

all right hello everybody this is sander

Lutz from decrypt and I'm here with

Sasha just Sasha from NCoin and we are

here at token 2049 uh in Dubai Sasha

thanks so much for joining us thank you

thank you for having me here um first

question out the gate and then we'll get

into the the heavy stuff but we rarely

get to be in person you know in crypto I

see you have a few uh cool tattoos on

your knee and uh all over anything

related to probably not NCoin that's

pretty recent crypto anything

anything personal significance it's more

like the old stuff I have from my 18th

so really yeah had had a wild um uh you

know Youth and really nice period of

time but and this one is recent one

we've made this with my brother we have

actually six years difference and

everyone is thinking we're Twins or

maybe not everyone but like

sometimes once in in a week we are asked

like our twins guys and we and we

decided that this is kind of post irony

we need to tattoo on our knees and this

is his hand written Twins and my yeah I

I wrote it on on his knece as well so

yeah we like that b basically it's

somehow related to notco because oh yeah

bring it in we working together

basically my brother she working on

NCoin also exactly yeah my brother is

the guy that's responsible for all the

technical infrastructure High L stuff

backend smart contracts you know all

those things he's quite smart oh wow

okay so this actually was a little bit

of a relevant question exactly it comes

back home okay awesome well now back on

to right more serious business um so

very exciting week or and month for for

the ton Network for NCoin right um we're

just about to hear the announcement

about uh usdt coming on to ton um which

is going to open up a lot of

possibilities for the network um I know

that the um the not coin airdrop is

coming soon I know originally it was

scheduled for about April 20th which was

also the Bitcoin having but now it's

it's changing could you could you

explain a little bit about why why the

date is is changing a little bit and was

it originally supposed to be paired with

the having or was that just a

coincidence it was just a funny number

for20 okay haling is also in know a good

event to to be linked to and we thought

why not at the moment when we you know

had three weeks ahead but uh closer to

the date we just realized that you know

having literally like 35 million people

that wants to go on chain and do some

stuff uh is a really really challenging

task you have to make sure that on the

one hand you will not ruin everything

you know blockchain will work

infrastructure will work wallets

whatever at the same time you cannot

limit users or you cannot um afford

basically to allow some people to Min

tokens and then the rest wait till

everything will you

know still start working again so we

realized that there are a bunch of

things we need to do before before uh

actual listing to make it smooth as

possible we had several ideas and now we

finally came to the perfect solution

hope so let's see and also exchange

there not all ready to

this kind of you know overwhelming

amount of people coming you still you

have to deposit the stuff you know you

have to make some work on the um amount

of transaction that one wallet can

handle and then make sure that you know

everything works fine again so uh from


perspective the end of April is a

perfect still I don't really care about

moving it a little bit further to be

honest you know the better preparation

we have the better like we have time for

test everything it's good for everyone

no one I don't think like everyone would

would like to rush here why it's not and

it's also because it's also one of

probably not the biggest test of the ton

Network right yeah right ever so there's

lots of rooms for interesting stuff to

happen absolutely absolutely we've made

this you know kind of trial already with

um we we've allowed people to issue

vouchers onchain nft vouchers

represented uh some portion of their

balances from NCoin and there's a number

I don't remember exactly but let's say

800,000 nfts have been minted still

quite big enough number to make some you

know noise on the on the ecosystem

obviously because people have to Mint it

then uh make a transaction to the nft

marketplace several smart contracts and

so on and so on so I think that that was

kind of first stress test that we made

for the ecosystem I think ton have been

shed to I don't know five or 10 shards

good seems that everything worked quite

well we learned a lot lots of teams

learned a lot and now yeah now we're

just ready for the big splash


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