


Sometimes you need to save some data like text or pictures, with notes you can save them!

Here is a most popular use cases of notes:

  • You want to save notes for your users, with useful links, files, or pictures.

  • You want to save notices for your users and refer to them with a hashtag to avoid repeating the same information many times.

  • Save some notes for yourself in Sophie's PM.

  • Create a well-formatted message for other modules (like greetings or filters).

  • #(name) or /get (name): Get the note registered to that word.

  • /notes or /saved: Lists all notes.

  • /notes [pattern] or /saved [pattern]: Lists all notes that matches pattern.

  • /search [search pattern]: Search text in notes by given pattern. Supports regex.

  • /save (name) [data]: Saves the note.

  • /clear (name): deletes the note.

  • /noteinfo (name): Shows detailed info about the note.

  • /clearall: Clears all notes

  • /privatenotes <on/off>: Redirect user in PM to see notes

  • /cleannotes <on/off>: Will clean old notes messages

  • (argument) - One-word argument

  • [argument] - Multi-word argument

  • <argument 1/argument 2> - One-word arument that can have only defined variation

An example of how to save a note could be:

/save data This is example note!

Now, anyone can use /get data or #data and the note will reply with This is example note!.
The syntax of this command is:

/save <note name> <reply text/picture/information/sticker> Note names cannot contain spaces.

Saving pictures and other non-text data

If you want to save an image, gif, sticker, or any other data, do the following:

/save word while replying to a sticker or whatever data you'd like. Now, the note at #word contains a sticker which will be sent as a reply.

You can also add captions for pictures, just add caption text after /save word like:

Sophie can save notes from other bots, just reply /save on the saved message from another bot, saving pictures and buttons supported aswell.

Saving Marie-like bots raw notes

Usually, if you will try to save raw (nonformatted) Marie-styled bots you will notice that Sophie doesn't support Marie-like Markdown syntax, the *bold* will stays as a regular text, to format your notes propertly please refer to a help page about formatting.

A quick tip: To save notes from Marie-like bots: reply to their formatted messages (not the raw messages) the note will stay formatted including buttons, images, text, and all other data.

To retrieve a note without formatting, use /get (name) raw or /get (name) noformat
This will send the note without formatting it; getting you the raw note text that can allow you to make edits easily.

For example, this can be is useful for editing buttons.

To remove many notes you can use the /clear command, just place all note names which you want to remove as argument of the command, use | as seprator, for example:

/clear note1|note2|note3

You can save one note with many names, example:

/save note|alias1|alias2

That will save a note with 3 different names, by you can /get note by any of the names. This is useful for when users may be trying multiple names for the same note. There can be a maximum of 10 aliases per note.

Got lost? Making new notes with Sophie can get so exciting that you forget what was saved where! Here's where searching notes could help.

You can search note names by using /notes (search pattern)

You can also use /search (search pattern) to find notes which have your pattern.

Notes support inline buttons, read the help page about buttons to get started with using them.

Variables are special words which will be replaced by actual info, for example: if you add {id} in your note it will be replaced with the user's ID who requested the note, read the help page about variables for more information.

Sophie allows you to add buttons that will redirect users to Sophie's PM to display the note there. This could allow you to make custom menu system to suit the needs of your chat! You will find more information in the help page about buttons.

Every note can contain special settings, for example you can change the text formatting method to HTML by %PARSE:html and fully disable it by %PARSE:none (By default text formatting is Markdown which is the same formatting Telegram supports)

  • %PARSEMODE:(html, none): Change the note formatting

  • %PREVIEW: Enables the links preview in saved note

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