


Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2020 15:22:46 -0700 From: T Kasper

Subject: My Sister Shari (bi-incest) My Sister Shari It was 1983 and the economy was in a boom. My friend's dad hired me to do work in the summer to help build houses. I would get up at 6 a.m. and my friend Pete, would pick me up. I was 15 years old at the time and Pete a year older. I didn't like getting up but work only lasted until 3 p.m. so that wasn't bad. My job was to haul lumber, nails, sheet rock and whatever else needed to be moved to the guys that were doing the "real " building. I did learn a lot and was about to swing a hammer, every so often. I would go shirtless and I had a pretty dark tan by mid-summer. This is where my story starts. It was a Wednesday afternoon, I had just gotten out of the shower and was in my room totally nude about ready to get dressed. "Can I come in?" My door opened and my eleven year old sister Shari was standing there. "Hey! Get out of here." I moved quickly behind my dresser and close to my closet. "Mom put some of my clothes I your closet by mistake. I need to get them." "Why now?" I asked "I need them." She replied as she moved in my room. "Um...better not. I don't have anything on." "So." She seemed to be enjoying this. "You're my brother so it's no big deal." "But." Was all I could get out as she moved closer to me. My cock was semi hard and getting harder. At least it seemed to. I had no idea that she was going to actually move in so quickly. "Oh...you are..." She stopped as she looked at my naked body, her eyes cast down at my cock. "Can you move so I can get..." I moved away embarrassed and was afraid now she would tell mom. I think my cock may have bumped her leg as she got the errant clothes out of my closet and left. I stood there nude my cock now fully, hard not believing what had just happened. I could feel my face as still flush with embarrassment. I walked over to the door and made sure it was closed then sat on my bed and rubbed my cock a few times. I didn't want to blow a load just then, but came close. I couldn't believe my sister had seen me naked. I was kind of mad and kind of not. I guess I was more exasperated. The next morning as I got in Pete's truck, he smiled and gave me the newest Penthouse. Pete was my source for porn. It wasn't often and it was mostly Penthouse or Playboy magazines he had found on the site or were his dad's. He would go through them then give them to me. I had about three under my mattress in my room. "What's got you this morning? Tired? " Pete asked me as we drove. "Naw...it's just my sister." I opened the magazine and thumbed through it "What about her?" He asked me. "I'd rather not talk about it now." "Okay, cool." Pete went on talking about something until we got to the site. I couldn't wait to get home. I liked Penthouse better than Playboy because of the Penthouse letters. I would lay naked on my bed and read them at night and jack off until I came hard, then go to sleep. When I got home, I hurried to my bedroom and stashed the goods. I was in a pretty good mood by then, had my shower and a snack and was watching TV. Shari cam in from playing at her friends and looked at me real quick, then left. That night at dinner mom could see there was a little tension between us and at least I knew Shari didn't tell mom she had seen me naked. That night I lay in bed reading one of the letters when my mind went back to Shari looking at me. I wasn't sure if I was turned on or if I was mad at her. I reasoned in my mind that I did nothing wrong. I kept on reading the letters until I got tired and jacked off to one of the nude women in the magazine and went to sleep. At least I tried. My head kept playing Shari looking at me. My cock hard and I all embarrassed. As I ran it over in my mind my cock got hard again. I couldn't believe it! I was thinking of my sister looking at me as I played with my cock and came. I cleaned up again and fell asleep. The next morning, I told Pete that Shari had seen me naked. He laughed then started asking questions. "What did she see? Was she smiling? Was I? Was I nervous? Had she said anything to my parents?" It went on until we got to the site. As I got out of the truck a had a hardon. This seemed so wrong. I saw Pete look at me and he could tell my pants were a little too tight, at the moment and laughed as we went to work. When I got home, I did my usually routine: shower, dress, eat and turn on the TV. Mom was hustling around and asked me to vacuum and clean up in the kitchen. I grudgingly got up and started to vacuum and started cleaning the kitchen. While I was doing that Shari and one of her friends came in the back door, looked at me and giggled. They whispered something then left. "Dad and I are going out." Mom yelled from someplace I the house. "There are leftovers in the fridge. Be good! Bye!" She said as I heard the front door close. I finished pi the dishes and look over what we had for left-overs. I grabbed some old pizza and what was left of the casserole from two night ago and sat down to eat. Once again giggling as my sister and her friend looked at me then left the room. I could hear them talk about something then the door close. Shari came into the kitchen. "Anything good left?" She looked at me as she opened the fridge. I watched her lean over and look in. I hadn't really noticed it before, but my sister had some nice legs on her. She was athletic, took dance played soccer and ran a lot, and had a pretty good tan on her legs. Her short shorts hugged her little butt. "You took all the pizza?" The turned and looked at me as I nodded and smiled "Dang!" She looked back in. "I have some...the casserole is still good." I told her as she grabbed some and put it in the microwave. "So..." I cleaned my throat. "You told Amy, didn't you." I accused "Told her what?" Shari looked at me confused. "You know" I said. "You saw me." "No" Shari blushed as she looked at me. "Well...maybe. I'm sorry...I didn't..." She looked away from my eyes. "What did you tell her? It's okay...I won't tell mom." I looked at her as she looked back and couldn't believe what I was asking. "I told her that I saw your...I ...you were naked and I saw you." She looked down and took a bite. "Is that all?" I asked. "That was it?" "Um." Shari looked up at me. "Was I supposed to tell her more?" "I don't know. Was there more to tell?" "What should I have told her?" She looked at me. "Well...you shouldn't have told her anything. But, since you did, I just wanted to know." "Oh." She said as she took another bite. "You looked good." She blushed a little. "What? " I was now wondering more about it. "I looked...good? Shari nodded as she took another bite, the took a drink. "I told her I saw...well you know." "What did she say?" I asked. "Well...a...she wanted to know more of..." She looked perplexed "How I looked?" I finished of her thought as she nodded. My cock was moving at this time and I had no idea why. It was humiliating to me but, it seemed to have turned me on too. "So, wait." I paused. "You said I was ...cute? I mean while I was ...naked?" Shari stopped eating and looked at me and nodded, then stopped. "I really didn't think you were naked, I promise. I wouldn't have walked in your room had I known." She looked apologetic at that time. "Sorry." We sat in silence for a moment as we ate. My cock was hard knowing that she had told her friend that she had seen me naked and even described my cock. I pushed my cock down again and moved it to one sit as I stood up and took my plate to the sink. "Can I see it again?" Shari mumbled under breath but, loud enough for me to hear. "I don't know." I was in unbelief and my knees seemed to go weak suddenly. "Do you want to?" I didn't look back as I walked out of the kitchen and went to my room. My cock was hard in my pants as I sat on my bed, my mind not sure about what I was to do. I sat there not sure what was going on when a small piece of paper slid under the door. I walk over and picked it up. There were three words written on it: "I won't tell." I had no idea that my sister was this pervy. We mostly argued about things and she seemed to be annoying to me, but she was also cute. I had friend that told me she was really cute and would want to date her when she got older. I just brushed them off as I was her brother and didn't see it. Then it hit me. She was cute. Not just cute but hot for her age. I reached down and felt my cock then unzipped my pants. I rubbed my cock a few times then pulled off my shirt and took my pants and boxers off. I stood there, nude in my room. My cock wanting to let her see, my mind telling me not to as I walked over and opened my door. "Okay" I said my voice cracking as I went back and sat on my bed. I didn't hear anything for a few minutes except my heart beating. I listened carefully and was about to get dressed when I heard my sister's door open. I took a deep breath not sure what I was doing. I could hear her moved slowly down the hall. I was sure she was having second thoughts too. "Can I come in?" She asked as I nodded. "You...you..." Was all she could get out as she looked at my naked body again. "You can come closer." I said weakly as I look at her. Her eyes were wide and her mouth agape as she walked in. My cock was extremely hard as I watched her eyes. My body, which I thought was just normal for my age, was pretty good. I had built more muscle over the summer. I had abs already, tight arms and legs that were tan from work. I was 5ft 9 145 pounds and not bad looking face. I didn't have much body hair, well, none to be honest. I did have a little patch of sparse hair at the base of my cock, My balls and armpits were totally bare as was my ass. "You can sit in my desk chair" I was able to say the words, but in a nervous fashion. Shari sat down in my desk chair and moved it closer to my bed., She just stared at my naked body for about three minutes. "You okay?" I asked and that seemed to bring her out of a trance, "You really did it." She smiled as she looked me over. "How do I look?" I asked looking at her. She just nodded as she looked at me in silence. "Do you want me to read you a story? A...from..a..." I asked. She looked at me and nodded. "You can't tell anyone about this okay? Promise?" She nodded and crossed her heart. I shifted and pulled out the new Penthouse. I opened to the letters section and she stared at me. "I like to do this when its late and.." I stopped and lay back on my bed a little and started to read. I could feel my cock throb. She looked at me as I read a story about a guy and his wife meeting another couple and having sex. The house was silent except for my words. "I can do that if you want" I stopped reading. "What?" she nodded to my hand on my cock. I let go and started to read again as I felt a soft hand touch my cock. I couldn't read anymore as I dropped the magazine and looked at my sister mover her hand along my hard shaft. "Put your fingers around it and move it up and...ooooooh." She did it perfectly moving her hand round my cock. I opened my legs for her as she felt my balls. I closed my eyes as she explored my entire body with her hands. "That feels so good." I told her as she giggled a little. "Are you really mad that I told Amy about your...thingy?" She asked. "No,...I'm not mad at you at all. I was kinda mad that you saw me but, I was kinda glad too. It turned me on that you saw me." "It did?" She giggled. "I wanted to..." her voice faded. "Its okay. Just no more secrets okay?" I looked at her as she nodded. "You better stop or I'm gonna cum." "What's that?" She asked. I push her hand away and started jack as my hips rose and cum shot out of my cock, hitting my face, neck and chest. She looked on in amazement as I came, milking the last drops of cum out. "Wow." She looked at me and giggled as I moved my hand away and she touched my cock. I jumped a little as it was still tender after my cum. "Go get a towel okay?" I asked as she ran to the bathroom and grabbed one. We both wiped my body with the towel. My cock still hard and my sister still very interested in my nude body. "Um...can I read one of the stories?" she asked. I lay back on my bed, as my eleven year old sister started reading sex stories from Penthouse. It was wild with her reading it. The little girl voice saying such dirty words. My cock was so hard. She'd say the words and giggled as she read and would feel my cock. It didn't take long before I blasted off again. This time I let her do it. She smiled at me then looked at the clock. "Mom and dad!" I looked over. It had been a few hours that had passed. I sat up as the front door opened and mom and dad came in. Shari ran to her room as I got my pjs on and sprayed my room with Lysol to make it smell better. "Everything okay?" my mom asked as she passed my door and paused. "Sure. How as your night?" I smiled back hoping she wouldn't notice I was still sweating a little. "We had a nice time." She moved out and went down the hall to talk to Shari. I was holding my breath as I tried to listen but couldn't make it out. I was tired so got ready for bed and went to sleep. The next morning was Saturday. It was already hot when I went out in the kitchen to get something to eat. Mom as cleaning as Shari had her breakfast. I looked at Shari and she looked at me and we both smiled. I knew she was going to be different now or I was going to be. I could feel I could trust her. I look at her in her pajamas and tried to look down her top to see if I could se anything. I couldn't, so just sat down and ate. Mom told us we were going to the store then she and dad were headed out to a party for his work around five that evening. When mom left to go do something I winked at my sister and she winked back. It was just afternoon when mom said we were headed to the store. I walked out of my room and saw my sister and almost did a double take. I think she had worn the clothes she had on before, but I couldn't remember her looking so hot, She had on very short shorts, her long tan legs bare all the way to her shoes and she had on a t-shirt that was cropped a little so her belly button showed. I looked at her then looked to see if mom was going to make her change at all. Mon just smiled as we all got in the car and went to the store. At the store I lagged a little behind as I watched other guys, mostly men, look at me sister and smile. I could see a few guys look her over, as she and mom were oblivious to what was going on. I looked around at some of the other girls that were dressed almost the same way. My cock got hard looking. On a few girls I could see the outline of their budding boobs and I liked seeing that. My cock was hard, I was hot and couldn't wait to get home again. When we got home. I help mom put away the groceries and help clean up. Mom wanted me to vacuum the entire house. I complained a little, but told her I would. I was getting the vacuum out when Shari came up to me. "Don't do that yet okay?" "Why?" I asked. "Just do it later okay?" I nodded as I left the vacuum out but went to do something else. Mom and dad were running behind as they got ready to go to their party. "Remember to vacuum and try and keep the house clean." Mom told me as she and dad headed out the door. "By mom!" Shari came in from outside as our parents left. "Okay, vacuum now." She said to me with a smile. "Why?" I looked at her. "Just do it, but, do it naked." She smiled. "You really want me to?" I asked as I could feel my cock harden. "Please?" she looked at me. I hurried to my room and stripped nude and came out. Shari was there smiling at me as I started to vacuum. My cock hard as I moved around. "You look good!" I could hear her say over the noise of the vacuum. "Thanks!" I smiled back and shook my hips a little making my hard cock wing around for her. I did the entire house as she watched me. I could see her push her hand between her legs a few times as I did my naked chores. "Now the kitchen!" she laughed as I went out and put what few dishes were there in the dishwasher bending over so she could see my balls hang between my legs. "You about done? I wanna hear more stories." I hurried then went to my room with her following. I got the Penthouse out and lay on my bed as Shari sat between my legs playing with my cock. "What's a blow job?" She asked. "It's where you put your mouth on a cock and suck it." I said. "Then why do they call it a blow job? You don't blow on it do you?" She looked at me and I could see her point. I kept reading as my cock throbbed in her hand. As I was getting to a good part of one of the stories, I felt Shari tug my cock then I felt it being engulfed in something warm. I moved the magazine to see Shari's mouth on my cockhead. "Oh shit that feels good." I told her. "Suck in more okay?" She broke off the sucking and held my cock, "Keep reading." I read as best I could as she started to play with my balls then suck my cock head. She would lick it then move her mouth down on my cock lower. She went too low one time and gagged a little pulling back. It was the best feeling I had ever felt. This sure beat my hand on it. I read for maybe three more minutes and stopped as I panted a little. "You're gonna make me cum." She kept sucking as I felt my cock, explode in her mouth. The first blast caught her sucking me as her mouth filled with my first cum shot. She pulled off my cock coughing as my cum shot out of her mouth. Her hand held my cock as it continued to shoot my cum as it hit her face as she stroked me and laughed. I finished cuming as she held my hard cock. Some of my cum, had hit her face and landed on her top. We just looked at each other when we heard the door open. It was mom and dad. I got dressed as fast as I could, and Shari ran to the bathroom to clean my cum off her and probably change her clothes. "Mom? Dad?" I looked at them in surprise. "You're home?" "The party is next Saturday." Dad said to me as mom sat down then started to laugh. We hadn't eaten, so dad took us all out to get burgers. In the car Shari held my hand and when mom and dad were not looking whispered to me: "Your stuff tasted salty. I swallowed some. My cock got hard as she told me that. We drove home and I tried to get alone with Shari but it didn't happen. I didn't get a chance to get naked the rest of the weekend either, but I did try to flash Shari a few times, which she enjoyed. The next week at work it got hot. There was a heat wave and by the time I got home I was exhausted. I would smile at my sister and her at me knowingly but that was all we could do. Mom always seemed to be around. It was just like it was before Shari saw me naked I did think about it a lot at night but was too exhausted to do more than jack off a few times. Work went on as usually, but Pete told me he had something for me since my sister had seen me naked. He teased me a little about that and I told him how funny he wasn't. That would naked us both laugh and at times keep our minds off how hot and humid it was. Pete told me he found something for me but kept forgetting to take it to his truck. He finally remembered that Friday. He smiled at me as he gave me a little magazine, It really wasn't a magazine it was more like a digest. It had a few drawings in it as I scanned it then read the cover; Family Letters. I looked at it, then at Pete as he laughed. When I got home, I hurried to my room and started to read. The little digest contained a bunch of letters about someone in a family playing with another family member. There was father daughter, mom son, uncle and niece, grand parents and grand kids, brother sister, all written and compiled in the little digest. My cock got instantly hard as I read the first story. I was wondering if Shari would like the stories too, but wasn't sure if she would. I only read two that night as I got busy doing other things and Shari was at her friends for the night Then I thought, she might be telling them about me being naked. Then I thought, no, girls don't take about stuff like that. The next day was Saturday and I liked that I didn't have to work out in the heat. I had mowed the lawn the night before when it was cooler so I could just stay inside. That was until mom told me I had to go to the store with her. I didn't mind as I got to see how girls and some women dressed when it was very hot. I was hard most of the time at the store. I helped mom then went to watch TV as dad told mom about the party. Mom had forgotten and I watched as they both hurried to get ready. Mom called Shari's friends mom to tell her it was time to come home. Mom left me with a list of what to eat and where to call if I needed them. Dad told me that would be out late and to lock up before I went to bed. They then hurried out the door. I hurried to my room and got naked. Shari came home about fifteen minutes after mom and dad left. She smiled as she opened the door and saw me stark naked with a hard on. "Don't you look good." She smiled at me as she walked to her room. "Do you want to eat now? Or later? `" I asked her as I followed her in her room. ":Later" She smiled at me. "Can we read some stories?" "I got something new but,.." I stopped. "But what?" she asked me. "Its kinda ...bad." I smiled as my cock throbbed. "Can we do it my room this time?" She asked as I almost ran to my room to get the Family Letters. I came back with the little book and laid on Shari's bed. She looked at me as I looked at her. Once her hand was on my cock, I started to read. I could see her face get confused a little as I read a story about a dad and her daughter out on a boat; the dad telling her she should try tanning naked and she does then they end up having sex. I had to hold it back the best I could and told Shari to stop a few times. "Would you want me to...a..." Shari looked at me. "To get...naked?" I couldn't speak so just nodded as my sexy little sister stood up and looked at me as she started to undress. I watched intently as she pulled her top off. Her tan skin was cut but a little line of untanned skin where her light pink areolas stuck out a little topped with a little hard nipple. I smiled as she sought my approval. She then took off her shoes and pulled down her short shorts and panties at the same time. My little sister had abs, not that defined, but they were there, Below her belly button were her narrow hips and the bald mons that stuck out a little and a slit running down between her legs. She was stunning dressed, but naked was gorgeous. She was my sister and she was the hottest looking girl I had ever seen. My cock throbbed as I looked at her as she smiled and walked over to me. "Touch me...okay?" She looked down at me "Please." I didn't have to be asked again as I timidly put my hand on her hip and moved my hand along her stomach and up to her chest. I could feel her hard nipples as I rubbed my palm over them. She stood still as I moved my hand down again to her hip, then behind as I gave her ass cheek a gentle squeeze. Her ass was firm and tight as I felt it then moved to her front, running my hand between her legs as I felt my first pussy. She moaned a little as I rubbed her there. "Will you hug me?" She said softly as I looked up at her. My family really were not the hugging type. Sure, mom would try and hug me but I would always try to escape. She had a little more luck with Shari, but she too was not into hugging, at least her family. She did hug her friends from time to time. I stood and pulled my fingers from inside her bald slit, as I held my nude sister I n my arms. Our bodies tight together, the feeling of her hot soft skin on mine. I could feel my hard cock against her firm tummy muscles as I held her, and she held me. I couldn't believe how good she felt against me and I pushed my cock into her, humping a little as I held her for about three minutes. "This feels so good" She said quietly. "Will you um...kiss me too?" I bent down a little as I kissed her on the mouth. I could feel her tense then relax as we started to kiss more and more. She moved me back, so I fell on her bad as she kissed me and started to go wild kissing me and grinding her pussy into my cock. My hand running along her back, feeling her ass and pussy. I rubbed her nipples as she kissed me, my hips pushing up as she dry humped me. We were brother and sister, making out naked on her bed. I couldn't have ever imagined this in my wildest dreams. Just as we were moving so I could get on top of her, the phone rang. She jumped up as I moved and watched her run naked to the kitchen. I followed my cock harder than I could ever remember it. "Yes mom.,I'm home. Yes, I had fun. No, we haven't. wanna talk to Nate?" She handed me the phone as I looked at my naked sister smile at me. "Hi mom." I listened as mom wanted to know how things were going and what we could eat. I didn't catch much of the conversation as Shari started to dance around the kitchen nude, holding her leg up and letting me see her pussy open, as she smile at me as I tried to listen to mom. I tried to get off the phone as Shari sat on the counter in front of me, opened her legs and pulled open her pussy for me. I almost dropped the phone as she snickered at me. Once I was able to get off the phone, we both broke out laughing. "Lets go." Shari took my hand as she pulled me back to her room. "I wasn't to hear more stories." She told me as she laid on her bed. My cock was so hard it hurt. I got beside my nude sister as I got out the Family Letters magazine and started to read. My head was propped up on two of her pillows, Shari's head was on my chest, her hand on my hard cock gently rubbing it and her leg was flung over mine, her warm pussy against my hip as I started to read. My hand rested on her left breast bud as my fingered fluttered over her hard nipple. I read slowly, making sure I didn't miss a word as she would at times, rub her pussy on my hip bone or push it forward and grind it. My cock was hard, my balls hanging between my open legs. I felt close to my sister and could feel her little movements. I loved how her nipples felt as I rubbed and tugged on it, making her gasp or moan a little. When I finished one of the letters, I would relax and she would urge me to read another one. I had just stared reading a new story. It was of a high school aged boy and his Jr. high school aged sister. "Wait." Shari said to me. "I wasn't to try what they do in the story. Okay?" My body shivered as I knew that each story had a lot of sex, full on sex in every story. It meant Shari wanted me to fuck her. As I thought about that, Shari giggled as my cock moved more than usual. "Are you sure you want to do that?" I asked as she look up at me and nodded. I stared to read as the girl caught her brother naked in the pool. After a few pleas, the boy got out as his sister looked at his cock. She asked if she could touch it. He said she could if she got naked too. She got nude and felt him. As I read Shari moved as she sucked my cock as what was happening in the story. It didn't take long before I stopped reading as I came in Shari's mouth. I could her cheeks puff as my cum shot in her mouth. She pulled off my cock as it kept spurting as she rubbed my cock. I finished cuming as she smiled and opened her mouth. A string of come dripped down her chin and I could see my cum in her mouth. She closed me mouth and smiled as she swallowed. She then pulled my head to her mouth and kissed me. I could taste my cum on her tongue as I suck on it and she moaned as she held on to my still hard cock. We kissed for almost five minutes before she stopped kissing me and told me to keep reading. As the story went on they bopth skinny dipped together until they kissed and her brother lifted her out of the pool and put her on the side, opened her legs and licked her pussy. Again, I stopped my reading. "Do that to me too, k?" Shari asked. I moved off her bed and she moved to the edge and spread her legs open as I looked at my sister's pussy close up. I moved forward first touching her pussy then pushing her lips apart licked her, I could see her clit as I backed off a little then moved back in licking her pussy and sucking her clit. Shari leaned back and started to read from where I left off. My sister didn't have much of a flavor to her. It was more like a faint tasting liquid with a little tang to it. I wasn't paying attention to the story anymore as I licked and sucked my sister pussy. I felt her grab my hand and pull it to her chest as I felt her nipples as I licked her. Her pussy was wet and with my saliva, dripping wet. I even ran my tongue from her clit hood all the way down to her ass hole. She squirmed when I did that, not sure if she was liking that or not. "Do that again" She moaned. I licked her pussy more then licked her ass hole as I pushed a finger in slowly as she started to pant. She took the little magazine and started to read again. She could only read a little as a time and I couldn't hear that well because her thighs kept closing on my head, covering my ears. She was humping my face as I licked her clit and put on finger in her ass and another in her pussy. This went on for maybe about five minutes when her body stiffened and her thighs about crushed my head. I couldn't breath too well and my mouth was flooded with what had to be her juices and urine. I licked as fast as I could be it was wet there. Her bald pussy pick from my licking> She pushed her cunt against my face as she came. "Oh fuck." She panted as she finally let my head go. I looked at her, my face wet as she smiled at me. "What was that?" She asked me "I haven't ever..." She laid back as I move up to her and kissed her letting her taste what she had just shot on me. She kissed me, holding me and tonguing my mouth as she moaned. I pushed my cock against her pussy mound as we kissed. I couldn't hold it back any longer as I pushed against her pubic bone and clit as I came, shooting my cum between us as we kissed. She raised her hips up as I push my cock against her. I could feel my cock pulse with each squirt of my cum. I shot seven times then, just laid on her as we both panted. I could feel her breathe under me as I moved off to one side to kiss her ear, my cock still on her pussy and tummy. "I want to keep reading okay?" She said softly. "okay." I told her back. She went on with the story as I moved a little to get more comfortable. She was panting and would stop and tell me she was so horny for me. As the story went on the sister got on top of her brother and fucked him. She read the rest of the story then put down the magazine. My cock was still very hard and still covered in my cum. "I wanna try fucking." She looked me in the eye. "Like they did in the story." I she pushed me a little as I rolled over on my back. She ran her finger along my stomach feeling my cum as she rubbed some into my skin then got some on her finger and licked it off. "Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked her. Her perfect nude body now sitting on me "Yes. I do." She wiggled her ass on my cock. I looked down as she rose up and took hold of my cock. She gently pulled it back as I watched her bald pussy lower on the head of my cock and the lips open as her thighs spread open more. She let go of my cock as I felt it push against her pussy as it opened, and my head slipped in. "Its in." She panted as I felt her weight come down on my cock. She placed her hands on my chest as she worked her hips, moving them up and down in tiny movements until half my cock was in her. She paused at that point. She closed her eyes as I reach up and rubbed her hard nipples. Her chest was reddening as she panted. He hips started to move more. The feeling of her hot pussy wrapped around y cock was something I could have ever dream of. "Ugh" She almost grunted as her hips lowered, all the way on me. My cock was engulfed with a warm pressure that surrounded my entire cock. Shari was panting as sat on me. I could feel a wet trickle on my balls as she didn't move. "Are you okay?" I asked softly as her eyes opened and she looked at me. "It feels so good. I haven't ever felt anything like this before." She said that softly as she panted too. I could feel the weight of her body on my chest. My cock was throbbing inside her as she started to rock her hips. "Why didn't you feel me it would feel this good?" She gave her hips a few sharp jerks. "I didn't know. This is my first time too." I told her as I watched her head fall back. I reached up and feel her hard nipples and rubbed me and she moaned. I couldn't hold back the feeling of her tight pussy around my cock. I raised my hips as she moaned again and slowly start to move my hips feeling my cock slide in and out of her a little at a time. She just sat on me, my cock in a state of euphoria. She soon caught on as her hips started to move too. I could feel the pressure on my chest as she rose up a little more so she could get her hips free. I could feel her hips rock as my cock started to slide in and out of her. I had never thought anything could feel so good to me. Her head rolled back as she looked at me and smiled. Her hips no pumping and my hips adding to the thrust back in her. I could hear her bead springs squeak a little as we got into a steady rhythm. "Kiss me!" her head lowered to my lips as her hips went wild on my cock. The feeling of her kissing me, her tight hard chest on mine and her pussy massaging my cock was almost overwhelming. She was fucking me. Her hips were working as she ground her pubic bone into mine. She moaned a few times then her hips jerked and she stopped fucking me, Her whole body shook as I held her tight. She moaned almost to a scream as I held on to her while she climaxed. I pushed up and held her ass, pulling her down on my cock as she quivered. Then it stopped. She raised up and looked at me. "I love you so much." She smiled at me then giggled. Her hips start to pump again. My cock was sliding in and out her tight warm cunt as she moaned. I could feel the tingle in my cock head and pressure build up in my balls as I grunted and pushed up. My hips rose off the bed as I pushed deep into her and shot volley after volley of cum in her. He held on as she rode me, my hips bucking into her as I came like I had never cum before. All too soon it was over. She lay on me as we both panted, my cock still in her and now very sensitive. I told her not to move or I would pass out. We just lay there holding each other, joined together. I didn't want to be the first to move and I could tell she didn't want to either. But all good things must end. I felt her stir as she kissed me and sat up. She and I were sweating. She sat up on me and looked down at me, then looked at where my cock was still in her. She slowly climbed off me as my cock slipped out of her pussy. I could see her wet pussy drip some of my cum out as she stood up. "Mom and dad might be home soon." She looked at me and smiled. "I don't think they would like what we just did." "What time in s is it?" I asked her. "Almost ten." She giggled as she touched my cock again. "Did you ever tell your friends about..." "I did." She told me. "Not all of it. I won't tell them that we are doing it k?" I nodded. "What did you tell them?" I asked as she sat down and put her hand on my cock. "I told them I saw you naked. They wanted me to tell them everything I saw in detail." She giggled. "I told them about your cock and balls and how your body looked naked. I told them I saw your boner and they really wanted to know about that. They asked me how long it was and what it looked like. I even drew them a picture of it...life size." "What did they say?" I asked. "I told them it was...well you looked better naked then with clothes on." She giggled. "They still wanted to know about your cock more but we called it your thingy. I could tell they were so turned on." "When did you talk about this?" "Last night when I was at Ashley's." "Who else was there?" "Amy and Jamie...and Ashley of course. They made me talk about it most the night until...um.." "Until what?" I asked. "Until Amy said she wanted to..." "To what?" I asked. "She wanted to get naked and pretend to be you." "Amy got naked?" I asked trying to picture her nude. "We...kind of all got naked and..." "And what?" I asked my cock now hard again. "We...um...touched and kissed each other and..." "And what?" I was picturing them all naked feeling each other. "We made...well remember how I drew a picture of your...a...boner?" I nodded. "We ...well Ashley got a candle and we tried to make it like the drawing." "You did?" I asked as she felt my cock hard in her hand. "And then we tried to put it in. Well Amy tried first then she put it in me and Ashley. It felt good but its not like how it really feels. I like how yours feels so much better. "So, how far did them put it in?" "Amy and me got in in about half way but Ashley got it in all the way. She was kissing me when Amy got it all theay in her. Are you mad?" "No...I had no idea girls talked about sex stuff." "We do all the time." She giggled. "We even pretend to be a boy we like...like you." She blushed a little at that. "I'm not mad...it is a turn on. Do you think they would want too.." I thought I had better stop and not get too greedy. After all I had my perfect nude sister. "Do you want to do me again? " Shari giggled. "I want to try something.": I told her as I pulled her down on the bed. She saw from what we had read what I wanted. She lay back and opened her legs as I held my cock and pushed it to her opening and slowly slid in again. "Oh fuck " She said as I slid in all the way and started to fuck her again. I looked down at her as she looked up at me then closed her eyes. I tried to picture Ashley and Amy as I fucked my sister. I could feel my balls swing and hit her ass and she shifted and wrapped her legs around my waist and pulled me down on her. We kissed again as my hips went into overdrive. She held on to me as I came. My cock pushing into her as my legs tried to push my cock into her even further. "I felt it! I felt your stuff shoot in me this time." She giggled as I lay on her again. I gave my hips a few more jerks, as the last of my cum dribbled in her pussy. "We better get cleaned up." She said. "I know, I just like how I feel in you." "I like how you feel in me too. I want to do this everyday k?" She smile up at me as I pulled out of her pussy. I looked at my slimy cock as it hung in front of me. It was red and looked a little swollen. Shari's legs we still open, her pussy hole still open a little. He pussy was all red and dark pink. She looked at me and rubbed it a little then giggle as she headed to the shower. I hurried and cleaned up the rest of the house and sprayed it with air freshener and also sprayed some cleaner around the kitchen, so it smelled clean too. I was showered and ready for bed when mom and dad came home. They seemed happy and a little drunk too. They were laughing about something. Mom gave me a hug as dad headed to the kitchen. Shari came out to say good night and gave mom a hug then dad. As she hugged dad, her short nightgown rose and I was able to see her ass. I was happy that mom didn't see that. As she walked back to her room she gave me a wink and lifted the hem of her nightgown up to show me her pussy. Shari and I fucked as much as we could. We would read a story and try and act it out from the Family Letters magazine. We fucked in the family room and the kitchen and backyard and even once at the park. Shari let some other guy see her naked while we were there. He was old, like 50 and we knew we could run faster than he could so she did it. He smiled and said "thank you" to her as she ran off. I was able to fuck her ass a few times and we also found moms sex toys that we tried out a few times. She liked it when I was in her pussy and mom's toy was in her ass at the same time. I also was able to get naked for both Ashley and Amy, but that is another story. Shari and I fucked for about three years steady then just off an on until I went to college. No, I never did tell Pete any of it but I think he knew. tkasper11@gmail.com

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