supports because they are more susceptible regarding injury complications should a sudden motion or unexpected jerking type motion affect the neck, which may cause tears in muscle and/or ligament tissues. In severe cases, the highly sensitive spinal cord and/or spinal bones can be damaged with possible severe consequences. This type of injury can be a consequence from stretching tissues beyond normal limitations as seen with the severe whipping motions seen in some neck injuries, for which various types of neck supports have traditionally been employed. Often as a result of auto accidents, a whiplash type injury also may occur in martial arts or even when someone is moved from sitting or lying down positions without consideration for supporting the neck. For some with weak or damaged muscles and/or ligaments, neck supports can help because even a slight jerk of the head can cause a torn muscle or neck strain.

A neck injury can be very painful, especially when turning the head, raising and lowering in and out of bed or rolling over when in a lying position. Neck supports can be part of an important managing of weak neck muscles as well as prevention of complicating factors. Therefore, determining a good method regarding neck support is essential in reducing the chances of additional damage. For instance, the car neck support can help reduce chances of sustaining whiplash during a rear end vehicle collision, however, if an injury has been sustained, there is even greater value in using this support to help prevent serious complications should another accident occur. A car is perhaps one the most important places to use appropriate supports. Neck supports as well as beck supports can help dampen road vibrations which can be harmful discs and joints. Multiply this by poor posture and you have a major cause for spinal problems, especially when traveling long distances. Although car seat supports are being more utilized in the design of the seats, many vehicles leave much to be desired.

The car seat back support has been a popular car seat support, offering full spinal support and great posture support. This support also easily transfers from your car to you favorite office chair. The increased support for your neck and back can help keep you in better posture and more alert when driving. It also provides protection from a rear end collision, although it has not been crash tested like the car seat head support. The car seat neck support has a main function of increasing comfort. Mainly used for passengers, you will be able to rest with better posture and more comfort, avoiding neck stiffness when you arrive at you destination. Wearing neck supports is an effective method of holding up the head if this is difficult. People with advanced neck weakness should wear neck supports when walking, riding in the car or being transferred from one sitting position to another to protect against injury from sudden motion. Using a support which holds the head up as you walk allows better vision, reducing injury risks associated with falls.

Torticollis is another condition where proper use of neck supports is essential. To promote comfortable use, alternating among the different neck supports may be a solution to reducing pressure points on the skin of long-term users. We offer many varieties of well constructed supports that are soft, flexible and lightweight. Some of these provide only minimal support for persons with advanced neck muscle weakness, while others use air pumps to provide a custom level of support on all sides of the neck. We have worked with some of these as an als neck support and were pleased with some of the results and have since expanded the line of air neck traction models. The headmaster collar is a support which has a low user profile offering a chin support that employs padding for comfort and tubular design which is open, reducing heat build-up. A comfortable fit is necessary to avoid any neck constriction. Improving head and neck posture and promoting mobility are important. Good body alignment when sitting can promote an upright head position and use of back support pillows can help align a slumped posture and prevent your head and shoulders from slouching forward.

In a seating system control depends heavily on the position of the pelvis and trunk. If sitting in a high back chair, even placing a rolled towel behind the neck can improve head posture and helps to prevent or alleviate discomfort in the neck. Additionally, if the armrests are not adjustable, placing a pillow under each arm or on top of each armrest of the chair may help promote an upright head position and provide extra comfort when sitting for a long time. Proper alignment of the head, neck, and body allows the lungs to expand for better breathing. When sleeping, prevent resting on any pillow that’s too high as well as way too low. This may not just stress the neck, but can result in diminished sleeping during the night. We have a wide selection of supportive neck pillows, nonetheless, even a rolled bath towel positioned beneath the neck together with the head resting on a low pillow can provide essential comfort and support. Those who have difficulty trying to keep their head up-right may consider lying down in bed several times during the day to relieve stress on neck muscles.

Exercises and neck stretches helps with promoting head mobility and range of motion, minimizes stiff neck symptoms, helping in prevention and alleviation of neck pain. If you have a recent injury, prior surgery or advanced muscle weakness, consulting a health care professional is prudent for evaluation and specific suggestions regarding neck supports. This is a question that we get often. It is not recommended to sleep with a cervical collar, however, many find this provides some relief as well as prevents excessive neck motion and gives a sense of comfort and security. Due to certain medical conditions, a doctor may prescribe a rigid type collar for use at night. These instructions should always be followed. However, most are looking for a soft, comfortable collar. In looking for the best bedtime cervical collar; it should be soft, but not too soft, supportive, but not rigid, and comfortable enough to where it will maintain warmth, yet not overheat. Therefore, the best bedtime cervical collar would have to be the temperature control soft neck brace.

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