


#!/usr/bin/env bash # # Try `install_agnudp.sh --help` for usage. # # (c) 2023 Khaled AGN # set -e ### # SCRIPT CONFIGURATION ### # Domain Name DOMAIN="vpn.khaledagn.com" # PROTOCOL PROTOCOL="udp" # UDP PORT UDP_PORT=":36712" # OBFS OBFS="agnudp" # PASSWORDS PASSWORD="agnudp" # Basename of this script SCRIPT_NAME="$(basename "$0")" # Command line arguments of this script SCRIPT_ARGS=("$@") # Path for installing executable EXECUTABLE_INSTALL_PATH="/usr/local/bin/hysteria" # Paths to install systemd files SYSTEMD_SERVICES_DIR="/etc/systemd/system" # Directory to store hysteria config file CONFIG_DIR="/etc/hysteria" # URLs of GitHub REPO_URL="https://github.com/apernet/hysteria" API_BASE_URL="https://api.github.com/repos/apernet/hysteria" # curl command line flags. # To using a proxy, please specify ALL_PROXY in the environ variable, such like: # export ALL_PROXY=socks5h:// CURL_FLAGS=(-L -f -q --retry 5 --retry-delay 10 --retry-max-time 60) ### # AUTO DETECTED GLOBAL VARIABLE ### # Package manager PACKAGE_MANAGEMENT_INSTALL="${PACKAGE_MANAGEMENT_INSTALL:-}" # Operating System of current machine, supported: linux OPERATING_SYSTEM="${OPERATING_SYSTEM:-}" # Architecture of current machine, supported: 386, amd64, arm, arm64, mipsle, s390x ARCHITECTURE="${ARCHITECTURE:-}" # User for running hysteria HYSTERIA_USER="${HYSTERIA_USER:-}" # Directory for ACME certificates storage HYSTERIA_HOME_DIR="${HYSTERIA_HOME_DIR:-}" ### # ARGUMENTS ### # Supported operation: install, remove, check_update OPERATION= # User specified version to install VERSION= # Force install even if installed FORCE= # User specified binary to install LOCAL_FILE= ### # COMMAND REPLACEMENT & UTILITIES ### has_command() { local _command=$1 type -P "$_command" > /dev/null 2>&1 } curl() { command curl "${CURL_FLAGS[@]}" "$@" } mktemp() { command mktemp "$@" "hyservinst.XXXXXXXXXX" } tput() { if has_command tput; then command tput "$@" fi } tred() { tput setaf 1 } tgreen() { tput setaf 2 } tyellow() { tput setaf 3 } tblue() { tput setaf 4 } taoi() { tput setaf 6 } tbold() { tput bold } treset() { tput sgr0 } note() { local _msg="$1" echo -e "$SCRIPT_NAME: $(tbold)note: $_msg$(treset)" } warning() { local _msg="$1" echo -e "$SCRIPT_NAME: $(tyellow)warning: $_msg$(treset)" } error() { local _msg="$1" echo -e "$SCRIPT_NAME: $(tred)error: $_msg$(treset)" } has_prefix() { local _s="$1" local _prefix="$2" if [[ -z "$_prefix" ]]; then return 0 fi if [[ -z "$_s" ]]; then return 1 fi [[ "x$_s" != "x${_s#"$_prefix"}" ]] } systemctl() { if [[ "x$FORCE_NO_SYSTEMD" == "x2" ]] || ! has_command systemctl; then return fi command systemctl "$@" } show_argument_error_and_exit() { local _error_msg="$1" error "$_error_msg" echo "Try \"$0 --help\" for the usage." >&2 exit 22 } install_content() { local _install_flags="$1" local _content="$2" local _destination="$3" local _tmpfile="$(mktemp)" echo -ne "Install $_destination ... " echo "$_content" > "$_tmpfile" if install "$_install_flags" "$_tmpfile" "$_destination"; then echo -e "ok" fi rm -f "$_tmpfile" } remove_file() { local _target="$1" echo -ne "Remove $_target ... " if rm "$_target"; then echo -e "ok" fi } exec_sudo() { # exec sudo with configurable environ preserved. local _saved_ifs="$IFS" IFS=$'\n' local _preserved_env=( $(env | grep "^PACKAGE_MANAGEMENT_INSTALL=" || true) $(env | grep "^OPERATING_SYSTEM=" || true) $(env | grep "^ARCHITECTURE=" || true) $(env | grep "^HYSTERIA_\w*=" || true) $(env | grep "^FORCE_\w*=" || true) ) IFS="$_saved_ifs" exec sudo env \ "${_preserved_env[@]}" \ "$@" } detect_package_manager() { if [[ -n "$PACKAGE_MANAGEMENT_INSTALL" ]]; then return 0 fi if has_command apt; then PACKAGE_MANAGEMENT_INSTALL='apt update; apt -y install' return 0 fi if has_command dnf; then PACKAGE_MANAGEMENT_INSTALL='dnf check-update; dnf -y install' return 0 fi if has_command yum; then PACKAGE_MANAGEMENT_INSTALL='yum update; yum -y install' return 0 fi if has_command zypper; then PACKAGE_MANAGEMENT_INSTALL='zypper update; zypper install -y --no-recommends' return 0 fi if has_command pacman; then PACKAGE_MANAGEMENT_INSTALL='pacman -Syu; pacman -Syu --noconfirm' return 0 fi return 1 } install_software() { local _package_name="$1" if ! detect_package_manager; then error "Supported package manager is not detected, please install the following package manually:" echo echo -e "\t* $_package_name" echo exit 65 fi echo "Installing missing dependence '$_package_name' with '$PACKAGE_MANAGEMENT_INSTALL' ... " if $PACKAGE_MANAGEMENT_INSTALL "$_package_name"; then echo "ok" else error "Cannot install '$_package_name' with detected package manager, please install it manually." exit 65 fi } is_user_exists() { local _user="$1" id "$_user" > /dev/null 2>&1 } check_permission() { if [[ "$UID" -eq '0' ]]; then return fi note "The user currently executing this script is not root." case "$FORCE_NO_ROOT" in '1') warning "FORCE_NO_ROOT=1 is specified, we will process without root and you may encounter the insufficient privilege error." ;; *) if has_command sudo; then note "Re-running this script with sudo, you can also specify FORCE_NO_ROOT=1 to force this script running with current user." exec_sudo "$0" "${SCRIPT_ARGS[@]}" else error "Please run this script with root or specify FORCE_NO_ROOT=1 to force this script running with current user." exit 13 fi ;; esac } check_environment_operating_system() { if [[ -n "$OPERATING_SYSTEM" ]]; then warning "OPERATING_SYSTEM=$OPERATING_SYSTEM is specified, opreating system detection will not be perform." return fi if [[ "x$(uname)" == "xLinux" ]]; then OPERATING_SYSTEM=linux return fi error "This script only supports Linux." note "Specify OPERATING_SYSTEM=[linux|darwin|freebsd|windows] to bypass this check and force this script running on this $(uname)." exit 95 } check_environment_architecture() { if [[ -n "$ARCHITECTURE" ]]; then warning "ARCHITECTURE=$ARCHITECTURE is specified, architecture detection will not be performed." return fi case "$(uname -m)" in 'i386' | 'i686') ARCHITECTURE='386' ;; 'amd64' | 'x86_64') ARCHITECTURE='amd64' ;; 'armv5tel' | 'armv6l' | 'armv7' | 'armv7l') ARCHITECTURE='arm' ;; 'armv8' | 'aarch64') ARCHITECTURE='arm64' ;; 'mips' | 'mipsle' | 'mips64' | 'mips64le') ARCHITECTURE='mipsle' ;; 's390x') ARCHITECTURE='s390x' ;; *) error "The architecture '$(uname -a)' is not supported." note "Specify ARCHITECTURE=

to bypass this check and force this script running on this $(uname -m)." exit 8 ;; esac } check_environment_systemd() { if [[ -d "/run/systemd/system" ]] || grep -q systemd <(ls -l /sbin/init); then return fi case "$FORCE_NO_SYSTEMD" in '1') warning "FORCE_NO_SYSTEMD=1 is specified, we will process as normal even if systemd is not detected by us." ;; '2') warning "FORCE_NO_SYSTEMD=2 is specified, we will process but all systemd related command will not be executed." ;; *) error "This script only supports Linux distributions with systemd." note "Specify FORCE_NO_SYSTEMD=1 to disable this check and force this script running as systemd is detected." note "Specify FORCE_NO_SYSTEMD=2 to disable this check along with all systemd related commands." ;; esac } check_environment_curl() { if has_command curl; then return fi apt update; apt -y install curl } check_environment_grep() { if has_command grep; then return fi apt update; apt -y install grep } check_environment() { check_environment_operating_system check_environment_architecture check_environment_systemd check_environment_curl check_environment_grep } vercmp_segment() { local _lhs="$1" local _rhs="$2" if [[ "x$_lhs" == "x$_rhs" ]]; then echo 0 return fi if [[ -z "$_lhs" ]]; then echo -1 return fi if [[ -z "$_rhs" ]]; then echo 1 return fi local _lhs_num="${_lhs//[A-Za-z]*/}" local _rhs_num="${_rhs//[A-Za-z]*/}" if [[ "x$_lhs_num" == "x$_rhs_num" ]]; then echo 0 return fi if [[ -z "$_lhs_num" ]]; then echo -1 return fi if [[ -z "$_rhs_num" ]]; then echo 1 return fi local _numcmp=$(($_lhs_num - $_rhs_num)) if [[ "$_numcmp" -ne 0 ]]; then echo "$_numcmp" return fi local _lhs_suffix="${_lhs#"$_lhs_num"}" local _rhs_suffix="${_rhs#"$_rhs_num"}" if [[ "x$_lhs_suffix" == "x$_rhs_suffix" ]]; then echo 0 return fi if [[ -z "$_lhs_suffix" ]]; then echo 1 return fi if [[ -z "$_rhs_suffix" ]]; then echo -1 return fi if [[ "$_lhs_suffix" < "$_rhs_suffix" ]]; then echo -1 return fi echo 1 } vercmp() { local _lhs=${1#v} local _rhs=${2#v} while [[ -n "$_lhs" && -n "$_rhs" ]]; do local _clhs="${_lhs/.*/}" local _crhs="${_rhs/.*/}" local _segcmp="$(vercmp_segment "$_clhs" "$_crhs")" if [[ "$_segcmp" -ne 0 ]]; then echo "$_segcmp" return fi _lhs="${_lhs#"$_clhs"}" _lhs="${_lhs#.}" _rhs="${_rhs#"$_crhs"}" _rhs="${_rhs#.}" done if [[ "x$_lhs" == "x$_rhs" ]]; then echo 0 return fi if [[ -z "$_lhs" ]]; then echo -1 return fi if [[ -z "$_rhs" ]]; then echo 1 return fi return } check_hysteria_user() { local _default_hysteria_user="$1" if [[ -n "$HYSTERIA_USER" ]]; then return fi if [[ ! -e "$SYSTEMD_SERVICES_DIR/hysteria-server.service" ]]; then HYSTERIA_USER="$_default_hysteria_user" return fi HYSTERIA_USER="$(grep -o '^User=\w*' "$SYSTEMD_SERVICES_DIR/hysteria-server.service" | tail -1 | cut -d '=' -f 2 || true)" if [[ -z "$HYSTERIA_USER" ]]; then HYSTERIA_USER="$_default_hysteria_user" fi } check_hysteria_homedir() { local _default_hysteria_homedir="$1" if [[ -n "$HYSTERIA_HOME_DIR" ]]; then return fi if ! is_user_exists "$HYSTERIA_USER"; then HYSTERIA_HOME_DIR="$_default_hysteria_homedir" return fi HYSTERIA_HOME_DIR="$(eval echo ~"$HYSTERIA_USER")" } ### # ARGUMENTS PARSER ### show_usage_and_exit() { echo echo -e "\t$(tbold)$SCRIPT_NAME$(treset) - AGN-UDP server install script" echo echo -e "Usage:" echo echo -e "$(tbold)Install AGN-UDP$(treset)" echo -e "\t$0 [ -f | -l | --version ]" echo -e "Flags:" echo -e "\t-f, --force\tForce re-install latest or specified version even if it has been installed." echo -e "\t-l, --local \tInstall specified AGN-UDP binary instead of download it." echo -e "\t--version \tInstall specified version instead of the latest." echo echo -e "$(tbold)Remove AGN-UDP$(treset)" echo -e "\t$0 --remove" echo echo -e "$(tbold)Check for the update$(treset)" echo -e "\t$0 -c" echo -e "\t$0 --check" echo echo -e "$(tbold)Show this help$(treset)" echo -e "\t$0 -h" echo -e "\t$0 --help" exit 0 } parse_arguments() { while [[ "$#" -gt '0' ]]; do case "$1" in '--remove') if [[ -n "$OPERATION" && "$OPERATION" != 'remove' ]]; then show_argument_error_and_exit "Option '--remove' is conflicted with other options." fi OPERATION='remove' ;; '--version') VERSION="$2" if [[ -z "$VERSION" ]]; then show_argument_error_and_exit "Please specify the version for option '--version'." fi shift if ! has_prefix "$VERSION" 'v'; then show_argument_error_and_exit "Version numbers should begin with 'v' (such like 'v1.3.1'), got '$VERSION'" fi ;; '-h' | '--help') show_usage_and_exit ;; '-l' | '--local') LOCAL_FILE="$2" if [[ -z "$LOCAL_FILE" ]]; then show_argument_error_and_exit "Please specify the local binary to install for option '-l' or '--local'." fi break ;; *) show_argument_error_and_exit "Unknown option '$1'" ;; esac shift done if [[ -z "$OPERATION" ]]; then OPERATION='install' fi # validate arguments case "$OPERATION" in 'install') if [[ -n "$VERSION" && -n "$LOCAL_FILE" ]]; then show_argument_error_and_exit '--version and --local cannot be specified together.' fi ;; *) if [[ -n "$VERSION" ]]; then show_argument_error_and_exit "--version is only avaiable when install." fi if [[ -n "$LOCAL_FILE" ]]; then show_argument_error_and_exit "--local is only avaiable when install." fi ;; esac } ### # FILE TEMPLATES ### # /etc/systemd/system/hysteria-server.service tpl_hysteria_server_service_base() { local _config_name="$1" cat << EOF [Unit] Description=AGN-UDP Service After=network.target [Service] User=root Group=root WorkingDirectory=/etc/hysteria Environment="PATH=/usr/local/bin/hysteria" ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/hysteria -config /etc/hysteria/config.json server [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target EOF } # /etc/systemd/system/hysteria-server.service tpl_hysteria_server_service() { tpl_hysteria_server_service_base 'config' } # /etc/systemd/system/hysteria-server@.service tpl_hysteria_server_x_service() { tpl_hysteria_server_service_base '%i' } # /etc/hysteria/config.json tpl_etc_hysteria_config_json() { cat << EOF { "server": "vpn.khaledagn.com", "listen": "$UDP_PORT", "protocol": "$PROTOCOL", "cert": "/etc/hysteria/hysteria.server.crt", "key": "/etc/hysteria/hysteria.server.key", "up": "100 Mbps", "up_mbps": 100, "down": "100 Mbps", "down_mbps": 100, "disable_udp": false, "obfs": "$OBFS", "auth": { "mode": "passwords", "config": ["$PASSWORD"] } } EOF } ### # SYSTEMD ### get_running_services() { if [[ "x$FORCE_NO_SYSTEMD" == "x2" ]]; then return fi systemctl list-units --state=active --plain --no-legend \ | grep -o "hysteria-server@*[^\s]*.service" || true } restart_running_services() { if [[ "x$FORCE_NO_SYSTEMD" == "x2" ]]; then return fi echo "Restarting running service ... " for service in $(get_running_services); do echo -ne "Restarting $service ... " systemctl restart "$service" echo "done" done } stop_running_services() { if [[ "x$FORCE_NO_SYSTEMD" == "x2" ]]; then return fi echo "Stopping running service ... " for service in $(get_running_services); do echo -ne "Stopping $service ... " systemctl stop "$service" echo "done" done } ### # HYSTERIA & GITHUB API ### is_hysteria_installed() { # RETURN VALUE # 0: hysteria is installed # 1: hysteria is not installed if [[ -f "$EXECUTABLE_INSTALL_PATH" || -h "$EXECUTABLE_INSTALL_PATH" ]]; then return 0 fi return 1 } get_installed_version() { if is_hysteria_installed; then "$EXECUTABLE_INSTALL_PATH" -v | cut -d ' ' -f 3 fi } get_latest_version() { if [[ -n "$VERSION" ]]; then echo "$VERSION" return fi local _tmpfile=$(mktemp) if ! curl -sS -H 'Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json' "$API_BASE_URL/releases/latest" -o "$_tmpfile"; then error "Failed to get latest release, please check your network." exit 11 fi local _latest_version=$(grep 'tag_name' "$_tmpfile" | head -1 | grep -o '"v.*"') _latest_version=${_latest_version#'"'} _latest_version=${_latest_version%'"'} if [[ -n "$_latest_version" ]]; then echo "$_latest_version" fi rm -f "$_tmpfile" } download_hysteria() { local _version="$1" local _destination="$2" local _download_url="$REPO_URL/releases/download/v1.3.5/hysteria-$OPERATING_SYSTEM-$ARCHITECTURE" echo "Downloading hysteria archive: $_download_url ..." if ! curl -R -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' "$_download_url" -o "$_destination"; then error "Download failed! Please check your network and try again." return 11 fi return 0 } ### # ENTRY ### perform_install_hysteria_binary() { if [[ -n "$LOCAL_FILE" ]]; then note "Performing local install: $LOCAL_FILE" echo -ne "Installing hysteria executable ... " if install -Dm755 "$LOCAL_FILE" "$EXECUTABLE_INSTALL_PATH"; then echo "ok" else exit 2 fi return fi local _tmpfile=$(mktemp) if ! download_hysteria "$VERSION" "$_tmpfile"; then rm -f "$_tmpfile" exit 11 fi echo -ne "Installing hysteria executable ... " if install -Dm755 "$_tmpfile" "$EXECUTABLE_INSTALL_PATH"; then echo "ok" else exit 13 fi rm -f "$_tmpfile" } perform_remove_hysteria_binary() { remove_file "$EXECUTABLE_INSTALL_PATH" } perform_install_hysteria_example_config() { install_content -Dm644 "$(tpl_etc_hysteria_config_json)" "$CONFIG_DIR/config.json" "" } perform_install_hysteria_systemd() { if [[ "x$FORCE_NO_SYSTEMD" == "x2" ]]; then return fi install_content -Dm644 "$(tpl_hysteria_server_service)" "$SYSTEMD_SERVICES_DIR/hysteria-server.service" install_content -Dm644 "$(tpl_hysteria_server_x_service)" "$SYSTEMD_SERVICES_DIR/hysteria-server@.service" systemctl daemon-reload } perform_remove_hysteria_systemd() { remove_file "$SYSTEMD_SERVICES_DIR/hysteria-server.service" remove_file "$SYSTEMD_SERVICES_DIR/hysteria-server@.service" systemctl daemon-reload } perform_install_hysteria_home_legacy() { if ! is_user_exists "$HYSTERIA_USER"; then echo -ne "Creating user $HYSTERIA_USER ... " useradd -r -d "$HYSTERIA_HOME_DIR" -m "$HYSTERIA_USER" echo "ok" fi } perform_install() { local _is_frash_install if ! is_hysteria_installed; then _is_frash_install=1 fi perform_install_hysteria_binary perform_install_hysteria_example_config perform_install_hysteria_home_legacy perform_install_hysteria_systemd setup_ssl start_services if [[ -n "$_is_frash_install" ]]; then echo echo -e "$(tbold)Congratulation! AGN-UDP has been successfully installed on your server.$(treset)" echo echo -e "$(tbold)Client app AGN INJECTOR:$(treset)" echo -e "$(tblue)https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.agn.injector$(treset)" echo echo -e "Follow me!" echo echo -e "\t+ Check out my website at $(tblue)https://www.khaledagn.com$(treset)" echo -e "\t+ Follow me on Telegram: $(tblue)https://t.me/khaledagn$(treset)" echo -e "\t+ Follow me on Facebook: $(tblue)https://facebook.com/itskhaledagn$(treset)" echo else restart_running_services start_services echo echo -e "$(tbold)AGN-UDP has been successfully update to $VERSION.$(treset)" echo fi } perform_remove() { perform_remove_hysteria_binary stop_running_services perform_remove_hysteria_systemd echo echo -e "$(tbold)Congratulation! AGN-UDP has been successfully removed from your server.$(treset)" echo echo -e "You still need to remove configuration files and ACME certificates manually with the following commands:" echo echo -e "\t$(tred)rm -rf "$CONFIG_DIR"$(treset)" if [[ "x$HYSTERIA_USER" != "xroot" ]]; then echo -e "\t$(tred)userdel -r "$HYSTERIA_USER"$(treset)" fi if [[ "x$FORCE_NO_SYSTEMD" != "x2" ]]; then echo echo -e "You still might need to disable all related systemd services with the following commands:" echo echo -e "\t$(tred)rm -f /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/hysteria-server.service$(treset)" echo -e "\t$(tred)rm -f /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/hysteria-server@*.service$(treset)" echo -e "\t$(tred)systemctl daemon-reload$(treset)" fi echo } setup_ssl() { echo "Installing ssl" openssl genrsa -out /etc/hysteria/hysteria.ca.key 2048 openssl req -new -x509 -days 3650 -key /etc/hysteria/hysteria.ca.key -subj "/C=CN/ST=GD/L=SZ/O=Hysteria, Inc./CN=Hysteria Root CA" -out /etc/hysteria/hysteria.ca.crt openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout /etc/hysteria/hysteria.server.key -subj "/C=CN/ST=GD/L=SZ/O=Hysteria, Inc./CN=$DOMAIN" -out /etc/hysteria/hysteria.server.csr openssl x509 -req -extfile <(printf "subjectAltName=DNS:$DOMAIN,DNS:$DOMAIN") -days 3650 -in /etc/hysteria/hysteria.server.csr -CA /etc/hysteria/hysteria.ca.crt -CAkey /etc/hysteria/hysteria.ca.key -CAcreateserial -out /etc/hysteria/hysteria.server.crt } start_services() { echo "Starting AGN-UDP" apt update sudo debconf-set-selections <<< "iptables-persistent iptables-persistent/autosave_v4 boolean true" sudo debconf-set-selections <<< "iptables-persistent iptables-persistent/autosave_v6 boolean true" apt -y install iptables-persistent iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i $(ip -4 route ls|grep default|grep -Po '(?<=dev )(\S+)'|head -1) -p udp --dport 10000:65000 -j DNAT --to-destination $UDP_PORT ip6tables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i $(ip -4 route ls|grep default|grep -Po '(?<=dev )(\S+)'|head -1) -p udp --dport 10000:65000 -j DNAT --to-destination $UDP_PORT sysctl net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter=0 sysctl net.ipv4.conf.$(ip -4 route ls|grep default|grep -Po '(?<=dev )(\S+)'|head -1).rp_filter=0 echo "net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1 net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter=0 net.ipv4.conf.$(ip -4 route ls|grep default|grep -Po '(?<=dev )(\S+)'|head -1).rp_filter=0" > /etc/sysctl.conf sysctl -p sudo iptables-save > /etc/iptables/rules.v4 sudo ip6tables-save > /etc/iptables/rules.v6 systemctl enable hysteria-server.service systemctl start hysteria-server.service } main() { parse_arguments "$@" check_permission check_environment check_hysteria_user "hysteria" check_hysteria_homedir "/var/lib/$HYSTERIA_USER" case "$OPERATION" in "install") perform_install ;; "remove") perform_remove ;; *) error "Unknown operation '$OPERATION'." ;; esac } main "$@" # vim:set ft=bash ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et:

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