


Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2013 05:57:06 -0700 (PDT) From: Tague Micheals

Subject: Mothers & Sons IV IN TIME OF NEED Ludda was worried about her youngest boy, Demyan. Actually he was her only boy, her only family member, having lost her husband a little over 3 years before. Both of her parents and her older brother were gone and now this, her oldest son Janek, killed in the mines. Demyan had always adored his brother, older by some 6 plus years but when their father had died the little boy clung even more to her oldest son. But where Janek had been strong Demyan was not. Oh, he wasn't a weak boy by any means but he was a more gentle, a more soft boy. Demyan went from being an outgoing almost gregarious boy to a boy who didn't talk much, a boy who kept mostly to himself. Ludda knew what she must do. "But he's so young," she thought to herself, so innocent. But then, she reminded herself, she herself had been even younger when her father had died and her mother and 15 year old brother had consoled her in the time honored tradition. Of course it wasn't talked about although the women did discuss it with one or two close friends when they needed to talk about it. Of course there were those times when one of the women would reminisce about an experience, sometimes retelling the experience in detail and with much relish. They were adults after all and adults had needs. In any case the responsibility for dealing with it mostly fell on them, the women, to treat the issues or find an acceptable way to treat it. It wasn't something that was farmed out unless it was absolutely necessary, unless there was no one else able to see to it. So, Ludda's mother had explained to her then 11 year old daughter what her family and indeed most families in the mountain villages had done in such cases. Ludda was still numb from her father's death and simply nodded her head in acquiescence to what she was being told. That night after lights and lanterns has been turned out her mother and 15 year old brother came to her room. The lighted lantern went in a corner of the room and was turned down low then they came to her bed. Petyr was clad only in underwear, just as Ludda had been beneath her blanket; her mother clad in dingy panties and her large breasts hanging free. She had seen her brother dressed thusly most of her life, just as he had seen her but generally he wore a shirt that almost but didn't quite cover his male parts. Now, as he approached her bed, she could see the movement inside the dingy garment, a bobbing if you will, as he walked. Petyr climbed in under the covers on one side and her mother on the other and both snuggled close to the little girl, propped on an elbow and looking down onto her face. She could feel the warmth of their bodies and felt a comfort in that, in their closeness. "Mama explained to you what we will do Ludda," he asked and the young girl had nodded her head. "I will be as gentle as I can my sweet little lamb," he had told her. Ludda loved her brother, believe in him completely. He had never said a poor word to her, never treated her poorly like some brothers did. The girls all thought Petyr was the most handsome boy in the village and unbeknownst to her not a few women felt the same way. Of course with her mother there her safety and well-being was even further assured. Petyr leaned down and kissed her gently on the lips once, then twice and then held his mouth against hers. Her mother's hand rubbed against the small nipples of barely budding tits while her brother's free hand rested on her belly, then moved down to the front of her panties. What Ludda had known about sex was pretty much limited to what she occasionally saw animals doing and at her young age she hadn't found it anything beyond interesting. But her brother's hand rubbing gently on her slit felt very good; better than those few times when the girl did it herself. Ludda's legs automatically parted to allow her brother full access to her immature muffin, for that is what the girls called it. While Petyr had continued to kiss her, moving to her neck then back to her mouth, her mother moved down and began to tug Ludda's panties off and once they were off her mother began licking up and down her slit where her brother's hand had just been. It felt good. The little girl felt the hardness against her thigh, the hardness she knew was Petyr's penis, his cock. She reached across her body to touch him so Petyr backed away enough for her to move her hand which then sought out his prick. Yes, she knew that word, had heard other girls mention it with a muffled giggle. Ludda felt the length and hardness of him, amazed at how big such an otherwise small piece of flesh could get. "Perhaps we should we should remove my clothing Ludda," Petyr suggested. Ludda agreed so her brother moved onto his back. The young Ludda couldn't help but stare at the front of her brother's underwear and the fact that it was tented upward. "My gosh," she thought, he must be huge." Petyr tugged his underwear down allowing his prick to flop onto his belly. Ludda wondered how in the world such a thing would fit into the tiny hole in her slit. As if reading her daughter's mind Ludda's mother stopped licking between her legs to tell the girl not to worry, it would fit inside her hole. When she went back to licking her daughter the mother slipped a finger inside that hole and began moving it about. Ludda had been shocked at how hard and warm her brother's cock had been. The young girl had been fascinated at how the skin at the top would cover then uncover the red tinged head. With her mother still licking and fingering her muffin Petyr moved up the bed so that Ludda could fully appreciate his equipment. He encouraged her to lick the top just as her mother was licking her pussy-that was the word he uses. Ludda did it, found that it filled her mouth but rather enjoyed it. When the time came for Petyr to mount her, their mother helped by holding on the Petyr's peter-Ludda had chuckled at that-and guided it to Ludda's hole. First however she rubbed it up and down Ludda's small slit causing little jolts of very pleasurable feelings to rip through her body. Her mother finally stopped and held it to Ludda's smooth hairless body. "It is there Petyr, push in gently and show your sister how a boy can love a girl." It took a little pushing and prodding but finally his cock slid past the tight muscle. Oh yes, it had hurt and her brother stopped all movement to allow Ludda's body adjust to the invasion. While they waited her mother offered Ludda a large breast and encouraged the girl to suckle for that would calm her. Ludda did as she was told and in fact did feel a sense of comfort from nursing on her mother. Eventually her brother slowly inserted his cock into her canal until his hairs were poking at the puffy lips of her muffin. "Go ahead now Petyr, fuck your young sister," their mother commanded. Ludda continue to nurse for a moment but the feelings that were being generated from between the little girl's legs because too much and she had to breath, to groan and gasp as her brother fucked her for the first of many times. Their mother had told her son not to shoot his seed into his sister that first time but to pull out and shoot it on her body in order that the girl could learn about that part of what male's bodies did. Petyr did as requested, pulled his cock out of her quickly, causing her to moan at the loss, and began stroking his shaft above her pussy. The girl had been totally amazed at the streams of white goo that had shot out of her brother's cock like water hose, spraying the stuff all over her chest and belly. After the first 4 squirts he shoved it back inside of her and went back to fucking the little girl very hard. Later Ludda would spend time between her mother's legs, licking and slurping on her mother's hairy pussy, pushing her whole set of fingers up inside her mother's slit. Petyr fucked his mother while Ludda had straddle the woman's face so she could continue to lick on Ludda's now fucked pussy. They went at it all night long, first one getting fucked and then the other. Ludda was allowed to stay home from school the next day to rest up. Her brother ended up coming to her bed before lunch and they fucked again, 3 or 4 times before he finally seemed sated. Ludda enjoyed every thrust of his powerful young body; loved the feeling of her brother shooting his sperm into her not yet developed body. Sitting in her kitchen Ludda remembered her brother taking is underwear down and exposing his cock to her for the first time. She chuckled softly at her first thought about its size and its firmness and although it had been respectable, she learned in retrospect, it didn't compare to her husband or her oldest son. Fedor had been a bull of a man, easily 9 inches long and thick as Ludda's wrist. The first time he inserted that thing between her thighs she thought her cunt was going to rip apart. Yes, she learned the words. When her new husband was all the way inserted inside her it felt like it was touching her heart. It hurt; there was no doubt about that. It had been over 7 years since her brother had fucked her-she knew the words-and so had forgotten what the first time had been like. But Fedor had been gentle and it hadn't taken long before Ludda's body experienced lightning bolts of pleasure as he rammed that monster between her legs. When Fedor spent himself inside her, Ludda could feel the flood of sperm that came out of his large balls, much more than her brother had expended inside her immature womb. Afterwards Fedor got between her legs and licked up every drop of seeping liquid and caused Ludda to orgasm twice in the process. Her mother had done that to her as well and while it rather disgusted the little girl at first she became thrilled with it. The couple's bedsprings sang loudly every night for the better part of a year, sometimes many times during the night. There were times when one or the other would wake their partner in the middle of the night, the need so strong in one of them. Neither Ludda nor Fedor were angered by being woken out of a sound sleep in order to service the other and it was during that time that Janek had been conceived. The young couple had also shared a bed with Fedor's brother and his young wife. The two men had enjoyed watching their wives eating each other's pussy while they sucked on each other's massive cock. Fedor's brother loved having his older brother's cock inside his ass as much as Ludda enjoyed it. Hung like Fedor, Ludda's sister in law enjoyed the fruits of a large cock as well. Both Ludda and her sister in-law allowed the men to double fuck them. Taking either one of those monsters up the ass was painful as hell but once the other one was in a cunt and working it, the pain went away. Of course having a tit in her mouth helped. Ludda remembered back on those times and the incredible orgasms that she and her sister-in-law had experienced. When the men were spent Ludda would spend plenty of time licking up the used sperm from her sister-in-laws' asshole as well as her cunt. Of course her sister-in-law always returned the favor. Like his father, her oldest son had been hung like a donkey-yes she knew the expression- and the first time she saw the 16 year old fully naked and hard she felt a thrill in her pussy despite what her husband had said. Her husband had fucked her thoroughly not two nights before he died, something he hadn't done for some time, years in fact. Ludda thought his comment when he slid his giant cock inside her cunt for the third time to be a bit odd. "I want to make sure that you're properly fucked in case I get killed woman." He fucked her for a solid 20 minutes that last time, taking her though a variety of positions and giving her multiple orgasms in the process. Afterwards he said that he didn't have any premonitions, it just seemed like the thing to say. "Of course Janek will take care of you in any case and since the boy his hung like me, in the dark you'll think it is I who is plowing your cunt." Fedor hadn't been too far off the mark. A few days after her husband had died and was buried Ludda and Janek were talking softly in the living room of their shabby but clean living room. Demyan had already gone to bed in the room that he and Janek shared. Both of them missed their father and husband terribly. Just before he died Fedor explained to Janek what his responsibility would be to his mother in the event that he, Fedor died, for the man had indeed had some premonitions about his impending demise. Janek was a little perplexed but Fedor explained the history of the practice and the necessity. "People need to be reminded that they are still alive; that they aren't dead like their loved one. Nothing is more of a reminder of life than fucking. It takes the mind off of the loss for both parties but it also provides a sense of closeness to another person, one that is only found when fucking. Your uncle did the same for your mother as did I for my sister and then later on my mother. You must not worry about making a baby; the woman takes care of that. You must flood her womb with your sperm and not pull out to spill your seed elsewhere for that is part of what makes it all work. You must be with her every night for 1 week and you must bury your cock inside her cunt as often as you both are willing. Promise me my son that if the time comes you will honor our tradition and my wishes." Janek promised but he had also wondered about his little brother, how would Demyan find some relief? "You know well the ways of boys Janek. If your brother comes to your bed for safety and reassurance you can gently touch him, gently explore whether or not he is willing. I would not recommend fucking him with that hose between your legs even though I know well that you've placed it between the cheeks of your friends and even a goat or sheep from time to time. Again my son, that is the way of boys; it always has been and always will be but Demyan is still a young boy and generally children under 11 do not get fucked. You would do well to service him with your mouth or even allow him to fuck you." Demyan had not needed to be consoled in that manner. True, the boy had come to his brother's bed and snuggled with the older boy. When Janek let his hand drape across the boys hip and rest on his cock Demyan had taken the hand off and held it against his chest. After 3 such efforts Janek gave up but Janek's mother was a different story of course. When a lull in the conversation happened Ludda had gotten up and went to her handsome son and taking him by the hand led him to her bedroom and bade him take off his trousers while she unbuttoned the front of her dress. Ludda sat her son on the edge then put one knee beside him while the other foot was flat on the floor and because he was nearing 6 feet tall her breasts were level to his face. "Come my son," she said as she exposed the large globes to her 16 year old boy, "suckle at my breast." Ludda knew that boys were generally very attracted to breasts, probably due to their early nursing years; years that often lasted into a child's 3rd year due to the poverty of the villages. When the women of the village gave advice to other women in such circumstances they always said, "Offer your son your tits first. It won't scare them away and you'll get them every time." Janek was nervous for although he'd been with a few boys, he had never been with a woman or girl, had never even seen their bare body parts. His mother's breasts were large and inviting so when his mother held one up toward him, Janek leaned forward and took the large nipple into his mouth. "Oh yes my son, that feels wonderful," Ludda moaned as her son sucked on her. He took hold of the tit and cupped and fondled it while he nursed and since her hand was free she reached down to the front of Janek's underwear and felt his cock which was already fully engorged. His father had not been lying when he told Ludda of her sons' endowment. She could also feel the dampness of his arousal and wondered if his balls would pour forth as much sperm as her husband's had. "Oh mama," Janek gasped as his mother pulled on his hard cock then went right back to sucking on one tit or the other. Ludda rubbed her sons' hair while he sucked on her. After a moment she gently pulled away from him and dropped her dress to the floor and stood before Janek as naked as the day she was born, although her body had changed considerably since then. Janek stared at the dark patch of hair at the apex of his mothers' legs. He had heard about the pussy from other boys but had never seen one. "Go ahead and touch me Janek," his mother told him and the boy reached out tentatively and rubbed his fingers through the hair. "It's so soft mama," he offered quietly. Ludda let the boy feel around for a moment then gently pulled back and got to her knees between his legs. Reaching out for the waistband of his dingy underwear she suggested that he get them off and a moment later they were. Ludda stared at her sons' cock standing straight up against his flat belly. His heavy balls hung low enough to rest on the blanket and for the second time she wondered if they would ejaculate as much sperm as her late husband had. "You are such a big strong boy Janek," Ludda cooed. "Your balls are so large and furry," she said as she slipped her fingers underneath them and hefted the large bag causing the boy to gasp. "Have you ever been with a woman," she asked and Janek shook his head, "a goat or a sheep?" she added. There was no judgment because Ludda knew what boys sometimes did and it was basically an accepted behavior. "No mama," her boy said honestly, " Never." She asked if he had been with boys and her son nodded her head. She asked for what purpose and Janek told her they mostly just sucked each other and stroked their cocks until they squirted out the sperm. Ludda nodded her head then asked Janek if he knew what he was supposed to do and the boy nodded his head. "Papa said that I would put my cock in your little hole and fuck you and shoot my sperm into you. He said I was to do it for 1 week as often as you needed." "But you have never seen such a hole?" The boy shook his head. Ludda nodded her head in understanding then pulled her son's huge cock forward and stroked his foreskin back and forth over the swollen head before putting her mouth over it and sucking her son. Janek was shocked at the feelings that shot through his young body like an electric charge. "Oh mama," her son exclaimed as Ludda slid her mouth up and down the thick shaft and bouncing the head off the back of her throat. Having spent 18 years sucking his father's cock Ludda had gotten pretty good at it. She stopped sucking after a minute or two and licked her sons' balls, reveling in the fragrance emanating from the furry sac. Her work earned her another moan from the boy. She finally went back up and licked the seeping precum from all over the head, pushed his foreskin back over the head and sucked on the nipple of flesh before retracting it and putting her mouth back over the swollen flesh. "Mama you will make me squirt my juice out if you keep that up," Janek moaned. Ludda figured that might happen sooner than later so stopped and stood up. She gently pushed her boy onto his back and straddled his waist. He leaned forward far enough for him to raise his head and return to sucking on her tit while she reached behind and took hold of his cock. Ludda rubbed the head up and down her gash, teasing her clit and her cut hole with it for a good minute. Her son was beginning to breathe a little harder so she parked the head of her cock at the entrance to her body. "I am going to put your cock in me now Janek," Ludda said, her own voice deepened in lust. While Ludda had not had any desire to mate with her son prior to this the feelings were hot on her now. Many of the women had voiced the same thing; knowing they were taking their young sons into their bodies, knowing that in most cases it was their boys' first time with a woman, his first real fuck, made them afire with lust. For Ludda, knowing that her son was so handsome and had such a hot cock, the butterflies were going crazy in her belly. She knew the walls of her cunt would be spread by her son and she knew that he was going to experience the thrill of a lifetime once he was lodged inside of her. Once the beginning of her hole had captured the tip of Janek's cock head she moved her ass backwards, shoving the fat swollen flesh into her cunt. Janek gasped again, letting go of her tit and lying there absorbing the feeling. Ludda moved into an upright position and lowered herself down until her pussy hairs were resting on her sons' hair. For the woman, having her boy inside her was much like having his father inside her. "How does it feel Janek," she whispered. "It is incredible mama. I had no idea my cock could feel so good." Ludda began to rise and fall on Janek, fucking the boy, running her cunt his up and down his thick cock. Again, knowing it was his first time made it all that much sweeter. Janek put his hands on his mother's ass and also tried to move his hips, instinct taking over. Ludda ground her ass in circles, pushed her push against her son's body, working to bring the sperm up out of his fat heavy balls. It didn't take very long. "Mama, mama I am going to shoot my sperm out. Papa said I must shoot my sperm into you mama and I am, I am." That was the last thing he said. The boy groaned loudly and pushed his own slender ass up off the bed, taking his mother with him. The move shoved his cock about as far into her as it could go and Ludda felt her own spending begin. "Oh yes Janek, oh yes, fill my cunt with your sperm my son, let the juice from your balls leak out of my pussy." Ludda reached behind and got hold of her sons' heavy sac and gently squeezed them as if they were lemons that she needed all the juice from. As always the orgasm waned and Janek rested back on the bed while Ludda continued to keep up some movement, trying to keep some good feeling going for the both of them. She finally stopped and leaned forward, resting her body on her son. Janek's hands went right to her back and rubbed her then moved down to her ass and further down to feel where his cock disappeared inside of his mothers' body. "That feels so strange mama," he whispered in her ear. Ludda raised her body and thus her head a little bit in order to look into her sons' blue eyes. "How was it Janek, your first time with a woman?" He told her it was amazing, fantastic, unbelievable and he wanted to do it again and again. Ludda smiled and told him she thought so too and she was more than willing to do it over and over again with him. She encouraged her son not to wait for a sign from her, that he could also initiate the activity. Ludda had a healthy sexual appetite and like all males Fedor's ardor waned some through the years. Ludda wanted to relive those first few months with Fedor. She knew that all boys were filled with longing to fuck; that they could be almost insatiable and willing to go for hours on end day after day. He son was a strong and virile male as well as very gifted in the equipment area. Ludda hoped that not only would he fuck her good and long for the required week but she harbored the hope that her son would continue to share her bed and his body long after the first week. Ludda lowered her head and kissed her son on the lips two or three times until their mouths stayed pressed together. Ludda moved her body against his, Janek ran his hands up and down his mother's back and butt. After a good 3 or 4 minutes he said, "Mama, my cock is still hard. I think he's hungry for more of your cunt." Ludda agreed with him and got him to roll them over and reverse positions while his cock was still implanted in her. She directed her son to place his weight on his knees and put his hands on the bed beside her in order to do his duty. The boy didn't need any more direction and proceeded to fuck the hell out of his mother. Ludda encouraged him onward by cooing to Janek, telling what a good lover he was and how strong he was, how powerful his thrusts were. Of course she praised his magnificent cock as well as his large balls. Ludda asked her son if he could tell when he was ready to explode and he said that he could. "Will pull out of me please Janek and finish off by hand so that I may witness your creamy young sperm shooting out?" Janek was more than willing to do as his mother asked. The boy loved stroking his hard meat, loved watching his foreskin slide back and forth of the shiny head and he loved watching himself cum. It was a miracle to the boy, something to be savored over and over again. When he was ready Janek pulled out of his mother and continued to kneel between her legs, working his cock and cupping his large balls. "I am ready mama, here is the juice." With that he slowed his stroke, kept the foreskin retracted then moaned softly. Even Janek was surprised by the force that his sperm came out of his cock. A long rope of the viscous stuff flew out and hit his mother on the chin and draped down onto her neck. It was followed immediately by an equally large stream that landed closer to her right shoulder and the next one went right between her large tits. With each jet of sperm many droplets fell away from the main glob and rained down on Ludda's tits, her stomach and onto her lower belly. Had her son's cock been short he would have soaked her pussy but the end of his dick was beyond her thick patch of hair, so much so that even when the stuff dripped off it was close to her belly button. "Shove it back in my cunt and fuck me some more Janek," she cried out and her son had done exactly that. Ludda knew another woman in the village who had lost her husband and had mentioned to Ludda how virile Janek appeared. At the end of the required week Ludda asked Janek what he thought about servicing another woman as long as she, Ludda, was present. Janek agreed so Ludda presented the idea to the woman who readily agreed. That evening Ludda gorged herself on Onya's pussy, soaking her face in the woman's juices. Onya returned the favor, slobbering all over Ludda's pussy while above her face Janek fucked his mother like a dog. Gads what a sight that had been; watching close at hand while that powerful cock banged the holy hell out of its mother's cunt. Ludda enjoyed the hell out of being with a woman from time to time and at that juncture it had been years. As long as Janek and Onya were willing, so was Ludda. How it was that the noisy 3 some didn't wake Demyan was a mystery. So now, it was Demyan who lost his adored and revered older brother and it was Demyan that was Ludda's concern. Born during the cold of winter her young chick had only seen 13 summers and was half way to his 14th birthday. Ludda went quietly into her young sons' bedroom and looked down on him as he slept the peaceful sleep of a child, the light of the moon shining through his window. He had kicked his blanket off in the heat. Demyan's long and thick blonde hair fanned out around his head like a halo. His narrow chest rose and fell with his breathing, his ribs clearly visible due to the position. At the bottom of his rib cage skin fell away, down onto his flat belly, all of the muscles well defined and the lower ones disappearing in a gentle curve beneath the elastic waistband of his briefs. Ludda admired the bulge in her boys' underwear, clearly taking after his father and his older brother. The boy wasn't hard, that much she knew, but still the bulge was formidable as it moved to toward his right hip and actually raised the fabric of the leg hole away from his skin. Clearly her little boy wasn't so little in his crotch. The bulge between his thighs was also large for a boy his age, large enough to make sperm as was witnessed by his laundry. Ludda felt the dampness between her thighs as she gazed down on her sons' hidden charms. She also felt a sense of guilt at what she was thinking because of Demyan's sweet innocence. In some ways she hated to take that from him but she was also a slave to tradition. As conflicted as she felt about ruining her son's innocence Ludda would find out that her little boy was only innocent in the ways of females. Among other boys and at least one adult male he was practically considered a sage. It started right after his father's death when Demyan needed to join other herd boys in order to earn a few coins and contribute to the family coffers. Despite that fact that their village was quite large by comparison to others, Demyan was known by many even though for most it was by sight only. The boy was beautiful by any standard but in this part of world he was practically revered, even though most people had never met him formally. The herd boys stayed out on for days or even weeks at a time with their charges, moving them from field to field, keeping them from wandering too far afield and keeping them safe from predators. Of course they had herd dogs as well; Ovcharka's to be precise. While Ovcharka's are large dogs to begin with, the dogs from Demyan's village were known for hundreds of miles around for their size, strength, and ferocity. Adult Males averaged 160 pounds with some of the bigger boys tipping the scales at 200 or more. They were more than capable of dealing with wolves or bear. Demyan was initiated into not just the world of herd boys his first night out, but boys in general. Demyan's group consisted of 6 boys; the oldest and group leader a 14 year old named Alexi. Big for his age, Alexi carried an old bolt action Mauser strapped to his back and a 6 inch skinning knife with an elk antler handle at his left hip. It was rumored that he was an expert with both. Alexi was strong as an ox, able to lift a 6 month old calf by himself. It was rumored that even adult men tended to treat the youngster with respect. Alexi took Demyan under his wing the second they were introduced and not because he wanted the boy but because he sensed something special in Demyan and wanted to protect that. While Demyan didn't participate the first few nights he did witness boys sucking each other, boys fucking each other, boys getting fucked by herd dogs, boys fucking a sheep, and everything else imaginable. The adorably beautiful boy wasn't put off or frightened by any of it. Quite the contrary, he loved it. It's just that he never rushed into anything, always choosing to stand aside, watch and evaluate, and then commit himself. He did however allow Alexi to suck his cock in their corner of the communal tent that they shared. Alexi praised Demyan for his size and stated the boys' cock and his balls were incredibly beautiful, as beautiful as their owner. Demyan suckled Alexi as well and wasn't intimidated by the boy or his equally large cock. Demyan has seen Janek naked and hard so knew well what a big cock looked like. Demyan was not yet producing sperm but Alexi was full of the stuff and filled Demyan's mouth to overflowing, with the younger boy's permission of course. Demyan wasn't put off in the least by that either. Two nights later the young beauty got his first ass fucking by a herd boy that Alexi had chosen. Ivan was a 13 years old, of very gentle nature with a cock that would get the job done, provide pleasure for Demyan and little pain. At 10 years old Demyan cock was easily the same size as Ivan and it wouldn't do but what Ivan invited Demyan to use it on him. Demyan did exactly that, reveled in the tight feelings of having his boner shoved into a boys' tight butthole. Demyan's 3 years as a herd boy would provide him with a thorough sexual education, helped him identify that being with girl as expected probably wasn't going to be in his future, taught him hunting, fishing and wood lore skills. With Alexi teaching him Demyan would become a crack shot with the rifle and be able to sink a knife into the center ring of a target at 50 feet. Ludda had no knowledge of any of that as she gazed down on her beautiful, and only son. Oh, she had heard whispering from the other women about his woods skills but nothing about his sexual prowess which had grown right along with the other. Ludda reached out and let her rest ever so gently on the large bulge at the front of her sons' underwear. She immediately felt his body head radiating out through the thin fabric. Demyan didn't stir as his mother gently squeezed and fondled his boy charms, herself reveling in the seeming size of him. She felt proud that her youngest would fall into the footsteps of his father and older brother. Ludda felt Demyan begin to harden at her ministrations and as much as she wanted to see them, to feel them with her hand and her mouth and even her cunt she did not. That wasn't the way. She would sit down with Demyan in the morning, explain the ritual and plan for the following night. And so it was that Demyan came to the kitchen for breakfast clad in his usual attire, briefs. The front of the garment bulged greatly and Ludda wondered if he'd just gotten rid of a boner either by hand or by peeing. A few telltale wet spots indicated pee but of course it could still be sperm. The boy dutifully went to his mother and hugged her and in the process pressed his cock against her arm. After breakfast Ludda sat the boy down and told him about the ceremony that must take place. "But I am doing alright mama," the boy had said and Ludda explained that based on his unusually quiet behavior she wasn't convinced of that. "Besides Demyan, there is me to consider too. I have lost my oldest boy. The ceremony is as much for me as it is you. Demyan thought about that and agreed. He had heard about these ceremonies although only in bits and pieces. "You know mama my friend Ilja lost his father and now he has nobody to care for him. Perhaps we could take him in, have him be part of the ceremony too and then you would have two boys. I know it wouldn't be the same as Janek but it might help. Always one to help out, Ludda knew of Ilja's plight and had in fact been asked if she would take the boy in. She had been reluctant because of Demyan but now she saw that it would be good for all of them. "I think that would be the charitable thing to do Demyan. Go ahead and invite Ilja to our home and our ceremony if need be." The boy jumped up and hugged his mother again, pressing his boyhood charms against her belly, his face all but smothered by her large tits. Her husband and oldest son had loved Ludda's tits, loved burying their faces in the soft warm globes and on more than one occasion they straddled her belly and fucked those tits, shooting their sperm up onto Ludda's face on an out stroke and smearing the tits on and in stroke. Ludda hadn't minded in the least. So it was, later that morning, Demyan returned with their new roommate in tow, his pitiful belongings carried in a bag. Like most boys in their village Ilja was a blond haired boy with ice blue eyes and was very similar to Demyan in age, body size, and even personality. Ludda greeted the boy warmly and traditionally, hugging him to her and kissing him on the lips. Demyan then let the boy to their room to get settled in. After lunch Ludda asked the boys what their plans were for the day and after looking to one another for some support Demyan said that they had no plans. To Ilja Ludda asked if the boy was familiar with the traditional practice that took place at times like these and the boy nodded his head. "Are you willing to allow me to substitute for your family?" The boy nodded his head and said, "Yes mama, you and Demyan are my family now." Ludda stood up and reached for both boys hands then led them to her bedroom. She sat at the edge of her bed with each boy in front of her then quickly unsnapped their trousers and gently shoved them to the floor and bade them kick the garments away. She then peeled their shirts off then stood and quickly removed her dress so that the 3 of them were clad only in underwear, her large breasts excluded. The boys both were slightly shorter than Ludda, their heads coming to about her nose. She hefted a breast while putting her hand behind Demyan's head and gently bringing the 2 together. The boy opened his mouth and took his mother's nipple while on the other side Ilja took the initiative to do the same. "Oh yes my boys, suck on mama's tits. Gorge yourselves my boys," Ludda whispered. It felt good to have two at a time especially two young ones and adorable ones at that. While not up to par with Demyan's beauty the boy was cute as can be. Ludda would thoroughly enjoy watching his smooth face as he plunged his rock hard cock into her cunt. Ludda let her hands roam down the boy's backs and onto their deliciously slender little butts. She kneaded the orbs which caused the boys to push against her revealing that they were both boy young boy hard. Ludda gently moved them off of her tits then sat down, reaching out and tugging Demyan's briefs down. "Oh my son you are a man with a cock such as that," she honestly. He boy was definitely taking after his father and brother, which she already suspected but seeing him naked and fully hardened made her pussy drip with anticipation. At 13� years old the boy was easily 7� inches long with a fair amount of girth. His balls were large as well and hung low between his thighs. His cock stood tall and proud in front of a flat belly, bits of sandy colored pubic hair poking out around the base of his shaft. The head was partially covered by his foreskin but everything was bright red from the blood trapped inside. Ludda reached beneath her boy and hefted his balls causing him to groan with pleasure. She stroked his cock, hooding and un-hooding the large head. Ludda then turned to Ilja and did the same, revealing a smaller but none the less sweet hard cock about 6 inches or so long. He had less hair than Demyan but it too was very light colored. His balls, like Demyan's were smooth and hairless, hanging freely between his thighs. "You have a beautiful cock my son," Ludda commended. "Your balls are so smooth and pale," she said hefting his sac. "Do they make the sperm for you?" Ilja nodded his head. "Yes mama but not as much as my brother." So, the two boys were playing with each other Ludda thought to herself, not that boys playing together was novel to the woman. Everybody knew that boys did that sort of thing. She commanded the boys to take her panties off, which they did, then bade them to their knees between her legs. She asked if they had ever seen a woman's pussy before and they both said no. She explained her parts to them and what to do when playing there. Both boys felt her clit and rubbed on it, both explored her hole. "That is where your hard cock will go and where you'll shoot your sperm," she explained. "I would like to watch you boys make your juice, can you do that for me?" They nodded their heads so Ludda had them jack off right standing in front of her. God, Ludda thought to herself, Demyan is definitely going to fill my cunt with such a cock as he has. It almost looked out of place on the boys' diminutive body. Both boys were working their respective cocks, each tugging on their balls. Something passed between them, Demyan nodded his head and then to Ludda's surprise they kissed. It wasn't a quick peck on the lips but a deep tongue thrusting kiss. Demyan took his hand from his balls and put on the back of Ilja's head and pulled the boy to his. Ludda could hear each boy moan softly as intense feeling tore through their young bodies. They broke the kiss and Demyan announced that he was ready, Ilja repeating his statement. A second later her son's thick cock erupted and a long stream of sperm shot out and landed on his mother's legs. The boy groaned and yet another stream, just as large and thick as the first one erupted. ""Here mama," Ilja said, his usually high pitched voice deepened by lust. A much smaller glob of watery white goo burped out of his cock and landed on Ludda's calf. A third stream erupted from Demyan and another glob popped out of Ilja and the show was over for the younger boy. Demyan's cock continued to ooze cum, thick and white, that ran down over his fingers then dripped off onto the floor. It was quite a show and Ludda praised both boys for their performance. As they stood there Ludda leaned forward and took her sons' cock into her mouth and began sucking him, reveling in how much the swollen head filled her mouth. Her free hand went to Ilja's cock and slowly stroked it, and felt him up including his soft smooth balls. After a moment she switched cocks and suckled Ilja however having just cum both boys cock heads were ultrasensitive so she stopped. Things were quiet as the boy's breathing returned to normal. "Mama," Demyan began, "I hope you don't think badly of us for kissing like that. I thought you should know that Ilja and me are very close and we have been lovers for over a year. I hope that won't ruin things for you." Ludda signaled for her sons to come close and she wrapped her arms around both of them and hugged them tightly. "No, my sons," she whispered, "I don't think unkindly of you. It won't ruin anything for me however what about you? Will you boys be comfortable being with me? Are you even interested in being with a woman?" "Oh yes mama," Ilja jumped it, "we will be fine to be with you. It's just that we love each other and find much pleasure with each other. It does not mean we don't want to explore a woman for we must, don't you see, to be truly sure of our love for each other." For young people Ludda thought both boys were pretty smart. That being said Ludda and the 2 boys began 5 days solid of unrelenting sex. The first time that her young son shoved his thick cock into her cunt Ludda swooned. It wasn't because of his size, although that was part of it but mostly because he was young and small and she was his first woman. And he was a young god in the beauty department. Demyan held her legs back out of the way until the end of his cock was lodged in her cunt then rested her legs against his shoulders so that they were sticking up in the air. The youngster then plunged in all the way to his heavy balls and began fucking his mother in a slow steady pace. Ilja offered his new mama his cock which she sucked greedily. So good was she that the young boy shot his first sperm into a woman's mouth. He then straddled Ludda's body facing Demyan and the two boys engaged in a tongue battling deep throated kiss. Not to be left out Ludda fondled the boys' delicious butt, reached between his legs to fondle his balls and even trailed a finger back and forth over his puckered butt hole. "I am ready to put my sperm in you mama," Demyan finally said. He lowered his mother's legs then put his arms under them and leaned forward on the bed. From that position the boy could hammer his mother's pussy and that is just what he did. "Oh god Demyan you fuck me so good for a young boy," Ludda moaned and she wasn't saying it because she wanted him to feel good about himself or his performance. The boy could fuck. He pulled almost all the way out of her wet cunt before slamming his 13 year old cock back into her and about 2 minutes after the position change he did as he had promised. "Here it is mama, here is my sperm for you." The boy groaned out as his body gave up another 3 or 4 jets of young boy sperm. He didn't flood her cunt like his father or brother but that didn't matter, he was still breeding his mama. Afterwards, as soon as he pulled his cock out of her he got back between her legs and began lapping up his sperm. Ilja leaned over one thigh and began licking at the top part of Ludda's pussy, mauling her clit and sucking on it like a noodle. Between them the boys made her cum hard. Despite her experiences she had never had 2 males mouthing her crotch at the same time and of course they being young boys made it all that more delicious for her. An hour later after much foreplay Ilja fucked her and again, it certainly wasn't his size that pleased her as much as it was his diminutive body, his innocence and his energy. He too shot his sperm into her cunt although in all honesty there wasn't very much. Still both boys got down there and ate Ludda's pussy like it was their last meal. Afterwards they lay together like a couple of puppies with their mother, which they sort of were. They all kissed and hugged, fondled and rubbed. The boys took turns nursing at Ludda's ample tits and while one nurse the other kissed her or worked on her pussy. Both Ilja and Demyan wanted to love each other and they wanted to do it in front of Ludda. When Demyan mentioned it his mother was all for it and encouraged the boys so Demyan jumped off the bed and left the room to come back a moment later with a small jar which he set on the floor beside the bed. She had seen men together; her husband and his brother, but it wouldn't be the same. Sure the two men loved each other but they weren't in love with each other. Ilja and Demyan were in love with each other. The boys started out side by side holding and rubbing and gently kissing each other before Demyan kissed his way down Ilja's body and ending at the boys' raging boner. Demyan skinned the foreskin back and forth a few times before licking all over the head and shaft then taking Ilja's flesh into his mouth. He suckled there for a few moments then stopped. He moved in order to lick the smooth balls hanging between Ilja's smooth pale thighs. He moved the eggs around with his tongue, sucked one into his mouth and sucked on it before letting out gently then did the same with the other egg. He crawled between Ilja's thighs and pushed the boys' legs back and began licking all over the puckered muscle. Both boys were moaning softly as intense feelings shot through their young bodies like lightening in the night sky. "Oh God Demyan I love it so much when you do that. Ludda was a little taken aback by that behavior for it wasn't something she was familiar with other than licking up sperm. Still her son worshipped Ilja's asshole as if it were a cock or a pussy and judging from the amount of moaning going on it must feel good. "I need you to fuck me right now Demyan my sweet boy. "I need your cock inside of me," Ilja practically whimpered. Demyan knew well his lovers moods and desires. He'd been fucking the boy for the better part of 10 months. Demyan picked up the jar from the floor and scooped out the thick white lotion which was lanolin. He smeared Ilja's hole with it then preceded to finger fuck the boy for a moment. He then smeared his stone hard cock. Ludda was dying to get her fingers in the mix somewhere but held herself in check, wanting to see how things went. As if reading her mind Demyan said, "Next time you will play too mama but this had to be just for Ilja and me." Ludda nodded her head and just lay there and watched and in the end was very glad that she had. Otherwise, she might not have seen what she did. Demyan moved up to Ilja's butt, the boy having pulled his legs back out of the way. He held his thick cock downward then prodded at Ilja's hole for a bit then held his cock still, the head fully exposed, right on the hole. Demyan pushed with increasing force until the swollen head slipped past the muscle and into Ilja's body. Demyan stopped but his lover said, "No my Demmy, put it all the way in. I need your cock to fill me up." The beautiful young teen did as he was asked in less time that it takes to tell, his balls were resting up against Ilja's tight little butt. Demyan slipped his arms underneath Ilja's legs and leaned forward placing his hands on the bed. The brought Ilja's knees almost to his ears and the boys faces very close together. Ilja's hands went to the side of Demyan's head and the two boys kissed a slow but deep kiss. "I so love being with you like this Demyan. Love me sweet Demmy; love me like only you can. Demyan began moving, pulling his cock out a little then pushing it back inside. After a moment he adjusted his body so that he raised his butt up a little and put more weight on his knees. From there he was able to pull out a great deal more before pushing back inside the tight confines of the cute young teen's hole. Demyan so loved being with Ilja and not just fucking him, which had been amazing from the first time he's done, but in all things. Demyan truly loved Ilja and that is part of what Ludda saw by watching the boys and not being an active participant. The other part was that she could plainly Ilja felt the same way. Not only did the boys love each other deeply but they cherished each other as well. "Being inside of you is the most amazing thing to ever happen to me Ilja," Demyan whispered as he loved his boy. "I would not want to live if you weren't with me." Ludda was a little shocked at that but held her tongue. Demyan continue to fuck Ilja, moving his slender tender butt from side to side, sometimes stopping all the way inside of him and pressing even harder against the younger boys' body, then going back to fucking him. The only sound in the room was that of breathing, the boys' breathing starting to come a little faster. Ilja's hands roamed up and down Demyan's back and sometimes onto his butt to knead the flesh. Ilja loved Demyan's butt but then, he loved everything about his Demyan. The boy in question began to pick up speed and began plunging his cock back into Ilja's hungry ass. Now the sound of flesh smacking together was added to the room. "Oh yes Demyan, love me harder. Slam your big cock into my body Demyan, I beg you." Demyan knew Ilja's cues, his desires, his needs. Ilja was one of those boys who really needed to be fucked hard. Demyan didn't fully understand that but he reasoned that he didn't need to understand. All he needed to do was to love Ilja in the manner that the boy needed to be loved. Demyan began really slamming into Ilja causing the boy to grunt each time Demyan's cock was plunged back inside of him. "Yes, like that my sweet boy, just like that. Hurt me with your wonderful thick cock Demyan; show me how you love me." Demyan did. Looking on, someone might thing that the young boys' body would be bruised from Demyan slamming into him like that but no bruises ever appeared. "Make me cum my sweet baby; make me cum by shooting your sperm into me. I need your sperm in my body Demyan, I need your juices." Ilja knew that talking to Demyan made the boy even hotter than he might already be. As if it were possible Demyan fucked Ilja harder. He was pulling almost all the way out of him then hammering his cock back into him. Now his balls were making smacking sounds as they slammed against the young blonde's butt. "I'm there Ilja, I'm going to cum, I'm going to put my sperm in you. Oh fuck Ilja I love you so muuuuuuuch." Demyan's entire body stiffened along with his cock and he started shooting cum like a rocket into Ilja's ass. So powerful was his sperming that the younger boy could feel the gooey liquid enter his body and that took him over the edge as well. "Oh fuck Demyan; harder, you're making me cum oh god oh god oh god." Ilja's cock began pumping cream out onto his heaving flat belly although there wasn't a huge amount of sperm. But the goddamn feelings were there for the boy and his body shivered and shook with the power of his orgasm. Like all good orgasms-is is even possible to have a bad one- it was over way sooner than either boy wanted it to be. They lay there quietly catching their breath, Ludda watching but feeling somewhat guilty for it seemed like she was intruding on something very personal, almost private. "Are you ready my sweet love," Demyan asked and Ilja said that he was. Ludda watched as he son maneuvered himself to his knees then pulled the smaller boy up off the bed and onto his lap, still impaled on her Demyan's fat cock. The boys kissed tenderly, on the lips the cheeks, the nose and back to the lips. When it was done Ilja lay his head on Demyan's shoulder and just hugged him and held him, Demyan doing the same. Demyan rested his head against Ilja's but was turned toward his mother who looked on with tears in her eyes. "Why do you cry mama," the boy asked. "Because you're so beautiful together my sons," his mother replied and Demyan nodded his head. "I love him mama. I love Ilja with all my heart." The boy hugged his lover again. "With all my heart mama." He closed his eyes and hugged his young lover even tighter. After the boys' cocks softened then tramped into the small kitchen where Ludda provided cheese and bread with some slices of meat. They talked a little while they ate, the boys wanting to know what Ludda thought about what they had done so far. She replied that she was pleased, they were both energetic boys and she would love to continue being with them if they were okay with it. Ilja reiterated that they did want to do things with her, to learn more of the ways and the body of women so if the need ever arose they would be able to satisfy a woman. To that end they spent the rest of the week in all manner of combinations. Ludda sucked a cock while one boy fucked her. Sometimes a boy would fuck her while sucking on the other boys cock. Of course it typically worked better if the one boy was fucking her doggie style. Ludda would often suck the cock of a boy getting fucked. She learned how to rim, something she told them she had never done. She found that she rather liked it and was willing to do more of it if they wanted. Typically the boys didn't sleep the night with Ludda but preferred to sleep together in Demyan's bed. While Ludda missed the comfort of having someone in her bed at night she understood the boys' need to have some alone time together. After the requisite week was over the boys continued to share Ludda's bed from time to time both for her and for them. They enjoyed the differences of male female sex compared to male male, a little variety if you will. By the time he was 15 Demyan's cock had reached its full growth of around 9 thick inches which Ludda of course loved. She remarried when her boys were 16 and fortunately the man was very accommodating to the boys, treated them well and every so often would encourage them to join him and Ludda for an evening of debauchery. All in all, it worked out fine for everyone.

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