


Date: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 18:20:55 +0000 From: David Skies

Subject: Mother knows best. Part 2 of 3 parts (MF, inc, voy) Mother knows best. Part 2 of 3 parts (MF, inc, voy) The author would be pleased to receive constructive feedback and also if you liked the story. I apologise in advance for any undiscovered typos despite the proof-reading but please do say if there are repetitive grammatical errors which you have found particularly annoying and which I appreciate can drive one to distraction. Mr BS. (mr_blue_skies@hotmail.co.uk) He looked directly into her eyes and she unwaveringly met his gaze. I watched this frozen and silent tableau in mute fascination. It was possibly only for three or four seconds but at the time it seemed to take an age. Slowly he lowered his hand. Silently, and without either apparently noticing, I left the room and went into Ben's former bedroom where I had left my overnight case. I quickly found my camera and swiftly changed the memory card to the one I kept solely for taking photographs of Ben's mother. As I was about to re-enter her bedroom I heard her voice. `Ben, this can't happen like this. Please untie me.' `But I want to touch you,' he said, `I want to know what it feels like. I just don't know what to do with a woman.' `Well, Ben, it doesn't have to be like this.' `How can it be then?' She paused and looked up at him and then glanced at me where I'd reoccupied chair which I'd recently left. I nodded. She gave the slightest nod in return and then looked back at Ben. `Untie me Ben. I won't stop you, just untie me please.' He hesitated then reached across and pulled the scarf away from her wrist and then did the same to the other. `And now my legs Ben. Untie my legs.' He stood and did as she had asked him, firstly one leg and then, after a little hesitation, the other. He stood by the side of the bed looking down at his mother. After a couple of seconds or so he quickly pulled off his T-shirt and let it drop to the floor and sat next to her on the bed. Then, in one fluid movement, she reached up, put her hand behind his head and pulled him down on to her breast. To this day I am unsure who gasped the loudest, Ben or me. His mouth found her nipple and he sucked gently on it as he had done so many years earlier. After a silent half minute or so she gently pulled his head away and moved him to her other breast; I noticed the wetness and erection of her nipple as he did so. I was aware that my penis was so hard and erect that it was bordering on being painful. I also realised that I was holding the camera. I fumbled slightly and turned it on. The faint click of the shutter didn't go unnoticed and she glanced across at me as she suckled her son. She looked away from me and looked down to Ben's head on her breast. `Come and lay beside me Ben.' She said quietly and shifted to one side to make room for him. He released her breast from his lips and moved to lay full length beside her. She kissed him on his forehead and then very lightly on his mouth. She broke the kiss and I noticed that Ben tried to hang on to it as she pulled away and instead she pulled him closely beside her and cradled him to her. They lay together for a while and then she reached across and took his hand and laid it on her breast. He immediately began to massage it in a fumbling sort of way as a boy would when he first feels a breast. `Gently Ben. Slowly; take your time, there's no rush.' He did as she asked and he ran his hand slowly over her breast and nipple for a while until she took his hand moved it to her other breast. I noticed that her breathing had quickened slightly and her eyes were half shut but most of all I noticed that her nipples were rigid as I've ever seen them. As he continued to gently massage her breast she touched his face and, when he looked up to her, she kissed him and this time it was a lingering kiss given with some feeling. I heard him taking deep breaths through his nose and he started to more forcefully massage her breasts which she stilled by taking his hand and holding it until he started to move it again but gently this time. I watched this in silence for several minutes, occasionally taking a picture. There was no doubt that both of them were lost in the moment; she lay there with her eyes half closed as Ben gently massaged her breasts as they exchanged kisses. After a while she pressed Ben's head down to her breasts. `Gently now.' Was all she said. And he was. He kissed and sucked each breast in turn while massaging the other. After a minute or so he became braver and slid his hand from her breasts and across her stomach. Before he reached his goal however she took hold of his hand and halted its travel. `Not yet.' She said, pulling away from him. `Lay on your back.' She said in a surprisingly commanding tone. He did as she said but he didn't straighten his legs. She gently told him to straighten them. As he did so his erection became obvious in his shorts. He looked slightly embarrassed but her only reaction was to kneel beside him, looking down at him. She then slowly reached for the waistband of his trunks and pulled them down in one movement and off and then drop them by the side of the bed. `My, you have grown into a big boy.' She said, smiling. He reddened slightly but said nothing. In the silence that followed she gazed firstly at his face and then at his hardened penis. Slowly, very gently, she reached and took hold of it. She looked his face to gauge his reaction and then without dropping her gaze she worked his pre-come over the head of his penis before very gently stroking it. Both she and I watched his face looking for any sign that he might cum. She was very astute as a woman of her experience would be and she stopped even before I had noticed any sign. She let it go, looked down on him and then lay beside him. When his breathing quietened she pulled him against her breast. As he gently kissed it she took his hand and placed it between her legs. As I stood to take a photograph I could appreciate how wet she had become from her own arousal and also from my cum now leaking from her. He fumbled around until almost by accident he slid a finger into her. Both of them gasped simultaneously. The look on his face, almost of shock, as he quickly removed his hand. Wordlessly, she reached across and took his hand and guided it back to her. This time he was able to consciously slide finger into her and then, to my surprise, slid in a second one. Through some instinct or other he started to work his fingers inside her and I watched as the expression on her face showed the pleasure she was experiencing. Additionally, I could hear the sound of her wetness as he stimulated her. As he did so, she gently rocked her hips back and forth trying to match his rhythm. It couldn't have been longer than a couple of minutes before she reached down and pulled his hand away from her. `Lay on your back, Ben.' She said quietly. He did as she asked. Then, looking directly at him she knelt astride him, reached down, took the hand that he used on her and slowly quite deliberately sucked the two fingers he had used inside her. `Lay still Ben,' she said quietly, `whatever you do, don't move. Do you understand me?' He didn't reply; he just nodded. I briefly looked away from this erotic spectacle as I fumbled with the camera and switched it to video mode and placed it on the table beside me turned towards the bed. As I watched, in one continuous movement and without using her hands, she lowered herself onto his rigid cock and impaled herself up to its hilt. How on earth Ben (or I) didn't cum at that moment I will never understand. I had never seen anything so erotic and this was his first time inside a woman. I think we both hold our breath as she sat perfectly still, saying nothing, looking down on his face. She sat perfectly still for must have been two or even three minutes; the only sound in the room was Ben's breathing as he gazed up at his mother. Then, very slowly she lifted herself slightly, sliding herself up his cock. She paused and then sank slowly down again and then waited half a minute or so. Then she repeated the movement again and then paused. And then she did the same again pausing each time. She did this six or so times and then stopped again. Then, she did it again but this time she didn't pause at the end of every stroke. As I watched transfixed she slowly, deliberately and gently pleasured her son and, given the sound of her wetness, herself. To his great credit Ben hung on for as long as he was able which was perhaps a minute or so and then it was obvious that he couldn't contain himself any longer. When she noticed, she quickened her pace and pushed down hard onto him at every stroke. With that special sound he makes, and with which I am familiar, he came. As he did, she lunged deeply onto him. In that wonderful exquisite agony of an intense orgasm he sat up and as he did so she wrapped her arms around him and pulled him toward her, pressing his head to her breasts. I listened to his muffled gasps as each spasm took him and watched as she lent slightly forward stroking his hair and making comforting noises as one might to a child which, in essence, he is. They stayed like that, joined, for some while; I can't recall how long, probably just for a minute or so. After a while she let go her hold on him and eased herself back slightly so that she could look at him but as she did so he dropped his gaze. `Look at me Ben' she said softly. He looked at almost guiltily, dropped his gaze again, and then looked at her again. `That was first time and the last time, Ben. You have to understand that.' `Yes.' He said nodding assent and then looked down again. She moved slightly and lifted herself off him. I noticed as his penis fell away from her that he was still quite hard and that a thread of his cum hung from her onto his cock. I noticed the look of disappointment that flashed across his face and she noticed it to. `It is something we can never talk about Ben, not to anybody else or even to each other. Do you understand that?' He didn't say anything just nodded in agreement. `Now go and have a shower while I get dressed.' She moved to one side of him to allow him to get up. In the noise of the movement I reached over and switched off the camera. As Ben got up he glanced in my direction and picked up his shorts and turned to leave the room. As he left she also got up and pushed the door closed behind him. `We need to talk,' she said quietly `ask him to go home and you'll have to stay on afterwards. Somehow, you have to phone your wife and tell her either you'll be late or delayed for a day. Whatever you say I don't mind, but you're staying. Is that clear?' `Yes, of course it is,' I said softly, `I'll make the call now. I'll do it from Ben's room' She nodded in agreement and I got up and left. I got into Ben's room picked up my `phone and went to dial the number but then stopped. Ever cautious I pulled the camera from my pocket, fiddled about with it, and carefully put it away. Then I made the necessary phone call. It was received without question as it was when I am often delayed either on business or the times that I stayed on to visit her. When I finished the call I heard Ben leave the bathroom and head down the corridor towards his mother's room. I heard him pause outside the door and then it opened slightly and he looked around it into the room. He went to speak; I held my finger to my mouth in that international gesture which says to the other person not to speak. He nodded and left the room; as he did so I heard her walk past; as she did, I heard her tell Ben to get dressed. They took much the same time as each other, Ben to get dressed and her to quickly shower and put on a bath robe. I ambled out not quite sure of what I should be doing or expected of me. She turned as she passed me and asked me to help Ben put his stuff back in his car. From that I took it she was telling him to leave. He went into his room and came out with a couple of inconsequential pieces of furniture, a small side table and stool. I followed him down the stairs and walked with him to his car. As he was putting the stuff in he looked around surreptitiously and then asked me very quietly if I would call in to see him when I returned home the next day. I said I would. I went back into the house by which time she was dressed busying herself doing not very much. Ben said a rather awkward goodbye and then she melted somewhat and went and gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek; all very maternal. `Remember your promise.' She said. He said he would and, as he turned to go, held out his hand to me and we shook hands making brief eye contact as we did so. He climbed into his car and the pair of us stood there as we watched him drive off. She turned toward the house clearly expecting me to follow her. Once inside she turned and shut the door and dropped the lock and then went in to the sitting room and sat, somewhat pointedly, in one of the two armchairs. I took the hint and sat in the other placed slightly at right angles to hers. She was silent for a few seconds and then started to speak. In quite a monotone voice, without much hint of expression, she gave me her views on what had taken place. I won't go into specific dialogue here but suffice to say that first she was angry with me but some reason felt sorry for Ben. She said at first she was horrified when he touched her and then, much to her shame, she found it erotic and felt no guilt on the intimacy of it. Indeed, she convinced herself that as things progressed she was helping him through a difficult time when he clearly had little or no idea how to react with girls. She also reiterated her fear, which is mentioned before, that Ben may be gay but was frightened to confront it alone. She said it hadn't gone unnoticed how much Ben seem to like me and how she felt that I filled some of the gap left by the death of his father. She paused at this point and I wondered if she is going to ask me about my relationship with Ben, but she didn't and she continued talking. She said that when she next saw Ben she would talk to him about what had happened and emphasise that it was a one-off experience for him and for her and also that I was not to mention it when I next saw him. She also said that at the moment she would rather that we didn't mention it between us to which I nodded my agreement. Then, to my surprise, she asked me to stay the night but rather I stayed in Ben's room. And with that she seemed to return to normality and suggested that we have a coffee with a generous glass of brandy. She put some anonymous music on and got up to make the coffee returned later with it and two, very generous, glasses of brandy. For an hour or so we talked about nothing much rather than talking about what had happened. Eventually we fell silent and mutually headed upstairs to our respective rooms. She pointedly shut her bedroom door and I made myself as comfortable as possible in Ben's former bed. I laid awake for a while wondering if I would find sleep but I clearly must have done as the next thing I remember was her climbing into the small bed next to me. Neither of us spoke and we both drifted off to sleep. I woke the next morning just she was getting out of bed. She said she was sorry that she disturbed me and I said I didn't mind. She stood there for a minute and then came back into the small bed. Slowly and tenderly, two very good friends made love.

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