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First of all, if you're in need of a home remedy for head lice, let me lend you my condolences. Head lice treatment is never a fun and exciting time in anyone's life. It is, however, pretty common. There aren't many statistics on the issue but Google reports over 300,000 searches solely on the term "head lice" alone. Knowing how to treat it safely is one thing; knowing how to prevent lice is another. This article will cover both. There are many types of conventional treatments for lice, such as shampoos and sprays. There are also some dangerous alternative treatments, such as gasoline or kerosene. But if you're aware of dangers of pesticides you ought to be aware that shampoos and other conventional treatments require using pesticides directly on your or your child's head! With pesticide usage linking to leukemia, autism, infertility, birth defects, ADHD, Parkinson's, miscarriage and countless types of cancers, it's outrageous to think of applying this poison directly to our skin!

(Click here to learn more about this.) But left untreated, and well...I'll let you Google that one. IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: None of the health topics presented on Sustainable Baby Steps have been evaluated or approved by the FDA. They should not replace personal judgment nor medical treatment when indicated, nor are they intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Always talk to your naturopathic physician about the use of these or any other complimentary modalities. Reading this website denotes your understanding and agreement to our full disclaimer. It's important to know a few things about this problem, before you use a home remedy for head lice. Now that you have some background head lice information, keep those things in mind as we start talkig about your best bet for home remedy for head lice below. We know pesticides are dangerous, as are things like gasoline (please don't do that!). But there are also plenty of myths about what actually works.

Mayonnaise, oil, vinegar, and so on have all been tried, but which one is best? After all, you don't want to have to do this over and over again. Below is the very best home remedy for head lice, followed by the best advice on how to prevent lice: Yup, good old combing is the #1 most effective home remedy for head lice. Actually, it's the best treatment of any kind! Hmm, is it any wonder why popular shampoos still recommend combing? It may just be that their dangerous products aren't even doing the real work; Here's what you'll need for this home remedy for head lice: Once you have those things, here's what you'll get to do with them: IMPORTANT: The entire family should to be checked and treated, just in case. Be sure clean instruments are used for each person. And don't forget you'll be doing this again in 10 days to ensure no nits were left behind that have hatched (10 days will ensure they haven't begun laying their own eggs). ALSO IMPORTANT: You're not done yet!

(You didn't think that was the hard part did you?) In order to really learn how to prevent lice from occuring again, there are a few extra extra steps you get to take. Knowing how to prevent head lice is actually a two-part solution: 1. Preventing your children from getting them in the first place and 2. Preventing re-infestations in your home. Let's start with #2, preventing re-infestations. It begins with *thoroughly* treating the heads of everyone in your home TWICE - once upon finding the head lice and again 10 days after the first treatment. No, that does not include the pets, as head lice don't go after pets, only humans. After treating everyone's head and before you go back to your happy, lice-free life, you get to treat the entire house (or at least everywhere anyone has been since the infestation may have occurred). Here's where not to miss: There are several ways to treat these items using a home remedy for head lice strategy. Choose the best option from the following list:

Total prevention may not be possible. Lice are pesky little buggers after all. But there are a few ideas that might help your home remedy for head lice efforts. Remember: even if it's not a home remedy for head lice, it's still a lot of work. And it's hardly any fun for kids or adults. My best home remedy for head lice advice would be to not take it too seriously. Make it as fun as it can be. Laugh, make jokes, learn about it together, listen to music, or watch funny movies as you comb so that at least the experience can be remembered as something other than the worst experience of your family's life. Silver nanoparticles used as antimicrobials in fabric can leach out of clothes as they are being washed. One brand lost over half of its silver content from the fabric with just two washings. A group of scientists tested how well silver nanoparticles stayed in treated fabrics under conditions similar to a washing machine. They considered mechanical stress and chemical factors such as bleaches, pH and surfactants.

First, they measured the silver content of several different brands and types of fabrics that used silver nanoparticles. They then washed the fabrics in detergent, later adding steel balls to simulate mechanical stress that would be similar to normal washing conditions. Some of the fabrics were also treated with bleaching agents during washing. When the fabrics were washed in water with detergent only, the silver generally stayed in the fabrics. However, several fabrics released silver quite readily once the steel balls were added to mimic mechanical actions of the washing machine. Of the seven nanoparticle fabrics subjected to mechanical stress, four lost roughly 20 percent to 35 percent of their silver with the first wash.I am a Norwex Independent Sales Consultant in Edmonton and my passion is to help you save time, money AND stay healthy doing it. You can view this Month’s Specials at the bottom of this page. Is your home a Safe Haven? – complete our Quiz and get helpful hints on how to make your home the safe place you want it to be.

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