


Date: Sun, 5 Apr 2020 18:32:46 -0400 (EDT) From: ShortStories@PlayTime69.e4ward.com Subject: My Lovely Sister This story is 100% fiction and is for mature readers only. If you are under 18 please leave now. Please note that all my stories are written for enjoyment only and not intended to give anyone ideas on what to do, what to try, or who to do things with. The actions taken in my stories should stay in your mind only and not expanded to real life situations. This story is a fantasy involving sex acts with related adults. You can see a list of all my stories on the authors page under the author, Playtime69. All comments are appreciated and can be emailed to ShortStories@PlayTime69.e4ward.com. Please identify what story you are talking about when you send me a message. Even though I do not respond to all emails I do read them all and have used some of your suggested ideas in my stories. I also will write new stories with your suggested ideas. Just send me your ideas to address above with as little or as much information as you want to tell me including names, ages, sexes, positions, relationships, and what section on Nifty you want the story to go, etc. I will see what I can do with it. If you want to name the story that is fine too. Just make sure the information is yours and not from someone else's story. Thanks for reading. Please, find it in your heart to donate to nifty at http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html without them we would not have a safe place to deposit and read such great stories. My Lovely Sister by: Playtime69 Growing up in the mid-seventies came with many challenges. One of those challenges was of course money. Both of my parents had to work to provide food and a place to live, so when my sister was born, my mother had to go back to work as soon as possible. I was ten years old when Sally was born, and by the time I turned 13 I was doing a lot of babysitting which included cooking, cleaning, and bathing my sister, not to mention getting her dressed and in bed. Sally was really cute for a little girl, and being a teenage boy I spent a lot of time jacking off while either looking at or thinking about her pussy. I never did touch or let her see me cum, so she never knew my interest in her hairless slit. I graduated from High School and attended the local college. I continued to live at home and continued to take care of Sally. I loved sneaking her panties out of her room, so I could look at them when I jacked off. She still did not know of my interest. I was 23 when I graduated from college and moved out. Sally was old enough to take care of herself by then, and since I had my own job, I did not have time to take care of her anyway. I worked many hours and moved up quickly in the company. I was 28 when my sister graduated from High School. I am not sure what happened, but she decided she could not live at home any longer and asked if she could move in with me. We worked it out so she would pay part of the bills and would do some of the work around the house. I did not have a steady girlfriend, and she did not have a steady boyfriend, so we figured the arrangement would work out great. We were in was a three bedroom two bath house. That gave us each our own bedroom and our own bathroom. The third bedroom was a computer room which we shared. The living room had a nice TV and the kitchen was well stocked with appliances. I worked weekdays, and Sally worked mainly midmornings till early evenings and some weekends. This meant I was always home well before she was. I tried to have dinner ready when she was home each night. I really did not mind as I had been doing it that way for years anyway. She was still very cute, and I still thought about her when I jacked off, which was many times a week. I had not seen her pussy in several years, so I did not know if she shaved her pussy hair or not. In my mind, I still thought of her as a little baby girl. I had no idea what she thought of me or even if she masturbated herself. Things had been going very well for the past five or six months. I would have dinner ready each night when she got home and we would eat together. We would watch some TV or play games each night. We were like a husband and wife except we were not having sex or sleeping together. Maybe that is why we were getting along so well. In any case, we were just moving along with our lives. I do not know if she was masturbating or not, but for myself I had to cum several times a week. Most of the time I would jack off while in the shower, late at night in bed, or when I got home before Sally got off work. I would, from time to time, go into Sally's room and look at her panties and think of what she would look like in them. I never did cum in them or give her any reason to think they had been tampered with. Things took a 180 degree turn one night that would change our lives forever. I had worked late on Monday night, and knowing Sally would be home soon, I waited until she got home before ordering pizza for dinner. "How was your day?" I asked Sally as she walked through the door. "Grrrrrrr. You cannot believe how bad of a day I had, Davy." My sister answered. "What's for dinner? I'm starved." She then asked. "I had a long hard day too. So, I figured we would have pizza. I have not ordered yet cause I was waiting on you to get home first. You want the usual?" I asked. "Yea, that is fine. I am going to take a shower before we eat." Sally said as she walked out the door. I yelled back, "OK, I am going to order the pizza and then take a quick shower before it gets here." We both showered in our own bathrooms. I was finished first and dressed in loose shorts and tank top. I was in the living room finding a good movie to watch when the pizza showed up. I put the pizza on plates and fixed drinks while Sally was getting dressed. I took the drinks to the living room and returned to the kitchen for the pizza. When I returned with the pizza, Sally was just walking into the living room. Normally she wore a long sleep shirt or pajamas when we watched TV, but tonight she wore a cute short light blue Baby Doll nightie with matching panties. "Sally! You...you...you...look...uuummmmmmm...well. HOT!" I stammered. As soon as I said it, I knew I should have not made such a big deal about it. She did though. She did look HOT! She looked fucking hot! There is just no other way to say it. If we had been married, I would have tossed the pizza on the floor, grabbed her up, carried her to bed, and fucked her all night long. I did not want her to think I was that kind of brother, and I did not want to embarrass her, so I had to come up with something, and fast. "Sorry. I did not mean to be so blunt. You do look very nice though. Ready to eat? I picked out a good movie to watch." I admitted. "It is ok. I just wanted to be a little naughty tonight." She giggled. Then she said, "Ok, let's eat. I am starved." I thought to myself, "Naughty? What does she mean? Where is this going to lead?" I handed her the plate and started the movie. We ate and watched the entire movie. She was in her regular spot and I was in mine. I did take the time to look at her in the nightie. I was even able to get a few nice pussy shot looks as I sat there. The movie ended, so I took everything to the kitchen and put the plates and stuff in the dishwasher. I turned to leave the kitchen to go to my room and almost walked into Sally as she blocked the door. "Ooops. Sorry." I said as I stopped just before running into her. She wasted no time in getting to the point of her being in the doorway. "I see you liked what I am wearing." "Yea, I told you I thought you looked nice in it." I said with a tone. "No, silly! I mean you LIKED seeing me in the nightie." She said again while looking down at my cock. I was not sure why she looked there. I knew I was not hard, so I looked down at my own cock to see what she was talking about. That is when I knew. I had been busted. I had a big, I mean really big, wet spot on the front of my shorts. It was where I had leaked pre-cum. I had been so excited seeing my sister in the nightie that I had produced lots of pre-cum, and it had left a mark. "Oh, Ummmm. Well..." I tried explaining. "It is ok. I wanted to know if I was a turn on or not to guys. I cannot find a guy and thought it was because of how I looked." She said. "No! No! You look great! Any guy would be lucky to have to as a girlfriend." I replied. "Thanks." She said then walked out the door heading to her room. Fuck, what just happened? I wondered. Was she making a pass at me? Did I just turn down the chance to fuck my sister? Did Sally want me to make a pass at her? I was so confused, I was not sure what to think. I was hard again just thinking about what she had just said. I turned the dishwasher on and went to my bedroom. I stripped naked and jacked my cock until I spewed a gallon of cum. I quickly fell asleep not waking up till the alarm went off the next morning. All day long at work I could not think of anything else but Sally in that sexy nightie. When I got home from work I changed into shorts and a shirt and began to cook dinner. I had no idea what to expect from Sally, so I figured I would act as normal. I fixed one of Sally's favorite meals and had it about ready when she got home. Sally walked in, looked at what I was cooking, smiled, and said, "Looks good! Do I have time to shower first?" I found it strange she was wanting to shower before eating. "If you hurry." I answered. I finished fixing dinner and Sally showered. I had just finished putting the food on the table when my sister walked into the dining room. I looked up and almost shot a load of cum from my soft cock. I could not believe how sexy Sally looked. She was wearing a sheer pink short nightie. The top came to just below the waist band of the panties. It had a white bow in the middle of her breasts. It was a sleeveless nightie with lace around the arms and the waist band. The panties has lots of ruffles. They looked just like little baby girls ruffled panties. Smiling she asked, "Davy, is dinner ready yet?" My eyes scanned her small sexy body that was delightfully covered with a little sexy nightie as I answered. "Yeeessssss. It is ready to eat." "Good. I am starved." She giggled. We sat down and began to eat. She made no comment about my obviousness. I could not help myself. She was so 'little girl looking' sexy. I really had a hard time eating. My mind was racing. My cock was straining at my shorts as it wanted to get out and take advantage of my little sister's pussy hole. Sally was acting normal as she chatted about work and what TV show we should watch. I am not sure how, but we finished eating and made it to the living room for our TV time. Sitting in our normal places we watched some TV before heading to bed. I entered my room, closed the door, and sat on the edge of the bed. "What the fuck." I thought to myself. Sally said nothing about sex or mentioned how she was dressed. I had set my mind not to push the issue of sex, not even to try to persuade her into petting. I wanted any sexual activity to be 100% her idea. I will have to admit that if she ever started anything I was going to jump in with everything I had. That night I was so confused and so tired from trying to figure out Sally's thoughts, I was not interested in jacking off. I just stripped and went to bed. The next morning I woke up with a raging hard-on. I knew I was not going to be able to continue this much longer. I got up, dressed, and went to work. Again, I could only think of my sister in her nightie. I did my job, but not in the expert way I had been doing it the past several years. That night a similar thing happened, but this time, she wore a one piece solid white nightie with a snap crotch. It had white ruffled legs that made her pussy area very inviting. We ate and watched TV for a few hours before heading to bed. Again, she said nothing and did not mention anything about how she was dressed. The fourth night was tourcher, I wondered what color nightie she would be wearing. I purposely did not have dinner ready when she got home. As expected, she wanted to shower first, but this time I was prepared. I had showered and was wearing red silk boxers and a short tight tank top. This combination did not just show off my muscular body but also my semi erect cock. I had not cum in several days and was ready to explode. I know, I was not going to push Sally into anything, but fuck, I was losing control of my hormones. I finished dinner and was putting it on the table when she walked into the room. It was a good thing I was not holding anything when she walked in because I would have dropped it. She was naked! Nothing! She did not have a stitch of clothing on, not even socks. When she entered the room she had all three nighties in her hands. "Davy, can I ask you a question?" She asked as she smiled at me. "Surrrreeeee. What do you need to know?" I tried to answer. "I just cannot decide which one to wear tonight. Which one do you like better?" She replied without missing a beat. I could not take the teasing any longer. I looked at her shave pussy and said, "I like the one you have on now the best." "Oh, Davy!" She giggled as she left the room. "Rats." I thought. I bet I really fucked up this time. I had my chance to tell her I liked the pink one best as it made her look more like a little baby girl than the others. I sat down and waited for her to come back so we could eat dinner. I could not believe it. She returned just a minute later still completely naked. Her long blonde hair caressing the sides of her cute little breasts, her pussy as bald as the day she was born, and a smile on her face more sexy that I had ever seen on a girl before. "I do not know what you are staring at. You said you liked this one best. I just wanted to give you what you wanted." She explained. "Sorry. I did not mean to stare. It is just you are so cute, so sexy, so hot, so fuc..." I was saying but stopped short of saying fuckable. I think she knew what I was wanting to say because she smiled and licked her lips as she looked down between my legs to get a good view of my hard cock that had accidentally slipped out of the hole in my boxers. Since I was sitting down I did not notice it had popped out. I looked down and noticed and immediately stuffed it back into the hole telling her I was sorry. "Don't be sorry. I like looking at your thingy." She giggled. "Well then." I said as I stood up, took off my shirt, and dropped my boxers. She smiled and sat down in the chair next to me. I too sat down with my cock sticking straight up in my lap. We tried eating, but our eyes had a hard time looking at our plates. We spent most of our time looking at each other's privates. With dinner finished, we quickly cleaned the kitchen and retired to the living room for some TV time, only this time Sally sat right next to me and grabbed the remote from my hand. "I want you to see something." She said as she changed the TV over to internet reception. "I found this last week and I found it fun to watch." She continued as she found what she was looking for. "Here it is." She finally said. My mouth opened, my eyes got big, and my cock sprang to life as we began to watch. It was a live stream of a brother and sister. They were totally naked and making out. The longer we watched the closer Sally's hand was getting to my throbbing shaft. When the kids on the TV laid down in bed kissing, Sally's hand grabbed my cock and began to slowly stroke it. Her other hand reached over and took hold of my hand and placed it on top of her pussy. She spread her legs and pressed my fingers into her snatch. This was it. She made the first move and I was not going to put this off any longer. I shoved my fingers as deep as I could in the position I was in. Sally moaned and increased the grip she had on my cock. She began to stroke faster as I pumped my fingers in and out of her cunt. We were both moaning loudly as we played. "Davy, fuck...faster...harder...yes!!!!!" Sally screamed as she squeezed my cock so hard I thought she was going to squeeze it in two pieces. She began to pump against my fingers as I pumped them harder and faster into her pussy. She was panting and moaning so loud I was afraid someone next door was going to hear. That did not stop me though as I was determined to make her cum hard. "Yes!!! F...U...C...K!!!! Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm!" She yelled and I felt her cum gush from her slit. It soaked my fingers as her eyes rolled back in her head and her fingers let go of my cock. When she came down from what could have been the best orgasm she had ever had, she looked at me in the eye and smiled. She said nothing. She reached over and grabbed my cock. She stood up and lead me to her bedroom by my cock. She stood me at the foot of her bed and pushed. I was laying on her bed with my cock sticking straight up in the air. She then proceeded to climb on top of me. Her pussy directly above my cock and before I knew it she dropped full force. My hard cock pierced her pussy lips and proceeded to enter her cavity until it bottomed out with my balls at the entrance of her pussy. We both loudly moaned as we knew what was about to happen. I grabbed her hips and began to fuck my cock with her pussy and body. She jumped in and helped as we fucked each other. My balls slapping her butt as she bounced up and down on my rock hard cock. The rhythm increased and the moaning got louder as our orgasm built. We both exploded full force with an unforgettable orgasm. That night we slept arm in arm loving every minute. The next morning met with another unbelievable fuck session. We briefly talked as we got ready for work. We were in total agreement that what we had done was exceptional and that we both wanted it to continue. To this day we fuck several times a week and sleep in each other's arms every night. Sally wears her sexy nighties from time to time but for the most part we both sleep naked. The End

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