



﹆ imagine sleeping alone with you at night, seeing your naked body, we play until it's hot together. this mattress is so beautiful hahaha why I'm so comfortable in your arms, your is so delicious honey i don't know i want to always be like this with you in my bed, you body is very fragrant and i love it, your lips are sexy,and pink.

﹆ it's so nice to rock together with you, your duration is really long hahaha do you want to repeat it again tonight? I'm addicted to your sexy lips can i bite it again in a minute? hold on dear, but your voice so sweet,you know? I love all your behavior that night, especially when you are above me, holding my shoulder aaaaahh it feels so delicious my dear

﹆ dear? is there another day for us to repeat this incident? i want real milk form u, want to be pampered and caressed you, very amused dear when you stroke my hair. remember! if you are naughty i will not hesitate to give you punishment like this dear. we should be able to be a little longer dear, okay next time i will make sure you are very tired.

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