


Date: Fri, 30 Dec 2022 22:43:23 -0500 From: Ww Ww

Subject: 1885 - The Farmer and the Cowboy This story, depicting sex between two young men, is fiction and completely a product of my imagination. The author retains all rights to this work. If you enjoy it, tell me so at er14990606@gmail.com. This story is brought to you by Nifty, providing interested parties with entertainment and pleasure. If you enjoy reading Nifty, please support it. 1885 - The Farmer and the Cowboy The settlement of the American West was synonymous with farmers and cowboys. Each was different in numerous ways. Farmers were sedentary, focused on their plot of soil, boundaries, and borders. They were tied to the land. Cowboys, during the time of the open range, were mobile, focused on the ever-movement of their cattle. Cowboys were cut loose from a specific place. Mike, son of a shopkeeper, chose the life of a cowboy. A life in the outdoors, of movement and freedom. He was six-one, with strong muscles stretched across his lanky body. His brown hair and eyes enhanced his infectious grin. He was eighteen and newly a cowboy when he and his mentor were on the range and were hit with an unseasonable cold spell. That night they laid together under a shared blanket to keep warm. A hand moved to Mike's thigh, and he did not object. When the hand moved between his legs, he was pleased. That night and subsequent nights the older cowboy was Mike's teacher, and Mike was an eager student. Four years later, Mike was twenty-two, an experienced cowpoke, an excellent horseman, and the lifestyle he had chosen had added more muscle to his frame. His desires, discovered one cold night in the past, were still very much with him. Since that night, Mike had found some others like himself among the nomadic world of cowboys. On this day, Mike was alone traveling north in fulfillment of a family request concerning Mike's younger cousin, Tom. His cousin was from a farming family, living with his father and mother, two sisters and a younger brother. The farm was prosperous. Tom had just completed his twelfth and final year of schooling. He considered quitting earlier like some of his friends, but he continued upon the request of his mother. As a reward, his parents granted Tom's wish to be free for several months between the planting and the harvest. With this extraordinary freedom, Tom intended to spend it in a world the opposite of what he had always known. He wanted to play cowboy. Mike, four years his senior, had agreed to have Tom shadow him as he worked cattle for a large ranch three days' ride south. Mike was reluctant but agreed to do it out of a sense of familial duty. When Mike last saw Tom, his cousin was fourteen years old, just entering adolescence with big feet and a big nose but still possessing a child's body. Following directions he received in town, Mike approached the farm. The house looked larger than last time with an addition on the side to accommodate the growing family. There was a barn to the right, and in the yard he saw the back of a male squatting and banging on a piece of farm equipment with a hammer. He was bareback in the warm summer sun with his shirt hanging on a nearby tree branch. Mike could not help but notice the muscled arms and wide shoulders that tampered down to a small waist. Mike entered the barnyard and from his horse he said, "Hello." As the young man stood up and turned around, Mike felt he was hit with a lightning bolt. There stood the most handsome and sexy man he had ever seen. The young man broke out in a wide grin and exclaimed, "Mike, you're here!" Mike stared silently. The young man said, "It's me, Tom." The awkward child he remembered had grown into a beautiful man with brown hair, smooth and flawless skin, muscled chest and a flat stomach, with a peep of dark hair under his arms. Tom's loud exclamation had alerted others in the family, and immediately the yard was filled with his aunt and three other cousins. Mike was off his horse and in the mass embrace of his relatives. So began a two day visit filled with conversation and good food, trips through the fields, farm talk, reminiscences of older times, and the latest news from Mike's family. Mike had been taken by Tom's looks and was even more charmed by Tom's personality. The two cousins became instant friends. There was obvious love between the members of Tom's family, but Mike's uncle was a person of stern countenance, and it was clear that he believed that an honorable life was built upon duty and piety. Mike realized that Tom's summer away from the farm was a chance to have some fun. During all the talk and laughter, Mike carried on an internal conversation with himself. He was smitten with Tom and knew he had to hide his sexual preferences to avoid shame and embarrassment for his family. He vowed to himself not to touch Tom, no matter how much he wanted to put his hand on his shoulder, feel his bicep, slide his palm down his chest and stomach, and hold that prize between Tom's legs that Mike had not seen but fantasized about. The two cousins headed out on horseback for their summer adventure on a Tuesday morning. They were sent on their way after a hearty breakfast and a prayer by Tom's father who asked for a safe journey and prayed that the boys avoid the snares of the Devil. The prayer's power only lasted five miles. As soon as the travelers were out of sight of the farm, Tom said to Mike, "I really appreciate you letting me spend the summer with you. I have three goals: drink whiskey, play poker, and have sex." "Wow, Cuz! That's a surprise," exclaimed Mike as he turned to see Tom and his infectious grin. "I understand the first two. Tell me about the sex." "I need to lose my virginity. I need a woman." Mike assured Tom that they could accomplish all three. "This is going to be more fun than I expected," he said to Tom with a laugh. All his life Tom heard his preacher condemn drink, gambling, and fornication outside of marriage. The more he heard, the more he was intrigued. In his own homespun theology, Tom decided he needed to experience something before he could condemn it.. He was particularly focused on the last one--sex. And to practice for the real thing,Tom jacked his cock every day. Before they left town, Mike bought two bottles of whiskey. Their trip to the ranch followed a well used route. It was not an actual trail, but was a general direction between major landmarks like a pass through the hills and fords over streams. During a pause in their conversation, Mike looked over at Tom and thought how much he was enjoying being with him. Tom had an enthusiasm for life that Mike appreciated. They made camp as the sun set, with dinner from food packed by Tom's mother. Mike brought out a bottle of whiskey. Mike took a sip from the bottle and passed it to Tom. Tom took a mouthful, swallowed, shivered, and shook his head side to side. Mike said, "Whoa, farm boy, you need to go slow." They passed the bottle back and forth and talked of any and everything. Tom got accustomed to the taste and freely took his share. The alcohol took its effect, and Tom progressed from getting relaxed to being tipsy to being drunk, slurring his words and sometimes making little sense of what he was saying. It ended as it often does for a new drinker, with Tom braced against a tree puking his dinner. They slept late and started slowly the next day. Tom acknowledged that he had drunk too much, but he said he liked it and decided he needed to try beer whenever they got near a saloon. They rode at a leisurely pace. Tom looked around, seeing the prairie before him with mountains in the distance. There wasn't another soul in any direction except for Mike, and being with Mike was a joy. It had been this way from the first day Mike arrived at the farm. Enchantment was an unusual word to describe it, but seemed appropriate for Tom's reaction to everything Mike--his job on a ranch, Mike's carefree spirit, his ease and grace as a horseman, even his physical appearance. Tom found himself taking furtive looks at Mike, noting the way his body filled his clothes, his large strong hands, how his eyes, nose, and mouth combined to make a handsome face. Tom noticed short stubble emerged on Mike's chin this morning. Tom felt his own smooth chin. He only shaved every three days, but Mike must be different. Tom surprised himself and resisted his impulse to reach across and stroke Mike's face. That evening they made camp among several large boulders and a stand of trees. Just as they were preparing to cook, they heard someone approaching. A younger man walked up with his hands on the reins and his horse walking behind him. Expecting to find strangers, the man stopped suddenly when he saw Mike and said, "Mike, you cocksucker. What the hell are you doing here?" Language like this was not heard around Tom's home, and Tom gave a chuckle. The stranger spied Tom and said to Mike, "Well, well, I see you've got some young fresh meat." Mike quickly walked up to the man, shaking his head ever so discreetly side to side and spoke in hushed tones so that Tom could not hear. The man answered back. It was clear to Tom that Mike did not want his cousin to hear what was said. After this private exchange, Mike turned around and in a normal voice introduced his cousin to his old friend, Hank. Hank joined the two of them. Hank and Mike had worked cattle together in the past but they were now with separate outfits. The threesome cooked and ate dinner, set out bedrolls, and began to pass the whiskey bottle around. Mike got out a deck of cards, and Mike and Hank gave Tom some basic instruction on playing poker. Tom seemed to grasp the nature of the game intuitively. They played a few hands when Hank said that an important part of the game was betting. Hank said to Tom, "I'll bet you a pair of pants." Tom said, "I don't understand," to which Hank replied, "If I win this hand, you have to give me your pants." At this point, Mike intervened, gave Hank a dirty look and threw a handful of pebbles in front of them and said, "We're not playing for clothes, use these as chips." Hank was full of stories and he enjoyed having a new audience in Tom. The more he talked, the more he pushed the bottle to Tom. Tom learned a lesson the night before, and he sipped moderately from the bottle, but Hank kept giving it back to him and encouraging him to drink. Hank himself was not taking that much from the bottle, and Tom decided that Hank was trying to get him drunk. Tom's response was to put the bottle to his mouth but let very little slip through his lips. Finally, Tom said, "Fellas, I'm going to bed." The other two agreed, and they laid down on their bedrolls beside the dying embers of the fire. Tom's eyes were closed but his head was filled with all that he had seen and heard the last two days, and he lay awake. After some time, Tom heard whispers of conversation between his cousin and Hank, followed by the sound of movement. The campsite grew quiet again. Tom opened his eyes and saw that Hank and Mike were gone. There had been private words when Hank first appeared and now the two of them had left the campsite secretly. Tom got up to investigate. He creeped around the boulder and saw the two in the distance under a tree. Tom creeped closer and realized they were naked. Then he saw Mike dropped to his knees and put his face in Hank's crotch. Tom's eyes grew wide as saw Mike take Hank's dick in his mouth. Mike's head went up and down as if he was masturbating Hank with his lips. He stopped to lick Hank's balls and then did it again. Tom's whole body tingled, and he realized his dick was rock hard. It was natural and unconscious. Tom's body responded because Tom liked what he saw. He freed his dick from his pants and began jerking it as he watched in wonder as his cousin sucked Hank's dick. Then they traded places. Hank was now on his knees with Mike's hard dick in his friend's mouth. After several minutes, Hank turned around on all fours and Mike moved to his bottom. Tom had watched enough livestock to know about fucking, but this was between two guys and Mike's dick looked too big to go into Hank. But it did, Mike fucked Hank and Hank loved it. What Tom saw and what Tom's hand was doing to his dick brought the farm boy to climax, and he shot ribbons of cum onto the grass before him. Soon the movement of the other two slowed and stopped, and Tom knew that they had emptied their balls as well. He creeped back to his blanket and pretended to sleep as the others tip-toed quietly back into camp. The next day, Hank went his way, and Tom and Mike went their's, heading to town where they planned to spend the night, and where Tom was going to have the chance to sit at a poker table. Mike spent the morning in the saddle talking about cards. "You need to decide how much you are willing to lose, and when you lose it, get up from the table. This is not the mindset of a gambler. They think they will always win, but you are new to this. You might be lucky and win a hand. Don't let that go to your head. Do you understand me?" Tom answered, "Yes, Daddy," and laughed. Mike said, "I know how I sound, but I don't want you to be seduced by a little luck." Mike continued. "As for item three on your list, I'm going to arrange for you. It's a favor for my cousin." Tom let out a yell and rode his horse in a circle around Mike and his steed. They arrived in town which had a hotel, a single saloon, a livery stable, and a scattering of stores. The two cousins got a room at the hotel and bought a bath to clean off the dirt of the trail. The bath was the use of a room off the back porch with a metal tub, soap, a towel, and a bucket of hot and a bucket of cold water. The two travelers took their turn, put on clean clothes, and headed to the saloon.. They stood at the bar, and Tom ordered his first beer. There were eight tables in the room with six of them occupied by card players. Stairs went up to a second floor where a balcony with four doors overlooked the saloon. Four women leaned on the balcony and waved and talked to the men below. At times, a man would climb the stairs, talk to a girl of his choice, and the two would disappear through one of the doors. Fortified by his beer, Tom took an empty chair at one of the tables. For the first hand, he folded. The second, he lost. The third hand he won, and he felt a rush of adrenaline and excitement, but he cautioned himself as Mike had warned him. He lost the next three hands and hit his limit. He left the table, but felt like he had gone through some initiation. He was no longer a boy but a man. Actually the real initiation into manhood was yet to come. Tom had learned during the few days he had been with Mike, that Mike had secrets and that his actions are not always apparent. So, as he was sitting at the table attempting to match skills with veteran poker players, he was also watching his cousin's movements around the saloon. While Tom sat at the poker table, Mike went up the stairs and started talking with one of the girls. They talked and laughed, and then Mike took money from his pocket and gave it to her. Then Mike went through the door behind her. By this time, Tom had reached his limit, and he followed Mike's advice and left the table. He looked up and the girl Mike had talked to was waving at him and motioning him to come upstairs. Tom climbed the stairs and the girl came up and put her arm around him. "Hello, Tommy. I'm Lulu. Your friend Mike wants you to have a good time. I am excited because you are so cute." They went inside. The room had a bed, a chair, a window, and what must have been a closet with a cloth curtain. Mike had never left the room, so he either went out the closed window or he was hiding in the closet. Tom was a jumble of thoughts and emotions. He was going to fuck this girl. He entered as a boy but would emerge as a man. But there was going to be a witness. He was surprisingly happy about this. Someone wanted to watch. His cousin wanted to see him, see him naked, see him hard, see him fuck. It made the moment even more exciting. Tom stripped off his clothes slowly and made a point of standing in front of the closet as he draped his clothes on the chair Mike was in the closet with the curtain partially open, and he could see Tom standing there naked. Mike had wanted Tom from the first day when he saw him in the barnyard. Now he saw his cock for the first time, long and hard and pointing out from his body. It was a beautiful dick to match a beautiful body. Mike didn't want to be in the closet. He wanted to be in the room with Tom, but this was all that he would allow himself. Tom stood naked before Lulu. He unbuttoned her dress, and it fell to the floor. He raised his arms and cupped each breast with his hands. She reached for his hard dick and he put his hand between her legs. She moaned. He wondered if her moan was real or merely an act to enhance her customer's satisfaction. Lulu laid on the bed with her legs apart. Tom laid on top of her and his hard dick pressed against her pussy. She raised her knees, reached down, and guided his cock to her hole. She was speeding along. There was a financial incentive to satisfy her customers and send them on their way. The less time per client, the more clients she could service. Tom, on the other hand, intended to make this coupling last as long as possible. As his dick entered her, he told himself silently, "Slow and steady, Tom, make it last," whereas Lulu said aloud, "Oh, Tommy, you are so big." Mike, at this time, had his pants down to his knees with his hand wrapped around his super hard cock. In the darkness of the closet, he peered through the opening in the curtain and began a slow jacking of his dick. Up until this time, Tom's dick had only known the grip of his farm toughened fist. Lulu's body held him like a warm, wet glove. He loved it. He began a steady pump of Lulu's pussy, pulling back and pushing in. He gave himself over to the pleasure he was feeling, and unconsciously began to hump faster and harder, seeking the deepest part of her body. The bedsprings squeaked from the movement. Tom's head cleared and understood what was happening and suddenly stopped. Lulu misinterpreted his action and thought that he climaxed. "Oh, Tommy Boy, that was so good." Tom looked down at her with a grin and said, "I'm not finished yet." He withdrew, turned her over, and with his two hands, lifted her hips to where she was now on her knees with her face on the mattress. This was the position when the bull takes the cow, and Tom felt like a bull tonight. He was in her again and began a slow steady fuck of her pussy hole. Tom looked toward the closet and saw a slight rhythmic movement of the curtain and knew that his cousin was jerking off as he fucked Lulu. Tom repeated what he had done before. Slow fucking led to hard pounding and before he reached the point of no return, he stopped abruptly. He withdrew, lifted her in his arms, and laid her on her back again, but this time across the bed. Tom began to fuck her again, this time with the intention of finishing. The new position gave Mike a view of Tom's ass and his ball sack hanging from between his legs. Watching Tom's ass cheek muscles flex while his balls slapped against her bottom was too much for Mike's cock, and it shot several ribbons of cum, with one hitting the curtain and the others landing on the floor. Lulu moaned as she climaxed, the second for her since Tom began fucking her. Tom's climax was noisy with an "Ahhh." He continued moving his hips but went slower and slower until he stopped and laid across her. He was exhausted but satisfied, filled with a euphoria that he had never experienced. He was silent and content to lay there longer, but for Lulu time was money, and she said, "Now, Tommy, don't go to sleep on me." Tom withdrew from her, got up, and turned to put on his clothes, giving Mike a clear view of his softening cock. He dressed, took Lulu's chin in his hand, gave her a peck on the lips with his, and said, "You were great," and left. He was standing downstairs at the bar holding a beer with his head tilted toward the poker players but his eyes looking up at the balcony. He saw Mike exit the room and come down the stairs, thinking he wasn't seen. Mike said, "Hey, Tom. I went out to take a shit and just got back. Have you been upstairs yet?" Tom expressed excitement and gratitude, throwing his arm around Mike's neck and saying softly in his ear, "I did it. I fucked her. Thanks for setting it up. You are the best cousin anyone could have." Mike responded with a "Yeah," threw his arms around Tom and gave him a hug. After their beers, Tom declared himself lucky and went to tables to prove it. He played well, won ten dollars, and left triumphantly. The two were spending the night at the hotel. Typical of the accommodations, there was one double bed in the room. It was common for two straight men to split the cost of the room and share a bed. This day there was no other choice because the town was filled with cowboys, and Mike and Tom got the only room left. They cleaned their faces in the wash basin, shed their clothes and climbed into bed. The room was filled with moonlight from the opened window. Mike was shirtless with just underpants, and he laid on his side facing outward with his back to the middle of the bed. Tom came to bed the same. The night was warm and the sheet was pushed to the foot of the mattress. Tom laid on his back looking at the darkened ceiling and told Mike, "This is the best day of my life, and it's because of you. Thanks, Mike." He turned toward Mike and threw his arm around him and hugged him. Mike lay there, feigning sleepiness, but he was tense, alert, with a rock hard dick, thinking of the problem that came to him that first day when he saw Tom in the barnyard. He lusted for him. But Mike had pledged to himself that he would not initiate anything that would bring shame or embarrassment to his family. Tom was now on his side looking at Mike's back. His mind was equally busy, thinking of Mike and Hank fucking last night and then Mike spying on Tom from the closet today. Tom, naive and inexperienced, had learned in the last two days that the word "sex" encompassed far more than he ever imagined. He still did not comprehend it all, but he knew that his cock began to swell as he watched Mike undress, and now that he was laying beside him in bed, Tom's dick was rock hard. Tom was gripped by a powerful urge he could not resist. It was a necessity. He had to touch his cousin. Tom rested the palm of his hand on Mike's thigh. For Mike it was a shock that went through his body, and he wondered what it meant. Tom said, "I'm still thinking about sex." Mike responded with a rhetorical question, "I bet you are. You enjoyed it with Lulu, didn't you?" Tom began a soft stoking of Mike's thigh before saying, "Yes, I did. I believe all three of us enjoyed it." Mike asked, "Three?" Tom responded, "I know you were in the closet." Mike didn't deny it and said, "Damn, you know all and see all. Yes, I was there. I enjoyed seeing you fuck her." "Why did you stay in the closet? You could have come out and joined us." Mike replied, "Would you have liked to watch me fuck Lulu?" Tom continued to rub his hand up and down the side of Mike's thigh and said, "Oh yeah, I would have enjoyed seeing you fuck Lulu, just like I enjoyed seeing you fuck Hank." Mike asked, "You watched Hank and me?" "Yes, and I realized there is more about sex that I need to learn," said Tom. There was silence. Then Tom took his hand and reached between Mike's legs and took hold of his hard dick. Tom had never touched another man's dick, and it was exciting. Tom was pleased that Mike was aroused and hard, just as he was. Mike remained quiet and still. Tom began slowly stroking the dick in his grasp. Tom's excitement was matched by Mike's. Tom's wandering hand had released Mike from his pledge. He was free to do what he wanted. Mike turned around and faced Tom and said, "The first thing we are going to do is this." He put his two hands to Tom's face and pulled it to him. Their lips touched. Tom had never kissed a man, and he was surprised and thrilled. Mike forced Tom's lips apart and his tongue sought out Tom's. His cousin was willing and eager, and he threw his arm around Mike's body. "I've wanted to do this since the first time I saw you," Mike said softly as he eased Tom onto the mattress. Tom laid on his back and Mike began a journey with his lips and tongue from Tom's lips to his neck to his shoulders to his chest to his stomach until he was face to face with Tom's engorged dick. Mike took it in his hand. Lulu was right, he thought. It was big. He licked the tip, enclosed his lips around the head, and then slid his mouth down the shaft until Mike's nose was in Tom's pubic hair. Tom exclaimed, "Oh, fuck," using a word that was not in his vocabulary but seemed appropriate at this moment. Mike sucked him, licked his balls as he jacked him, and returned and took him in his mouth again. After a few minutes, Tom pulled Mike off and said, "I need to slow down. I want this to last." Mike laid beside Tom again. They looked into each other's eyes as they held each other's dicks. Then Tom said, "Let me try," and then he proceeded to copy what Mike had done, traveling from Mike's lips to his crotch with his lips and tongue. Mke was in ecstasy while Tom was in wonder. Tom had never imagined he would be so thrilled by having his lips against the flesh of another man. He never imagined his tongue as a sexual object. The end of his downward journey was before him. Mike's dick--long, thick, and hard--was before his eyes. Moisture on its tip glistened in the moonlight through the window. Tom licked the tip and tasted Mike's precum. He wet his lips and slid them down, letting Mike's dickhead part them. He paused and swirled his tongue around. Mike drew a deep breath and held it, waiting in anticipation for what was next. Tom slid his lips down Mike's shaft inch by inch until his cock hit the back of Tom's throat. Mike said softly, "Oh, Tom,Tom," and gently put his two hands on Tom's head. Tom began to suck and move his head up and down the length of Mike's manhood. Mike's hands moved to Tom's shoulders and then down his arms to grasp Tom's muscular biceps. The few short days that Mike had been with Tom had been filled with fantasies of moments like this. Moments that MIke nevered expected to happen. He gave himself up to the pleasure coursing through his body. Involuntarily Mike began to move his hips, pushing his dick further into Tom's mouth. Tom sensed Mike's excitement and knew that there was an eventual end, a conclusion, a climax. He lifted his head and asked Mike, "Should I continue?" Mike raised his head and cradled the side of Tom's face with his hand and said, "Yes, more. I want to fill your mouth; I want you to swallow me; I want to be part of you." Tom returned to his newly discovered skill of sucking cock. Tom loved it. He loved the feel of Mike's flesh in his mouth. Mike alerted him just before Mike's cockhead swelled in Tom's mouth. Cum filled Tom's mouth and he swallowed, as he had been commanded, and then he swallowed again as Mike's big load refilled his mouth. As Mike began to soften, he pulled Tom up to lay beside him embraced in his arms. He told Tom, "God, you are so good." Without Tom asking the question in his mind, Mike had answered it. Tom had performed well. Tom was happy with a touch of pride. After a short pause, Mike rose onto his elbow, gave Tom a passionate kiss, and crawled between Tom's legs. Mike licked Tom's shaft from his balls to the tip of his dick and then swallowed it, taking all of it. With Tom's dick still filling his mouth, Mike extended his tongue and rubbed it against Tom's ball sack. Mike backed off and began giving Tom an unbelievable blow job. After several minutes, Mike told Tom, "I want you to fuck my mouth." He raised Tom's knees and pressed Tom's legs together so that they held his head tightly suspended between his legs with Tom's dick in his mouth. Tom raised his hips and his cock slid deeper into Mike's mouth. He lowered his hips and his dick partially withdrew but it still remained between Mike's lips. Tom did it again and again and faster and faster. As Mike had done before him, Tom gave himself over to the pleasure radiating from his dick to the rest of his body, no longer trying to postpone his climax. In fact, he raced towards the finale pumping his cock in Mike's mouth over and over. He announced his finish with a deep moan while cum shot into Mike's mouth. Mike held Tom's semen in his mouth to get a good taste and was pleased with its sweetness. Then he swallowed and continued to hold Tom's cock in his mouth until Tom was soft. They slept together blissfully in a tangle of arms and legs and the sheet, which one of them had pulled up as the temperature dropped in the middle of the night. They slept late and woke up gradually, neither of them moving. They looked into each other's eyes and Tom said "Let's stay another day." Mike smiled and said, "That's exactly what I was thinking." Mike and Tom ate breakfast in the cafe and took a walk around town, first going up the street to the livery stable where their horses were being watered and fed. They passed the saloon. It was quiet with just a few drinkers and no girls hanging over the balcony. Coming back down the street, Mike reminded Tom that he had worked in his father's store until he was eighteen, and that he liked to visit stores to see how they functioned in comparison to his family's. The two cousins walked through the several stores on main street silently except for occasional quiet utterances by Mike to himself like "Huh" and "Interesting." Tom said afterwards, "There's still a bit of a shopkeeper in you," and Mke agreed. As they walked down the street toward the hotel Tom asked, "Will you always be a cowboy?" Mike shrugged and said, "We'll see. I enjoy it and it's been a great adventure, but there are other adventures to experience in the world." By all appearances Tom was relaxed as he casually walked with Mike, but in reality he was wound tight as images of his sexual experiences of the day before flashed continuously through his head. His cock was hard in his pants. They walked together back to the hotel. As the door to their hotel room closed, Tom embraced Mike from behind, his hard dick pressed against Mike's bottom. Tom's mouth was at Mike's ear and he said in a soft voice, "I want to fuck you." It was a statement but was also a question. Tom wanted permission from his cousin and teacher. Mike pushed his ass back against Tom's dick and said, "I'll do anything you want." Their clothes were thrown into a pile on the floor, and they stood naked face to face. Tom reached for Mike's cock and Tom did the same. Then Mike took his hand, cupped Tom's beautiful pec, and traced the muscle with his finger. Tom followed and did the same. Taking turns, they paid homage to each other's bodies, touching this, licking that, ending finally with an embrace with their lips together and Tom's hands on Mike's bottom. They went to the bed and Mike sucked Tom briefly, leaving his dick wet and slick. Mike, kneeling on all fours, presented his hole to Tom. Tom took on the task with confidence, pushing in and burying his dick all the way. Tom's moan of pleasure pleased Mike. Tom's cock was deep inside another man, a very special man, and Tom explored the pleasure, moving in and out, rotating his hips. His movements became rhythmic, slow at first and then faster. Tom's two previous sexual episodes were marked by his effort to prolong the experience and delay his climax. This time Tom let his body follow its own course. Like you would expect from a hormone driven eighteen year old, Tom fucked Mike with power and passion. His climax came with a loud, long moan. Mike jacked his dick and kept pace with Tom, and they climaxed together with Tom's cum washing Mike's insides and Mike's making a wet spot on the sheets below him. Later Mike ignored the dampness of the sheet as his young lover laid atop him sleeping. They awoke in midafternoon and lay in bed, holding each other's body and talking. They had missed lunch, so they went to the cafe for an early dinner before going to the saloon for beer. The place was festive, and Lulu was waving at them from the balcony, motioning them to come up. They both smiled and waved and shook their heads "no." They both were thinking of another bout of sex tonight in their own room. Tom played cards and lost every hand. The early evening found them back in the hotel room naked on the bed. Mike told Tom to stay still as he moved around until they could suck each other at the same time. Tom was in heaven. His dick was being sucked while his own mouth was filled with his cousin's cock. Mike was directing the evening, and after a while, he changed and laid beside Tom. He kissed him and said, "Now it's your turn." Tom knew what Mike meant. In fact, he was expecting it. But Tom had a virgin ass, not even a finger, and he knew the size of Mike's hard dick. He replied with some concern, "Will it hurt?" Mike understood and said reassuringly, "It's not my intention. It might be uncomfortable at first opening you up, but pleasure will come. Not immediately, but it will grow, hopefully it will be magic. I am not going to fuck you. I am going to love you." Then Mike returned to Tom's crotch. He lifted Tom's legs to expose his hole, wet his finger, and pushed it through to Tom's virgin insides. Mike took Tom's cock in his mouth and sucked him as his finger softly fucked his hole. Next it was two fingers, moving back and forth, and seeking out that special spot that would change Tom forever. When Mike felt Tom was ready, he laid atop him as Tom looked up with excited anticipation. Mike entered him and they lay there together, joined, motionless, holding each other. Then Mike moved, ever so little, ever so slowly. He increased and the pleasure built with it. Mike took Tom's hand and placed it on Tom's dick, coaching him to jack himself. It was as Mike had said, the pleasure grew. Tom liked it. Then he loved it. Finally, Tom wanted it, needed it, needed to feel Mike's cock moving inside him. The end was climactic, both literally and figuratively. It was motion and moans, hands gripping flesh, faces contorted with emotion, and lots of cum. Ribbons of cum flew from Tom's cock, covering his stomach and chest. Cum gushing from Mike's buried dick filled Tom's insides. When the tidal wave subsided, they lay together, Mike's body pressing Tom into the mattress. Tom had never had such a terrific climax. He felt satisfied, and in an unexpected way, secure. He said into Mike's ear, "You were right. It was magic." The two cousins left town early the next morning, heading to the ranch. Tom rode quietly with his head full of all that had happened the last few days. He had sucked a dick, swallowed cum, fucked his cousin, and was fucked in return. He couldn't help glancing at Mike riding next to him. At one point both cousins turned their heads at the same time, and Tom broke out in a big grin and then a chuckle. Mike asks, "What's so funny?" I was just thinking about the warning to keep out of the snares of the Devil. "No one told me that the Devil had such a big cock." Mike laughed and responded, "Don't look at me. I am the innocent one here. You were the one with the wandering hands." A few minutes later, Mike asked Tom a question similar to one Tom had posed to Mike. "Do you think you will always be a farmer?" In response, Tom said, "I always thought about getting my own farm, but it's hard to do it alone. Who knows? Like you said once, there are many adventures in the world." They arrived at the ranch the next day at noon. They were greeted by Rusty, who was the head cowboy. Rusty was older, tall and slim, tanned from the sun, with hints of gray in his hair. Tom was assigned a bed in the bunkhouse and Rusty repeated much of what Mike had told him about working on the ranch. At first Tom was an observer, but he gradually took on more and more complex tasks. It helped that Tom was an excellent horseman. Sharing a bunkhouse with a dozen other men limited Tom and Mike sharing the mutual pleasure they discovered in the hotel. But on their days off, they rented a room in town and stayed naked most of the time, taking breaks for meals, adding food to their cum filled stomachs. Tom often played stallion, but he enjoyed being Mike's mare, indicating his desire by saying, "Let's make some magic." The end of the summer approached, and it was time for Tom to return. Although Tom claimed he could find his way home, Mike insisted that he accompany Tom back to the farm. Rusty and several of the other cow hands were there when the two cousins left. Tom shook Rusty's hand goodbye, whereas Rusty and Mike embraced in a hug which they held longer than one might expect. Tom always had a suspicion that Rusty was the guy years before that had taught Mike the joys of man sex, and now he was sure of it. The two travelers rode away, and Rusty stared for a long while as they got further and further into the distance. Under his breath, Rusty said, "Farewell." Finally Rusty turned to the cowboy beside him and said, "That's the last we will see of Mike. Something tells me he is not coming back." THE END

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