

Иван Павловский

1 - Incrypted Offer

We are offering a full media support for your project on a monthly basis. What does it include?

Telegram channel + Chat

Translations into Russian - included.

  • "meet the project" post
  • mini-review of the project
  • tokenomics review and sale details
  • partnerships of your project
  • any news and updates without a limit


  • full text review of the project
  • listing the project to our IEO/ICO list

YouTube channel

  • Video AMA session with a Team
  • (optional) Full video review of the project

Cost: should be discussed

It could be partly in liquid crypto, partly in project tokens.

2 - Additional Audience Reach Offer

If you need to spread information all over the russian speaking crypto community, we have connections with many popular russian speaking Telegram and YouTube channels, chats and websites.

We can also make a very qualitative meetups in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. They can be useful to grow brand awareness and community, find programmers anв other staff.

You get

  • Audience quality. We analyze and update our database after each finished project. Saying "good bye" to resources with a low ERR, users' activity and ability to invest. Adding new resources with a good indicates.
  • Best price-quality ratio. We intentionally don't use big channels like @DeCenter, @Forklog or @buff_10, because it'll be much, much, much more expensive and there is no any guarantee of the result. We use popular channels with a good content and active community. And it gives results. (If your budget is not a key point, we can add big channels also easily)
Example: one of our clients was Ecomi. They asked us to help with a russian speaking community. We have only 5 days and decided not to create video reviews. We offered an audience reach. As a result during IEO on BitForex they got 100 BTC for less than 12 hours. 40% of them were taken by russian speaking investors.
  • Mentions everywhere. Due to our strategy (more channels with active communities instead of 3, but expansive), people get information about your project form all over the russian speaking crypto community. They start discussing it in private groups and become more interested in investing.
  • 10 days of publications. It's not very smart to publish same ads in more than 40 channels in 1 day. We create a schedule of publications, so users start to get information about your project from 1-2 channels. Next day another channels. Next day - some reposts, discussions in private groups, etc.


  • Amount of channels: 50+
  • Subscribers in total: 300к+
  • Average ERR: %47
  • 10-14 days of publications
  • Price: to be discussed
  • 100% prepayment
  • 100% of liquid crypto in the first month of cooperation

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