


Date: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 14:57:45 +0000 From: David Skies

Subject: Mother knows best. Part 3 of 3 parts. (MM, oral, ws, voy) Please accept the third and final part of the above story. The first and second parts were very recently added to the bisexual/incest section of the Nifty Archive. Also, please view the final paragraph regarding donations to Nifty and feel free to edit it to your satisfaction. With many thanks, Mr BS Mother knows best. Part 3 of 3 parts. (MM, oral, ws, voy) The author would be pleased to receive constructive feedback and also if you liked the story. I apologise in advance for any undiscovered typos despite the proof-reading but please do say if there are repetitive grammatical errors which you have found particularly annoying and which I appreciate can drive one to distraction. Mr BS. (mr_blue_skies@hotmail.co.uk) I showered and dressed and went downstairs for coffee. After a moment or two of silence I broached the subject and asked if she still wanted to see me again. Without any hesitation she said she would and that in the night she had come to terms with what had taken place. She said that she remained annoyed with me but it would pass; she then said that she justified the event in thinking that in some way she had helped Ben. I didn't comment further and shortly afterwards we kissed good-bye and I headed for home, via Ben's house. He must have been looking out for me; as I arrived he opened the door before I had got out of the car. He was standing in the doorway as I walked toward it but took a step back to let me in and then with surprising speed and force he pushed me back against the closing door and kissed me fiercely. I was taken unawares but before I had time to react he pulled away from me breathing heavily and said `Thank you, thank you, thank you' and then kissed me hungrily again. He pulled away and stepped backwards and smiled. `I needed that.' He said. `I've been waiting ages for you to turn up.' And then, to my surprise, he asked if I'd like coffee, which I accepted. As he fiddled around with all the paraphernalia that one seems to need nowadays to make a cup of coffee he chatted about last night's experience. Several times he thanked me for engineering it and hoped that his mother hadn't been too angry with me. Without waiting for a response he carried on and talked about how he felt about his first and very memorable time with a woman and how it made no difference to him that it was his mother. He said he had the confidence to `phone his girlfriend and ask if she'd like to spend the coming weekend at his house. He went on to say that after our talk some time ago that he been a little more adventurous with her and that she had been responsive and that they had indulged in some intimate touching and kissing. I asked him what he called intimate. He said that she had been keen to let him remove her shirt and bra and fondle and kiss her breasts and she had taken him by surprise by running a hand over the bulge in his jeans. I asked if he enjoyed it and he said he had but he was nervous and he wondered if she was more experienced than him. From what little he told me I assumed that to be the case. He set the coffee down on the table and I sipped mine while he continued talking. It was more a monologue on his part than a conversation. He returned to the subject about whether Julie was more experienced than him and I said that it may be quite likely and in some cases that would make things a little easier than both being an inexperienced couple fumbling their way to something they were totally unfamiliar with. He accepted this point wordlessly nodding a couple of times and almost, I suppose, philosophically agreeing. I finished my coffee much the same time as he exhausted the subject. As I put my empty cup aside he asked me if I could stay for a while; I said I would. He pushed aside his barely touched coffee and stood up. I did so too and without anything being said between us we headed up the stairs. It was much like the first time we been intimate together; he nervously started to undo my shirt. I did the same to him whilst easing myself out of my shoes. When he got down to my shirt buttons of the level of my belt I pulled my shirt over my head and hurriedly undid my belt and let my trousers fall to the floor and stepped out of them. He looked down at the evident bulge in my briefs and I placed both hands on his shoulders and pushed him down on his knees. He took hold of my briefs and in one movement pulled them down; my hardening penis sprang from the elasticated belt and he took it without hesitation into his mouth. I closed my eyes as the delicious warm sensation flowed through me and gently held the back of his head. We stayed like that for a half a minute or so before he started to slow back into the movement with his mouth and hand. So sudden and intense had it been that I could feel myself ready to cum. I pulled away from him. `Let me finish undressing you Ben.' He stood up and I quickly divested him of his shirt and dropped his trousers and his shorts. His cock sprang out pleasingly rigid and at an angle well above the horizontal. I stood back and looked at him; he is a wonderful sight; good-looking, muscular and, above all, wanting me. Momentarily, I envied his youth and by the same token, lamented my years that had passed. We fell onto the bed and with unbridled passion we kissed, touched, probed and in turns rolled over on the top of each other, pinching and kissing nipples and holding each other closely. After a while we slowed down and mutually ended up on our sides in a comfortable sixty-nine position slowly stroking and sucking each other's cocks. It is lovely feeling having one's cock sucked it whilst sucking another. We stayed like this for a while gently milking pre-cum from each other. I enjoyed spreading the crystal clear droplets of pre-come over the head of his cock and then taking it into my mouth and savouring the slight saltiness of it. We stayed comfortably like this for some time and then by some coincidence we both started being a little firmer and little quicker with our stroking and sucking. As this continued so did the intensity of what you were doing and, as if by some transmission of thought, were both passionately sucking and stroking each other whilst understanding that neither of us were going to stop. Such was the intensity of it that I can't recall if one of us came first or whether simultaneously but either way, as his cum pumped into my mouth, I had reciprocal spasms and I felt the jets of cum spurting from the eye of my penis into his warm and welcoming mouth. It was an intense half a minute or so until again, much at the same time, we both quietened and slowed whilst gently milking the last drops from each other and then, again by some silent signal, we pulled apart and turned facing each other. After the slightest of pauses, we kissed. It was a deliciously slippery and prolonged kiss. Firstly, we were side-by-side, then me on top of Ben and then he in turn on top of me and all the time passing and leaking cum from our respective mouths over each other's lips and with the excess running down our separate faces. At one point Ben pulled away from me and wiped my face with his hand and then sucked his fingers before continuing our kiss. Between us we clearly had made a copious amount of cum that seemed to go everywhere even though we still had a fair amount to pass between us. When we eventually finished, if Ben's face was anything to go by, we were both quite a sight. `I think we need to shower, Ben.' I got off the bed and turned and offered my hand to help Ben up. The bathroom in fact didn't have a bath, just a basin, w/c and a generously large shower in lieu of the bath. It was a given that we were going to shower together as we had in the past. We got in and closed the glass door. Just as I was about to reach up and turned on the huge shower head above us, he said that he needed to take a leak. As he turned to reach for the door I put my hand on the shoulder. `Wait, Ben,' I said, `let me show you something.' He looked at me quizzically. `Come here Ben; let me hold you for a moment.' He looked puzzled but did as I asked and I hugged him to me that he responded in kind. `Just relax against me and let it go.' I said. `Really?' `Yes.' I said quietly. I held him and there was a pause before I felt a brief and warm jet start between our joined bodies and then stop. There was another pause and then a warm trickle which after a couple of seconds turned into a full-blown jet. It spread over my lower stomach and penis and balls and then to my legs and, I should imagine, his also as he noticeably relaxed as stream grew stronger and warmer and then I let go also. We stood there hugging each other with mutual warmth flowing from us across our bodies, down our legs and over our feet. It was a strange and comforting feeling and when we at last stopped I reached up and opened the shower valve above our heads. The initial full blast jet was cold and we both gasped but it quickly warmed up and we spent a pleasant 10 minutes soaping each other and washing each other's face and chest before giving each other a soapy and intimate wash. I finished it by kneeling in front of him, taking his firm penis in my mouth and sliding a soapy finger into his opening. He didn't get particularly hard but it clearly took pleasure from it as did I; it was done as an intimate gesture rather than expecting anything more and I stopped after half a minute or so. We dried each other off and then went back into his bedroom to get dressed. As we were pulling on our clothes his mobile bleeped; he finished putting on his shirt and stepped into his trousers and picked up the `phone from the side-table. `It's text from Julie.' He said. I went to continue dressing but was stopped by a gasp from him. He'd sat down on the bed and was staring at the screen of his `phone; he pressed a couple of buttons and then I noticed he blushed. `My God.' He said, hardly above a whisper. `What's the matter?' I asked. He didn't say anything; he just passed me the `phone. I took it and looked at the screen; there was a text saying `Yes' to coming for the weekend; she was hoping he would ask one day, and would this be appropriate to wear for the evening? And then, it said, `Scroll down'. Which I did and saw the reason for his gasp. As I scrolled down, her face that I'd seen some time ago appeared and the long hair to her shoulders and then, to my surprise, and I have to say delight, down to her naked breasts. I paused there and then continued scrolling down to her shaved pubis and then to a full-length photograph. It had clearly been taken in the mirror as she was holding the camera in her right hand. She really was a glorious sight and I envied the kids of today. The first naked woman I ever saw was in some trashy magazine when I was in my teens. Now, before me was a real-life picture of his girlfriend and she was lovely. I momentarily felt like a dirty old man as I looked at her shaven pubis, something that always appealed to me but which I had never encountered. She was smiling a lovely smile and her huge brown eyes were alive with mischief and promise. I glanced at Ben and he was still flushed and his hands shaking slightly, almost in a state of shock. I took advantage of his distraction and zoomed in on her breasts and then down to where the prettiest pair of pink labia protruded. At that point I would have given anything to go down on her. Then the slight guilt crept in that I was looking and lusting at something I shouldn't really be doing. Silently and quickly I fiddled with the keys and then handed the `phone back to Ben. `It looks as if it's going to be a good weekend Ben.' I said with a smile. He looked up at me. `Do you think I will be man enough David?' He asked querulously. `If yesterday was anything to go by Ben, I'm sure you'll be fine. Remember, just like mummy said, don't rush it. Take your time. Remember, just like mummy said.' He nodded. `I'll remember.' He said softly. We finished dressing and he accompanied me to the door; we gave each other a fleeting kiss and we agreed to meet again in the future when I was next away on business. I took the long route home just to spin out enough time for me to calm down and also, truth be told, to formulate the first couple of hours after I got home in order to appear normal and not arouse suspicion. I decided to take a few days off work and did stuff around the house that my wife had been pressing me to do for some time. We had a couple of days out and I took her shopping for new clothes which I generously paid for, largely to salve my conscience. On one of the days she got up early and said she wanted to go out with her friend to have a look at the same shops she had looked at the day before with me. No, I don't understand why either but I expect the ladies do. When she had left I got up and showered, donned my bathrobe and got out the camera from my travelling pack to download the photographs onto my home computer. As I did so I noticed that the small door at the back of the camera which held the memory card was slightly open. I looked inside and the card wasn't there; where it should have been was a small folded piece of paper. I took it out and unfolded it. It read: `I couldn't let this leave the house so I've destroyed it. Apologies, A.' It was all that was written on it. I shrugged but was only slightly annoyed that I'd lost all that was on the card. But I still had my memories of what I'd seen and what I had talked about. I returned to the bag and in the small compartment inside one of the larger ones, took out the other memory card. I could live without the company pictures that I'd taken during my travels and I can remember verbatim the machinery we had talked about. I plugged the memory card in the PC and flicked through the stills I'd taken of Ben with his mother. When I got to the end of those I plugged in the headset and set the display to fill the screen. In anticipation of what was to follow I sat back and undid my bathrobe and felt my penis stir in anticipation as I reached for the `Play' button. I was not disappointed; it was as erotic as I remembered and I timed my stroking so that I came at the same moment that Ben did into his mother. A little later, after I'd tidied myself up, I downloaded the picture of Julie I had forwarded to my own `phone from Ben's before I'd returned it to him. It was a good photo and enlarged well enough to zoom in without too much distortion. I sat looking at her in intimate detail for some time before I heard my wife's car returning. I added passwords to the pictures and the video files and shut-down the PC. If you have read this far it follows that you have enjoyed my story. On that note, I'd like to bring to your attention that Nifty needs your donations to provide these stories and would be very pleased to hear from you at http://donate.nifty.org/donate.htm With many thanks in anticipation, MrBS

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