

Eyram Sotome


  • Engineers don't have jobs


  • Engineers know CAD so they can get a job

What Eyram will do:

  1. Get attention around the topic of no job during COVID-19
  2. Keep attention by offering to host a free webinar that will get more engineer hired (reference CSE statistics on how they need skilled workers but can't find people who have the skill)
  3. Host a live webinar about {specific CAD topic} that gets engineers closer to getting to performing a skill that is required by skilled workers to do their job
  4. Offer a 3-session series that teaches how to make a legal engineering construction document {specific CAD skill}
  5. Organize webinar so engineers have to

From Rodney Daut to Everyone: 08:09 PM

-Email written

-Webinar sign up link created

-Outline of the webinar lesson created

-Outline of the offer created

-Order page for the offer created

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