novaform mattress topper cleaning

novaform mattress topper cleaning

novaform mattress topper california king

Novaform Mattress Topper Cleaning


Since memory foam naturally absorbs liquid, it is sometimes more difficult to clean than other types of mattresses. You can keep a cover over the mattress or topper to protect it from accidental spills, but you may still need to complete a cleaning to keep dust and other allergens from accumulating over time. You may also need to clean a mattress or topper when a child pees the bed or a big spill seeps beneath the protective cover. Cleaning a memory foam mattress always starts with a simple handheld vacuum. You can remove dust and other allergens resting on the surface of the mattress, and that is enough for routine cleanings every few months. If you want to deep clean your mattress or you need to clean up stains or urine accidents, the rest of this guide will help you get the job done without damaging your mattress or topper. Deep Cleaning Memory Foam Mattresses and Toppers It isn’t necessary to complete this type of cleaning more than once a year since it goes beyond spot cleaning for stains and accidents.

Due to the amount of time involved, you may want to take on this type of cleaning every few years or only when trying to remove odor or excessive stains from a mattress you cannot replace. You don’t need to purchase expensive cleaning products for your project. A variety of household products will do the job, including the following options: You won’t need all of these products, so pick something based on what you already have around the house. Hydrogen peroxide, baking soda and liquid dish soap can be used together to create a powerful cleaning solution. You can use white vinegar or fabric softener without any added ingredients. Keep in mind that hydrogen peroxide may lead to some color fading or discoloration if your mattress is not pure white. Follow these steps to clean your memory foam mattress: 1. Take your mattress outside or tip it on its side in the bathtub. If cleaning outdoors, lay the mattress on a large tarp or piece of plastic. 2. Mix your cleaning solution in a spray bottle.

You can use one part fabric softener to two parts water or equal parts white vinegar and water. 3. Spray the mattress down on both sides, including the sides. It is best to stand it on one end while doing this. 3. Use an outdoor hose or the showerhead to cover the mattress with water for a rinse. This will soak the mattress, which is why you shouldn’t perform this thorough cleaning too often. 4. Fold the mattress in half and apply pressure to push the water and cleaning solution out. You do not want to twist or ring the mattress because that may rip the internal memory foam. 5. Use an oscillating fan or hairdryer to dry the mattress completely. This takes some time, but you shouldn’t use the mattress until it is thoroughly dry. If you don’t have time to work through the drying process, you don’t have time to complete this type of mattress cleaning. You can complete the cleaning process twice with a rinse in between if your mattress is in serious need of deep cleaning.

In this case, you would clean with fabric softener and water the first time around and white vinegar and water the second time around, drying the mattress after a final rinse. It is easier to complete this process on a memory foam mattress topper because toppers are lighter weight and easier to handle. it will take more than one person to maneuver a heavy, wet mattress, so make sure help is on hand. Spot Cleaning a Memory Foam Mattress or Topper If your mattress is clean except for a small to medium sized stain, there is no need to go through the deep cleaning process detailed above. You can get by with spot cleaning according to the following steps: 1. Mix your cleaning solution in a clean spray bottle. You can use dish detergent mixed with water to a bubbling solution or a solution of diluted vinegar. For more aggressive stain-fighting action, you may mix hydrogen peroxide with dish detergent. Keep in mind that hydrogen peroxide may cause discoloration if your mattress is not pure white.

2. Spray the stain with your cleaning solution. 3. Scrub the stain in a circular motion. Start on the outer edges of the stain and scrub inward. 4. Use a blow dryer to dry the mattress. If you don’t have a blow dryer, you can pour baking soda over the wet spot. The baking soda will absorb the moisture, drying the spot in less than an hour. You can allow small spots to air dry, but make sure you don’t cover the spot with a sheet until it is completely dry. It is faster to use a hairdryer to at least get the process started. Once you realize that something has spilled on your mattress or topper, the cleaning process should begin. The faster you get to it, the less likely the spill is to create a stain. Even if you are cleaning a stain that has set into the mattress, you can get it out with the right cleaning mix and enough elbow grease. Push down into the mattress while scrubbing to get the solution into the mattress to thoroughly clean the stain. You may also be interested in…

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What do you do first?If you've got a good mattress cover, you've got nothing to worry about. But you're in a panic so... Do not scream or yell. The most important thing you need to know about how to clean a mattress is to work quickly. So save your breath and run to the kitchen and grab: Step 1) Fill half the bowl with vinegar and fill the other half with water. Get back to the mattress without spilling the vinegar/water mix or dropping the other items.Step 2) Gently dab up the liquid mess with the paper towel. Carefully remove any sheets and mattress covers for later laundering. Press firmly with fresh towels to absorb more liquid. Do not squeeze or twist the foam.Step 3) Wet a paper towel with the vinegar/water solution and dab it where the urine and vomit were. Press in gently, then immediately use a fresh towel to dry it up. Keep this up until you've covered the entire stained area.Step 4) Then open the box of baking soda and pour it on top of the stain. Yes, the whole box.

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