non toxic baby mattress uk

non toxic baby mattress uk

no pillow top mattress

Non Toxic Baby Mattress Uk


last updated: Feb 17, 2017The latest scam the mattress industry is fishing with is eco memory foam mattresses or plant-based foam mattresses. So what are these "soy mattresses" and "soy pillows" all about? Let the truth be known!Only 5-20% of the mattress is actually made up of plant-based ingredients like soy. That means over 80% is still petroleum based chemicals. This would be fine if companies marketed them as eco-friendly mattresses which contain X% of soy. However, companies mislead you, calling them eco memory foam mattresses or plant-based mattresses and pretend they're healthy, safe and natural.I guess saying it's 20% healthier for you wouldn't be as effective.Misleading the public into thinking products are green, natural or eco-friendly is called greenwashing. There is no monitoring of these claims.Natural memory foam mattresses do exist and we're the only ones who make them. They're made from rubber tree sap, NOT petroleum based chemicals. There is very little benefit to putting soy in a mattress.

In fact, the company behind soy-based ingredients called BiOH® polyols, is Cargill.Cargill is widely known for environmental and human rights abuse and is America's 4th worst polluter according to Environment America's 2016 report.Cargill is also the world's largest soybean processor and trader. Their soy-based ingredients are also genetically engineered.Genetically modified foods are still banned in 19 Europen countries and more than 40 countries now require GMO labeling. USA and Canada are not among them.3,800 barrels of oil are saved when 100,000 mattresses are manufactured with soy-based foam. You'd expect considerable savings for the consumer right? Soy-based memory foam mattresses or bio-foam mattresses are actually more expensive than regular memory foam even though they cost less to produce. Companies overcharge since they can promote the “eco-friendly” characteristics.Replacing a portion of the chemicals in foam makes it 5-20% healthier. Is 5-20% good enough?No.

The expansion of soy plantations in countries such as Brazil and Argentina means that rainforests are being completely slashed and burned, eliminating critical habitats for many plants and animal species.Every day 86,400 football fields of rainforest are cut down to mainly make room for livestock, soy, palm, and corn.Genetically modified soy accounts for 94% of all soy grown in the United States as of 2012.People who’ve purchased eco memory foam mattresses are experiencing strong chemicals odors, smells or off-gassing.Soy does not produce this odor, the odor derives from the harsh chemicals used to make these synthetic foams. Green tea extract or industrial perfumes are often added as an attempt to mask the odor.Eco memory foam mattresses are often wrapped in bamboo fabric. The percentage of bamboo is anywhere from 20-60% bamboo.Bamboo fabrics are far from eco-friendly. It takes so much processing the final product is considered man-made, so they're not biodegradable.According to the OTA, Organic Trade Association, "bamboo may be a more ecologically sensitive source of feedstock for rayon production, the rayon itself is not distinguishable from rayon produced from any other feedstock, and uses a lot of toxic chemicals in the process.

So while the bamboo itself may be considered environmentally friendly, the production of rayon is not, and the public should not be misled into thinking that the bamboo-derived fiber can be considered "natural" - it is clearly synthetic. There are a lot of misconceptions about the "natural" label too, whether it is related to food or textile products."Soy memory foam mattresses and soy pillows have been seen on QVC in the U.S. and The Shopping Channel in Canada. Many brands sell eco memory foam mattresses. Chances are your local store probably has a bio memory foam brand. It may also be marketed under plant-based mattress, coconut foam, biofoam, eco foam mattress or eco-friendly memory foam mattress.The foam industry is very small. There are only a handful of companies in the USA making polyurethane foams and memory foam. Almost all mattress companies buy from one of these manufacturers or import foam from Europe or China. The rest is marketing.If you've made it this far, well done. You’re now a little more equipped when the mattress salespersons tell you “it’s plant based memory foam”.

If you want the real deal, check out the only natural memory foam mattresses in the world.We make them in Canada and offer free shipping throughout the U.S.A and Canada.For more information, please visit our Learning Center. Choose organic food for babies and toddlers. It is not just what organic food does contain, it is also what it does not that is important. Many additives are now being linked to health and behavioural problems, including monosodium glutamate and aspartame. These are banned under organic standards. Choosing organic food is kinder to the environment too. Organic farming works with nature, not against it, and research shows that it’s better for birds, butterflies and other wildlife. Farm animals are reared humanely and not routinely fed antibiotics to suppress disease or promote growth. If you do choose non-organic food, make sure it’s GMfree. Although convenient, processed commercial baby foods lack the enzymes and many other nutrients found in fresh foods. Organic processed foods are preferable to nonorganic ones but they are still made in factories and they shouldn’t replace homemade foods, just use occasionally as a back-up or handy supplement.

Unfortunately most of our clothing now contains unwanted additives that can add to our overall chemical load, causing or aggravating conditions such as asthma or eczema. The natural cotton and woollen fibres found in organic clothing are best for your baby’s skin. They have not been grown or treated with pesticides or artificial fertilizers. Other chemicals found in conventional fabric include chlorine bleach, dyes, flame retardants and stain repellents. Natural fibres, on the other hand, allow the skin to breathe and they naturally absorb moisture. Conventional cotton farming is responsible for a quarter of global pesticide sales – it is one of the most heavily sprayed crops, harming farmers and their families in the developing world. If you can afford just a few items of organic clothing, choose those closer to the skin, such as babygrows and vests. Emporium for organic clothing for babies and children from wool jumpers to organic basics – Soft, cosy merino wool clothing for babies and toddlers –

Sleepwear and clothing in merino and silk – There have been studies which link sodium polyacrylate, the gel like substance used in disposable nappies, to asthma, allergies, nappy rash, toxic shock syndrome and infertility issues in males. The studies also found dioxin, which is a byproduct of the chlorine bleaching process used in the paper in disposable nappies, to be a highly toxic carcinogen and endocrine disruptor. Thankfully you can choose organic brands that contain no harmful residues; an important consideration when the fabric is next to your baby’s skin. Use organic laundry liquid to wash the nappies. Remember that if washing nappies seems a bit overwhelming, there are laundry services that will come and take away your dirties and bring you a pile of fresh clean nappies in return. 4 The Best Organic Bedding Many materials are treated with flame retardant or moth proofing chemicals. Formaldehyde is also used in mattress production along with solvents and foams.

A baby spends between 10 – 14 hours a day asleep. In this day and age of chemical living, it is so important to limit baby’s exposure to toxic chemicals. Non-organic cotton sheets are often treated with formaldehyde. Nonorganic crib mattresses and non-natural crib mattresses contain polyurethane foam as well as phosphorus, arsenic, and antimony compounds as preservatives and fire retardants. Choose organic sheets, blankets, and mattresses to ensure your baby is not exposed to these chemicals and they are getting the best chance of quality sleep. Everything you need for the early years from 5 Organic Babycare Products There are numerous baby skin care products out there on the market – baby wipes, ointments, lotions, creams, powders, oils, soaps and sunscreens. The cosmetic industry is unregulated, therefore many baby skin care products contain chemicals that might affect your baby’s health. The long list of ingredients which are chemicals include petroleum byproducts, preservatives, parabens, formaldehyde, dioxane and phthalates.

Laurel sulfate, an irritant, which can affect a baby’s immune system, is used to create a foamy consistency and is found in most shampoos or liquid soaps. One of the most problematic ingredients is fragrance, which can cause allergic reactions, including asthma attacks. Natural skincare for babies and mums – Beautiful luxury items for mother and baby – Range of organic basics – 6 Creating An Organic Nursery from Paints To Carpets Look for paints that have low or no VOCs. The safest paints are water based made from substances like clay, citrus, talcum, balm or chalk. Organic paints are almost odourless, do not emit gasses and are very low in VOCs. If you decide that you would rather decorate the walls in the nursery with wallpaper instead of paint, be sure to pick an organic wall covering as opposed to a conventional one. Conventional wall coverings can contain toxic glue and chemicals. Invest in wood furniture constructed from FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certified wood.

If buying used furniture, buy sturdy, safe wood furniture, refinish with non-toxic paints or reupholster with organic fabric. Allergy free paint – safe for a nursery or family bedroom Great colour ranges available from this natural VOC-free paint company – Clay based emulsion paints available in wide colour palate at 7 Pick of the Best Organic Toys When shopping for toys and accessories for your baby, pay attention to the materials and how they are made. Things to keep in mind are material toxicity and how easy they are to clean. If you buy plastic toys, look for ones that are free from PVC. PVC has been linked to cancer and other health problems. All plastics pose some potential risks, so it might be good to limit the number of them. Check to make sure what materials are used to make cuddly toys – both inside and out. Many baby toys have electronics embedded in them, which can increase your baby’s exposure to EMFs and may contain toxic metals or PVC.

Steiner Waldorf inspired playthings for babies and children – Fairtrade eco store with lovely collection of playthings – Beautiful toys and craft materials – Fairtrade toys and gifts made from sustainable rubber wood – 8 The Importance of Breastfeeding Breastmilk is the one food perfectly designed for your baby’s health. Breastfed babies have been shown to have higher IQs than bottlefed babies due to the essential fatty acids and other nutrients available to them in breastmilk. Ideally babies should be fed on demand up to at least six months, to one year old and longer if possible. If the mother is eating a well balanced organic diet, with plenty of foods rich in fatty acids and is avoiding major stressors in her life then the quality of her milk will be extremely high, and likely free from most environmental pollutants. Breastfeeding is also convenient – you can feed your child anywhere, any time she needs it.

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