о себе

о себе

My goal is get position of Junior UI/UX designer in the company with a friendly team, where I could apply the acquired knowledge and experience as well as learn new things. I have good knowledge of Figma, Adobe Photoshop, Miro, basic knowledge of Zeplin, Adobe After Effects. I finished "Web design course", where I made: 1.Landing page for coffee shop created with Figma and Adobe Photoshop 2. Mobile app for learning English created with Miro, Figma 3.Redesign for e-commerce website Elmir, created with Figma, Adobe Photoshop

Figma, UI/UX, Adobe Photoshop, Prototyping, Wireframes, mobile design, Product Design, Sketch, Responsive Design, Empathy map, UIKit, Adobe After Effect, miro, Zeplin

A-level " Web Design course" ( finished in October 2020)

I am a junior UI/UX designer. I graduated from Design Kitchen School courses, but I keep developing. In addition to practical skills, I also try to develop in theory, studying new trends and approaches in web design. As part of the course, many projects were made, of which landing page, mobile apps, responsive, e-commerce, dashboards. There is an experience not only in creating concepts but also in communicating with a real customer. The experience of holding stakeholder interviews taught me how to work with people and better understand real business problems and propose ways to solve them. I have experience and an understanding of grids, wireframes, and design systems. I also have commercial experience in designing e-commerce projects, creating posters, banners, and presentations. I try to create powerful and easy-to-use websites and apps, that give a business a competitive advantage.

User Interface, Figma, UI/UX, User Experience, Wireframes, Prototyping, Adobe Photoshop, mobile design, WEB DESIGN, Adobe Illustrator, User flows & journeys, UX Research, Responsive Design, Design & Prototyping, UX researches

Дизайн-дослідження: вивчення бріфу, визначення цільової аудиторії та створення персони, user journey (сценарії користувача), побудова інформаційної архітектури, створення інтерактивного прототипу, тестування, створення адаптивного дизайну та мобільної версії сайту. UI kit та візуальне оформлення, типографіка та створення іконок. Бажаю розвитатись і працювати разом з досвідченими дизайнерами, командами, здобувати нові навики та освоювати нові технології.

Закінчила курс UX/UI Designer (Beetroot Academy), випускною роботою був дизайн сайту творчих курсів та уроків, який хочеться колись втілити у життя. Закінчила навчання проєктному менеджменту за програмою "Креативна молодь змінить Україну" Фонду родини Богдана Гаврилишина. Маю досвід ведення власного бізнесу та роботи юристом (це немає практивчно ніякого відношення до дизайну, але іноді цей досвід стає в нагоді).

Очікую на проекти або вакансії компаній, які мають свої цінності, створюють продукти та проекти, що мають значення та важливі для клієнтів/споживачів. Хочу працювати в команді, ділитись своїм та переймати досвід колег, будувати нові зв'язки та бути корисною. Адекватна зп, зручний та гнучкий графік роботи, чіткі дедлайни, можливість працювати віддалено.

I was working with one-time projects such as landing pages, email designs, got some experience in mobile design, etc.

User Experience, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Figma, WEB DESIGN, English, UI/UX, Illustrator, User Interface, Graphic design, Prototype, mobile design, Prototyping, Responsive Design, Wireframes

Learned English by myself. A few years of working as a freelancer (not a design niche) made me a responsible, persistent person who knows the value of time.

I want to believe that I will work in a friendly collective. Truly want to unite with people that will help me to grow as a well-skilled professional.

Now I have a project of landing page for photographer (in process). My main experience was self-education and intensive work at the courses. The biggest project was concept of Food Delivery App "Pomodoro" (inspired with the time management system which I use for work). In this project I have used Figma as the main tool and Photoshop for photo editing. Task: To design Food Delivery App due to which user can order favourite dishes simple and quickly (e.g. when new user want to order pizza at the party where he can be distracted at any moment). Solution: User can see menu of dishes in 1 step of choosing city and district. It's possible to order food without missing time for registration. Great amount of helpful pop-ups can minimise time and efforts of user. Main stages of design: • Exploration and testing already released Food Apps and analyse of the functions. • Determination of target audience, their wishes, problems and solution of these problems. • Finding more suitable features and patterns. • User flow. • Sketch, design system and detailed wireframes. • UI design with accent colours, shadows and graphics. • Animation in Figma.

Figma, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe XD, Adobe Illustrator, User Experience, User Interface, Wireframes, Prototyping, WEB DESIGN, mobile design, Responsive Design, Mobile applications design, Researching, UI/UX, typography, composition, Icon Design, English, Design System

My personal achievement was to find a sphere, which I want to deepen in order to become a "T-shaped specialist". I know that I can!

I would like to work with design of websites or apps (I was very inspired with the process of work on the mobile application)

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