


# Copyright (C) 2019 The Raphielscape Company LLC.


# Licensed under the Raphielscape Public License, Version 1.c (the "License");

# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.


""" Userbot module for purging unneeded messages(usually spam or ot). """

from asyncio import sleep

from telethon.errors import rpcbaseerrors

from userbot import BOTLOG, BOTLOG_CHATID, CMD_HELP

from import register

@register(outgoing=True, pattern="^.purge$")

async def fastpurger(purg):

  """ For .purge command, purge all messages starting from the reply. """

  chat = await purg.get_input_chat()

  msgs = []

  itermsg = purg.client.iter_messages(chat, min_id=purg.reply_to_msg_id)

  count = 0

  if purg.reply_to_msg_id is not None:

    async for msg in itermsg:


      count = count + 1


      if len(msgs) == 100:

        await purg.client.delete_messages(chat, msgs)

        msgs = []


    await purg.edit("`I need a mesasge to start purging from.`")


  if msgs:

    await purg.client.delete_messages(chat, msgs)

  done = await purg.client.send_message(

    purg.chat_id, f"`Fast purge complete!`\

    \nPurged {str(count)} messages")

  if BOTLOG:

    await purg.client.send_message(


      "Purge of " + str(count) + " messages done successfully.")

  await sleep(2)

  await done.delete()

@register(outgoing=True, pattern="^.purgeme")

async def purgeme(delme):

  """ For .purgeme, delete x count of your latest message."""

  message = delme.text

  count = int(message[9:])

  i = 1

  async for message in delme.client.iter_messages(delme.chat_id,


    if i > count + 1:


    i = i + 1

    await message.delete()

  smsg = await delme.client.send_message(


    "`Purge complete!` Purged " + str(count) + " messages.",


  if BOTLOG:

    await delme.client.send_message(


      "Purge of " + str(count) + " messages done successfully.")

  await sleep(2)

  i = 1

  await smsg.delete()

@register(outgoing=True, pattern="^.del$")

async def delete_it(delme):

  """ For .del command, delete the replied message. """

  msg_src = await delme.get_reply_message()

  if delme.reply_to_msg_id:


      await msg_src.delete()

      await delme.delete()

      if BOTLOG:

        await delme.client.send_message(

          BOTLOG_CHATID, "Deletion of message was successful")

    except rpcbaseerrors.BadRequestError:

      if BOTLOG:

        await delme.client.send_message(

          BOTLOG_CHATID, "Well, I can't delete a message")

@register(outgoing=True, pattern="^.edit")

async def editer(edit):

  """ For .editme command, edit your last message. """

  message = edit.text

  chat = await edit.get_input_chat()

  self_id = await edit.client.get_peer_id('me')

  string = str(message[6:])

  i = 1

  async for message in edit.client.iter_messages(chat, self_id):

    if i == 2:

      await message.edit(string)

      await edit.delete()


    i = i + 1

  if BOTLOG:

    await edit.client.send_message(BOTLOG_CHATID,

                    "Edit query was executed successfully")

@register(outgoing=True, pattern="^.sd")

async def selfdestruct(destroy):

  """ For .sd command, make seflf-destructable messages. """

  message = destroy.text

  counter = int(message[4:6])

  text = str(destroy.text[6:])

  await destroy.delete()

  smsg = await destroy.client.send_message(destroy.chat_id, text)

  await sleep(counter)

  await smsg.delete()

  if BOTLOG:

    await destroy.client.send_message(BOTLOG_CHATID,

                     "sd query done successfully")




    \nUsage: Purges all messages starting from the reply.'




  '.purgeme <x>\

    \nUsage: Deletes x amount of your latest messages.'


CMD_HELP.update({"del": ".del\

\nUsage: Deletes the message you replied to."})



  ".edit <newmessage>\

\nUsage: Replace your last message with <newmessage>."




  '.sd <x> <message>\

\nUsage: Creates a message that selfdestructs in x seconds.\

\nKeep the seconds under 100 since it puts your bot to sleep.'


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