


Date: Sun, 18 Feb 2018 14:58:40 +0100 From: Peter Pangram

Subject: Summer Camp Secret Disclaimer: This story contains sexual acts between minors. If this offends you or is illegal where you live, what are you doing here in the first place? This story is owned by the author (that would be me). Please don't copy, change, share elsewhere, or post somewhere without first receiving permission from me. And as always, please don't forget to donate to Nifty to keep the site running! You can easily do so via this link: http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html. This is my second bisexual story published on Nifty. This story is about a preteen girl and a preteen boy who, without knowing it, have the hots for each other. You can read my other bisexual story "Seducing Ethan" via this link: https://www.nifty.org/nifty/bisexual/incest/seducing-ethan I have also written a couple of stories which are posted in the gay/young-friends section. If that's your thing, make sure to check them out via this link: https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/young-friends/james-sexual-adventures/ I love hearing your feedback. You can contact me on peterpangram@yandex.com. I will try to answer all e-mails! Oh, and flames will politely be ignored. Enjoy! Peter Pangram Summer Camp Secret 1) Madison Eleven-year-old Madison started masturbating a few weeks after her 10th birthday. Although, you couldn't really call it "masturbating". She discovered that it felt good to rub her pussylips with her fingers or the palm of her hand. She also noticed a hard little nubbin at the top of her cleft, that gave her a nice tingly feeling when she rubbed it. She didn't know anything about orgasms, nor did she ever penetrate her tight pussy with a finger. That changed about a month before her 11th birthday. After having had a sex-ed lesson at school, she decided to do some searching on the internet on their home computer on male genitals and boners. And, as is often the case with the internet, within a few clicks she found herself on a porn website. This particular website hosted a range of low quality streaming porn movies that left nothing to the imagination. Within a couple of minutes, Madison learned about blowjobs, fingering and of course fucking. Since she was home alone, she pulled her jeans and panties down her smooth legs and slipped a finger in between her pussylips. Just like the woman on screen, she moved it in and out a little bit, feeling a slight barrier with the tip of her finger, a few centimeters inside her vagina. The lewd act of fingering herself while watching the woman on screen getting on her knees to suck a massive adult boner, made Madison moan and pant. She felt tingles growing inside her entire lower body and even before the man was able to spurt his cum into the woman's sucking mouth, Madison managed to make herself orgasm for the first time. Her young, smooth body writhed on the desk chair, her legs clamping tightly around her hand as she whimpered and moaned in ecstasy. After that first time, she was hooked. She took almost every oportunity to get herself off and a few weeks later she accidentally pierced her hymen with her finger during a rather intense session of masturbation. Fortunately, the pain was very minimal and from that moment on, she was able to penetrate herself deeper, which in turn caused her to orgasm even harder. Soon after, one finger wasn't enough any more. While watching the streaming porn movies on the website, she learned a pussy was able to take big objects inside. She started searching for items she could use that were a bit bigger than her finger. She laid her eyes on a hairbrush in her bedroom. The handle was about half an inch thicker than her girlish finger, and about an inch longer too. She got naked, made the handle slippery with some hand lotion and slowly worked it into her tight, wet pussy. The handle was big, her pussy was tight but eventually she managed to get it almost all the way in. It felt very full but at the same time, it gave her even more intense tingles than her finger had done. She moved the handle in and out, slowly picking up pace. She started to mimic the things she heard the women say in the porn movies she now frequently watched. "Oohh yes, fuck me! Fuck me hard!", she moaned tentatively. Somehow saying those naughty things out loud, got her even more turned on. Just a minute later, she had an earth-shattering orgasm, her pussy spasming tightly around the slippery handle deep inside of her. Her naive and (up to then) innocent young mind quickly got corrupted by all the perverted acts she saw on the screen and the dirty talk pouring out of her headset. Without Madison realising it, the constant watching of the porn movies made her think that was the way people were supposed to have sex. A few months later, she started to fantasize about boys fucking her. She had a crush on a boy in her class, named Connor. Every time they had PE and Connor was wearing a t-shirt and shorts, she admired his long, slender body. He seemed to be very confident and he loved swearing and saying bad words. She wondered if his boner was shaped anything like his body. She knew he was about to turn 12 and she wondered if he was Connoring off yet and if he had as much sperm yet as the men in the porn movies she saw. She also wondered what it would taste like, as the women always seemed to love having a man shoot it into their mouth. Gradually, her fantasies started to revolve around Connor and she moaned his name as she frantically moved the handle of the brush in and out of her pussy. Over time, she became almost obsessed with the idea of Connor fucking her. With the end of the school year approaching, she realised this was her last chance. After the summer holiday, each of them would go to a different middle school and they would grow apart. Yet, she didn't have a clue on how to make it happen. 2) Connor Connor discovered his boner could give him some very nice feelings at the early age of 9. Just like any other boy, he soon found out that rubbing his boner against the mattress in the morning was a very pleasurable event. Over the years, he took some time almost every morning to leisurely rub himself against the mattress, never knowing about orgasms, nor accidentally managing to give himself a dry cum. Shortly after his 10th birthday, he found out he could move his foreskin up and down when he had a boner. It would give him even stronger tingles than just rubbing it against the mattress. The first time he did that, his body almost demanded him to speed up. Just short of his very first dry cum, he stopped. The feeling got so intense that it scared him a bit. Panting hard, he just lay there in his bed, his pj bottoms pulled down a little bit, along with his briefs, his thin boner sticking up between his fingers. He could still feel it tingle a bit and it felt hotter and firmer to the touch than ever before. He could even feel his shaft twitch occasionally. Slowly, the feelings ebbed away and he pulled his briefs and pj bottoms up again, his boycock gradually softening to its normal state. A week after, he wasn't able to stop at the very end, and with a helpless whimper, Connor managed to give himself his very first dry cum. His young body jerked and spasmed on the bed. The intensity frightening him a bit but at the same time he couldn't stop the feeling. After a few seconds, the feeling was gone again and he immediatelly checked to see if he had wet himself, as it had felt so much as if he was peeing. When he noticed nothing but dry and smooth skin, he realised it had only felt that way but he hadn't actually peed. Just to be on the safe side, he used his bath time to give himself the same feeling a couple of times, still worried that one day he might pee after all. Connor's almost daily masturbation sessions were merely focused on making himself feel good at first. He didn't really have any sexual thoughts with it. That changed after the sex-ed lessons he got in 7th grade, where Connor's knowledge about sex almost tripled. He now knew about orgasms and sperm. And with Connor's 11th birthday approaching, he started to notice girls a lot more too. There were a few girls in his class but one stuck out in particular. Madison was a very pretty girl, and at the same time she wasn't as much of a "princess" as the other girls seemed to be. Madison was a bit more like a boy in her behavior. She liked playing soccer with the boys and she didn't cry when she got tackled to the ground either. Connor had always liked her personality but with his newfound fascination for girls, he started to fantasize about her. When Connor heard about internet porn from an older boy in his swimteam, it didn't take him long to find a website that hosted streaming porn movies on their home computer. And since he was home alone, it also didn't take him long to drop his pants to the floor and frantically Connor off to the images of a woman getting fucked hard by a man. In his young mind, he envisioned himself and Madison in the same position and within a minute, he was dry cumming hard while moaning "Oh Madison, I'm cumming!", mimicking the things he heard the guy say on screen. His naive and (up to then) innocent young mind quickly got corrupted by all the perverted acts he saw on the screen and the dirty talk pouring out of the speakers of his computer. Without Connor realising it, the constant watching of the porn movies made him think that was the way people were supposed to have sex. With Connor getting older, puberty started kicking in. He noticed his boner getting slightly bigger and his balls, although still tight to his body, started to look a bit plumper and bigger too. He checked almost every day to see if he had started to grow some pubes but for some reason they seemed to stay away for now. And then, just a few weeks after his 12th birthday, he had his first wet cum. It wasn't a big one, just a small, watery drop slowly dripping down his strongly twitching boner, but it made him proud nonetheless. Over the course of a couple of weeks, he thought he could notice his balls had grown bigger and he gradually produced a bit more watery cum. But because he continued to Connor off daily, he never really gave his testicles the chance to produce larger quantities. Every time he spurted his small boyload, he was imagining shooting it in Madison's mouth or pussy, just like the men in those porn movies always did. The thoughts he had of Madison even kept him horny during the daytime when he saw her at school. He'd love to do the things he fantasized about for real, but there was no way in hell he could actually go up to Madison and tell her. So he just accepted his fate; he would probably never have sex with Madison. 3) Summer camp Much to both kids' surprise, they found themselves going to the same camp in the summer before going to middle school. While at camp, Connor made friends with a couple of boys his own age, but he was always looking out for Madison. He caught Madison looking at him a few times and when she saw him looking at her, she smiled shyly and looked away. Even though camp was fun and he spent more time around Madison than ever before, he was unable to enjoy his daily masturbation sessions. There was always someone around and he just didn't want to get caught. Not being able to Connor off for several days was something Connor had never experienced before. It was frustrating to never have any alone time where he could literally release the pressure building in his young balls. They felt full and occasionally even hurt a little bit and he wondered how long a guy could go without Connoring off before his balls would explode or something. At the same time, Madison was frustrated too. Being around Connor 24 hours a day made her exceptionally horny, but with the other kids and the staff members constantly nearby, it didn't give her any chance to finger her pussy like she was used to doing almost every day when she was at home. 4) The abandoned building It got particularly difficult for both kids on the fourth day of camp, when everybody went to a nearby lake to swim. Seeing Connor wearing only swim shorts made Madison's pussy grow wet and the nipples on her beestung little breasts stand up firm. At the same time, Connor desperately tried to remain soft in his swim shorts seeing Madison in a very skimpy pair of bikini bottoms and a top that barely covered her budding tits. He tried hard not to stare at her sexy body. Little did they know how much they turned each other on. While spending some hours at the lakeside, Madison noticed a building that seemed to be abandoned, situated about 50 meters from where the group of kids and adults was relaxing in the sun and in the water. She kept her eyes on the building for about half an hour, until she was satisfied that nobody entered or exited the building, confirming that it was indeed no longer in use. It was the perfect place to go so she could finger herself to orgasm. She just needed it so bad. She got up from the sand and casually started strolling towards the building, in the meantime carefully checking to see if anybody paid attention to her. On her way to the building, she passed Connor who was sitting on his knees, working on some sand castle with a couple of the other boys. She wondered if he would notice her but he seemed to be too engrossed in his work. She passed him, enjoying the sight of his smooth, slender body from the corner of her eyes. The closer she got to the building, the more her pace quickened. Once she was inside, she looked around. The building seemed to have been used as a changing room of some kind. She saw two seperate rooms with some benches inside. There were no doors in the hinges any more, she could look directly into each room. She went into the room on her left and noticed some small windows high on the wall. She got up on one of the benches that were against the wall and she found she could look outside. She could see Connor and the other boys working on their sand castle about 60 feet away. She slipped her hand into her bikini bottoms and her fingers felt how wet she had become. While looking at Connor's body moving around on the sand, she slipped two fingers into her pussy. Ohh yes, that felt so good. Her clit was already hard and she started moving her two fingers in and out of her tight, slippery hole while she rubbed her clit with her thumb. She moaned out loud, her eyes half-lidded as she imagined her fingers were Connor's boner sliding in and out of her. "Ohh Connor, yes! Fuck me!" she moaned, her voice slightly echoing in the empty changing room. She squatted slightly on the bench and started to move her hand faster. She kept looking at Connor as she masturbated herself. ------- Connor was puzzled. He had seen Madison walk past him in that incredibly sexy outfit. Once they had arrived at the lake, he deliberately sought out a spot away from Madison. He was afraid that if he stayed close to her, he would get a rockhard boner and the others would notice. When she suddenly walked past him, the inevitable happened. His boycock, so desperately wanting to be stimulated, grew to a full-on boner in his swim shorts. He managed to cover it up by staying on his knees and bending over to dig a trench around the sand castle they were building. From the corner of his eyes, he kept stealing glances of Madison walking past him, towards some building in the distance. Her firm, round ass filled those skimpy bikini bottoms so nicely. He could feel his boner give a lurch inside his shorts and he had to supress a moan. He noticed her entering the building and he wondered why she went there in the first place. He decided to keep an eye on the building to see when she would come out again. When she still hadn't come out after a few minutes, he wondered what was going on. What if she was in trouble or something? At the same time, he wasn't sure whether or not he should go check for her. Finally he couldn't stand it any more. His curiosity got the better of him and he got up. Fortunately his boner had gone down a little bit so nobody would notice. "Where are you going?", one of the boys asked him. "I gotta pee. I'm gonna go behind that building there. And then I'm gonna go for a walk. I don't feel like building any more." Connor said as he made his way to the building. ------- Madison suddenly froze. She saw Connor getting up and making his way towards the building. She panicked. Did he see her looking at him through the window? What should she do? She pulled her hand from her bikini bottoms and got down from the bench. She looked around in panic. Should she hide? But what if Connor had seen her enter the building and he found out she wasn't there any more? He would definitely tell one of the staff members. And then, all of a sudden, Madison had an idea. A perfect idea to get Connor exactly where she wanted him. ------- Connor made his way to the building. He could see it was old and no longer in use. Some of the windows high up on the walls were thrown in, the paint was gone on most of the woodwork and some bricks were cracked. He walked up to the door and opened it, peeking inside. He looked at the ceiling and saw some fixtures that used to have light bulbs in them but were now empty. Even so, there was enough sunlight coming in through the windows in the walls for him to see clearly. He carefully stepped inside and closed the door behind him. He looked to his left and to his right and spotted two seperate rooms that seemed to have been used as changing rooms, a long time ago. He turned to his right, wondering if he would see Madison somewhere, when he suddenly heard a small moan coming from his left. He froze in his footsteps, standing as still as possible. It was quiet for about 3 seconds, when he heard another soft moan. He softly turned around, being careful not to make any sound. He held his breath. Was it Madison? Was she in pain? He softly made another step to his left. The sound seemed to come from the changing room. He stopped again to listen, and this time he heard: "Ohh yesss". It was unmistakingly Madison he was hearing. But from the sound of it, she wasn't in pain. The boner that had gone down in his shorts, started to come back slowly. He made another step, and another one. He was at the entrance to the changing room now. He could see the benches positioned along the wall. He could hear Madison's voice coming from around the corner. He moved his head so he could peek around the door frame and he froze. It was Madison he had heard. She was sitting on the bench with her legs spread wide apart. She had her eyes closed and had pulled one of the cups of her bikini top up. With one hand, she was softly pinching one of her hard, pink nipples. She had slipped her other hand into her bikini bottoms and Connor could see it move around in there. His young cock, that had started to grow in his shorts, became rockh ard in a mere second. He could do nothing but stare. Madison was moaning and panting softly as she was fingering herself. Connor didn't dare to move, he didn't want to do anything to alarm her. But suddenly Madison's eyes opened and she froze too. For a couple of seconds, neither of them moved as they stared into each other's eyes. Connor was shocked that he was busted looking at her, Madison was shocked that she was busted by Connor while she was fingering herself. Madison was very pleased with herself. Her plan had worked. Now it was time for the real action. "Oh shit! Oh shit, Connor! Please... please don't tell anyone!", Madison begged him. Connor was too shocked to say anything. He just stood there, his boner going soft from the shock of getting caught. Before he could react, Madison continued: "I'll do anything you want, Connor. Please! Just don't tell anyone, okay?", she looked at him with a pleading look on her face. "I'll even let you watch!", she suddenly offered, sounding as if she could at least give him that as long as he didn't tell. "I... I... I won't tell...", Connor stuttered, rather surprised by this sudden change of events. He had expected Madison to get mad with him for sneaking up on her and watching her fingering herself. "Do you want to? Watch me, I mean?" Madison asked, sounding genuinly worried that Connor would tell everybody what he saw unless she gave him something in return for his silence. Connor could only nod. His mouth was dry and his body started to tremble. He couldn't believe it. This had to be a dream. Did Madison really offer him to watch her masturbate? She seemed to relax a bit, now relieved that Connor wouldn't tell anyone. "Okay... okay, you have to sit down over there", she pointed to the bench opposite her. Connor quickly made his way to the bench before she would maybe change her mind. He sat down, facing her. He could not believe his luck. He figured she would probably see his throbbing boner in his shorts but at this moment, he didn't care. Madison smiled at him shyly. It all seemed a bit awkward. Connor wondered if she had maybe done this before with a boy but he didn't dare ask. It was silly. Of course she hadn't. Madison spread her legs again and Connor swallowed as she rather seductively slipped her hand into her bottoms. With a rather exaggerated moan, he could see her hand starting to move inside of it. Her other hand moved up to her exposed breast again, softly pinching the hard nipple in the center. Connor could feel his boner twitch and jerk in his shorts without him even touching it. The sight was so erotic. "Do you like it, Connor? Do you like seeing me do this?" Madison almost whispered, sounding so incredibly sexy to Connor. Connor nodded again, subconciously licking his dry lips. "Would you... would you want to see me do it naked?" Madison asked, blushing a bit from even suggesting something like that. But she was so horny and she knew it was now or never. She just had to have him. Here. Today. Connor literally groaned and nodded vigorously. Madison giggled in her high pitched voice as she saw the effect she had on Connor. Slowly she moved her hands to her bikini top and untied the strings. She removed her top, exposing her little breasts to Connor's horny eyes. They were about the size of lemons and her pink nipples were so obviously erect that Connor could see it, even from 3 meters away. Now, Madison stood up and slowly, almost seductively hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her skimpy bikini bottoms and pushed them down her smooth, sexy legs. After a few seconds, Connor saw his first pussy. A real, smooth, tight girl pussy. Not on a screen, but right there in front of him in 3D. He felt his boner give a strong lurch as he saw those soft, smooth pussy lips, glistening a bit from Madison's moisture. He could feel some precum leaking in his shorts and he started to pant. He was so incredibly turned on. Madison let her bottoms drop down to her ankles and stepped out of them. Completely naked and still watching Connor to see his every reaction, she sat down on the bench again. She once again spread her legs and moved a hand between her silky smooth thighs. Connor could see how she moved two of her fingers up and down her soft, slippery pussylips before pushing both of them inside. Madison gasped and arched her back, putting up a hot show for Connor's sake as well as her own. She loved seeing how horny she made him. But she knew this wasn't all. This was just the beginning. She started to finger herself, at the same time watching Connor, the boy of her fantasies, sitting so close to her. Watching her doing these perverted things, getting so turned on from seeing her doing it. "You like it, Connor? You do, don't you?" she said to him, looking at him seductively. For the first time, Connor managed to actually say something. "Fuck yessss..." he moaned. Madison moaned too, fingering herself a bit faster. She started to pant and while looking Connor in the face, she almost whispered: "Are you hard, Connor? Do you have a boner in your shorts? I think I can see it." Connor nodded, no longer caring if Madison knew he was rockhard. His body was literally trembling from horniness at the moment. "Ohh Connor... I've never seen a boner before. Can I see yours? After all, I let you see me naked too. C'mon Connor, show me your boner. I won't tell anyone, I promise!" Even though she was sitting completely naked right in front of him, Connor was still a bit shy to get naked before the girl he had fantasized about so much. He felt vulnerable in a way. But at the same time he realised she was right: she had gotten naked for him too. So he nodded his head and got up. Madison saw a rather big bulge in his shorts when he stood up in front of her. She couldn't help but moan. She wanted to see him so bad. And here he was, getting naked for her. Finally she would see what his boner looked like. The boner she had fantasized about so much. The boner she had imagined going in and out of her pussy while she had fucked herself with the hairbrush. She wanted to see it. She wanted to see it and more. Connor started to untie the drawstrings of his swimshorts. It was difficult because his fingers were shaking a bit, from being nervous as well as incredibly horny. Finally he got the knot undone. He pulled the waistband of his shorts away from his flat, tight tummy and then hooked his thumbs in his shorts and pulled them down his skinny legs. Madison uttered a soft "Yesss" when she saw his boner starting to appear. Once his shorts were at his ankles, she could admire it in its totality. It seemed to be slightly longer than the handle of the hairbrush she had used to make herself orgasm so often. Connor's length appeared to be around 4", and as Madison had suspected, it was as slender as the rest of Connor's body. It stood up at about a 75 degree angle from his smooth body. >From where Madison was sitting, she couldn't see any pubes yet, even though Connor was already 12 and a half. His balls definitely had the proportions of a boy his age. They were pulled up tight to his body, about the size of lemon and appeared to be somewhat swollen. She couldn't see the individual balls. Instead it looked like one solid shape. She could see the ridge of his cockhead through his thin foreskin and in its engorged state, the foreskin was pulled back just a little, giving Madison a glimpse of his cockhead. The tip was glistening with precum. A bit shy and not sure about what to do next, Connor stood in front of her, letting her eyes wander all over his body. He felt strangely exposed, even though he himself could also see every inch of her body. Madison stopped fingering herself and let her fingers slip out of her pussy. She couldn't believe how incredibly stiff Connor's boner looked. It looked harder than the boners she had seen on the men in the porn movies. "Ohh Connor... you're really hard. Does it... does it hurt at all?", she asked, seeming genuinly worried for his well being. Now that she asked, Connor realised that it actually did hurt a little bit. He had never been this hard before. And with not being able to Connor off for several days, his balls seemed to hurt a little bit too. For the first time since leaving home, he worried that he might damage his balls if he didn't cum soon. "Just... just a bit", he said, not wanting to sound too much of a wimp in front of Madison. He saw how she got up from the bench and stepped closer to where he stood. Her gaze was turned downwards, enthralled by the sight of her very first real life boner. The boner she longed to have inside of her. She took another step closer to him and looked up at his face. "Would it be okay if I touched it, Connor? Please? Just this once?", she asked sweetly. "I won't tell anyone", she added, as if that would maybe convince Connor to give his approval. She needn't have worried. Connor would have done anything she wanted by now. He was feeling dizzy, his head was spinning. His mind was torn between believing this was all a dream and needing it to be real at the same time. He just gave a short nod and that was all the approval Madison needed. She reached out her hand and softly traced her fingertips along the length of his rockhard boner. Connor moaned out loud and his hips gave a violent lurch forward, as if trying to fuck her hand. He started to pant right away, all that sexual tension getting released the moment Madison touched his boner. Madison giggled and slowly slid her fingers down to his tight balls. She gently and carefully fondled them with her soft fingers. Again, Connor's hips made an involuntary thrust forward as he moaned: "Ohh Madison!" Madison pulled her hand away and giggled again. She loved seeing him this horny. She loved to be in control of him like this. She stepped even closer and stood to his side, almost touching his body with her own. She got on her tiptoes and brought her mouth close to Connor's ear. "I want to suck your cock..." she breathed, mimicking the things she had heard so often in the porn movies. Connor couldn't believe it. This had to be fake, it just had to be. She couldn't have just said what he thought he heard. But his mind forced the words out: "Yes! Suck me!" He felt how Madison grabbed his arm and pulled him down on the bench. He sat down, his legs instinctively spreading wide apart, like he always did when he sat on the desk chair watching the porn movies on his computer. But instead of it being a man and a woman he saw on screen, he now saw Madison get on her knees in front of him. She admired his boner from up close. Connor couldn't wait. He needed to cum. He needed to cum so bad. "Suck me!" he demanded, almost desperate for release. He could see his boner twitch and jerk without even being touched. Madison moaned, hearing how horny he was. She carefully grabbed his boner and pulled back his foreskin, exposing his very bloated cockhead, glistening with a rather copious load of precum. She stuck out her tongue and lapped it clean, tasting his sweet precum. Connor whimpered, his body completely tensed up and his hands tightly gripping the edge of the bench he was sitting on. His boner spasmed wildly between Madison's fingers as she twirled her tongue around his supersensitive cockhead. He could already feel his balls pull up tighter against his body. "Suck me!" he again demanded, without even thinking about what to say. Madison moaned too as she felt her pussy spasm involuntary, more wetness leaking out from between her soft, slippery lips. She was incredibly turned on. She was going to suck Connor to orgasm, she was going to taste his cum now. The women in those porn movies always seemed to love the taste. She wondered what it would taste like. If it tasted anything like his precum, she would love it. She grabbed his boner at the root, licked her lips, opened her mouth wide and lowered it around Connor's boner. She closed her soft lips around the rockhard, throbbing shaft about halfway and softly pushed her tongue against his urethra. She sucked softly and started to move her slippery lips up and down. Connor threw his head back and moaned out loud. It was the best feeling he had ever felt. His toes curled, his legs instinctively spread further apart and he could feel his balls pull up so tight, they seperated and moved to either side of his spasming shaft. Connor's eyes flew wide open when he realised he was going to cum any second. "I'm... I'm gonna cum, Madison!" he groaned, expecting her to pull off of his violently twitching boner. Instead, he could feel Madison starting to suck him a bit harder, and moving her lips up and down faster. "I'm really gonna do it!" he said, an urgent tone to his voice. "Madison! Madison!!!!" Connor desperately tried to hold off but it was a lost battle. His body overruled his mind and suddenly he felt he was there. His head threw back, his eyes scrunched up tightly and his entire body started to jerk spastically. "I'm cumming!!!" he moaned out loud. Madison could feel his boner jerking strongly between her lips and she quickly moved her head up to the tip just in time to feel the first strong spurt of watery cum shoot forcefully into her mouth. It landed on her tongue and even before she could taste it, a second burst of watery cum spurted out of his pulsing cockhead. She could now taste his warm, slippery, spermless boycum. It was mostly sweet but it had a slightly salty taste to it as well. A third, less copious squirt shot out of his cockhead and Madison had to swallow because her mouth was full. She felt it slide down her throat before one final spurt shot into her mouth and a last dribble leaked from his piss slit onto her tongue. Connor's body relaxed again. He sat there, panting hard in the afterglow of his most intense orgasm ever. Madison kept sucking his boner just like she had always seen those women do in the porn movies, but Connor suddenly winced and instinctively pushed her head off of his boner. She looked up at him with a questionlng look on her face and Connor muttered: "Sorry, it was too sensitive..." She smiled at him, swallowing the last remnants of his watery cum. "I can't believe you did that. That was the best ever", Connor said shyly, looking down at his own boner. Usually he got soft again after an orgasm, but for the first time since he started Connoring off, his boner seemed to remain as hard as it was before Madison took him into her mouth. Even though Madison had loved sucking him and tasting his cum, she wanted him inside of her badly. She bent over again and softly licked his balls while Connor recovered. He moaned softly as he felt his balls getting a bit less tight again. After a minute, Madison pulled her head away and smiled up at him. "I want you inside me so bad", she almost moaned. "Will you fuck me, Connor? My pussy wants to be fucked so much! Please?" Connor's boner gave the answer before he did, bobbing up and down excitedly as Connor said: "Fuck yes! I want to know what it feels like." With Connor still sitting on the bench, Madison turned around and lay down on her back on the tiled floor of the changing room. She spread her smooth legs wide apart and looked at Connor as she said: "C'mon, fuck me like this." Connor got up, his boner still standing up, now glistening with Madison's spit. His foreskin had been pulled back in place when she had pulled off of him after his orgasm, but the tip of his cockhead was still vislble and there was even a little drop of cum visible that had leaked out when Madison had asked him to fuck her. This was it... the thing he had seen those men and women do on his computer screen so often, was something he was going to do himself now. He got on his knees between her widely spread legs and looked down at her pussy. With her legs spread so wide apart, the puffy, glistening, smooth pussy lips were slightly dilated and he could see the glistening wet interior of her tight pussy. The sight made him groan in ecstasy. "Do it, Connor. Fuck me! Please!" Madison begged. She was so hot for him right now. She saw how Connor moved his upper body down and placed his hands on the tiled floor on either side of her body. He still looked down at his boner and her pussy, gradually getting closer together. He arched his hips forward and felt the tip of his cock touch her slippery pussy. Involuntary, his hips thrust forward, his boner sliding along the soft contours of her pussy and across her hard clit. She moaned softly as she too looked down between both their bodies. Connor pulled his hips back and angled his boner a bit further down. This time he was in control of the movement as he slowly moved his hips forward again. His boner slipped between her pussylips but he was too far up to actually find her wet, tight hole. "A bit further down, Connor..." she instructed. Connor pulled back again, angled his boner further down and with an unintended but rather forceful movement, he thrust his hips forward again. This time his boner was in exactly the right spot. It slipped inbetween her pussylips, pushing them apart and immediately finding the entrance to her little pussyhole. Without waiting, he continued his forward thrust and he slid in right to the hilt. Madison gasped as Connor's boner reached new depths she had never managed to reach with the handle of the brush. Her body tensed up and her pussy clamped down tightly around his rockhard shaft. Connor gasped too, suddenly feeling his boner completely embedded in the softest, most slippery, hottest tissue he had ever felt. Even though she was very wet inside, she was still tight enough to pull back his foreskin tightly, exposing his sensitive cockhead to the slightly ribbed pussy walls spasming around his boner as he slid all the way inside of her. "Ohhh fuck!", Connor groaned as he felt his boner twitch strongly deep inside of Madison. His body tensed up as he nearly reached an instantaneous orgasm. He panted hard as he tried to hold back. Madison slowly got used to his boner deep inside of her and her body relaxed again. She moaned and panted, delighting in the feeling of finally having Connor's boner deep inside of her. It felt really full. She raised her hands up to Connor's shoulders and moved them up and down his muscular back as she looked up at his face, seeing his upper lip twitch a bit as he tried to stop the building of his orgasm. Slowly the feeling ebbed away and Connor looked down at Madison's face. He saw a mixture of lust and pleasure on her face. He moved his hips back, feeling his boner slide out of her slippery, tight pussy until it was about halfway out and then moved them forward again, sliding effortlessly ballsdeep inside of her again. "Ohhh Connor... fuck me! Fuck me hard!", Madison moaned. Connor pulled back again and then thrust his hips forward hard. Madison squealed in pleasure. Her hands moved down his back towards his firm, muscular asscheeks. She felt them tense and relax as Connor picked up the pace. He went full force now, pulling back and slamming it ballsdeep inside of her tight pussy again. A soft, wet, slapping sound was heard each time his hairless groin collided with Madison's hairless pussy. Connor lay on top of her, fucking her as hard and as fast as he could, each time slamming his rockhard boner deep inside of her again. Madison moaned and whimpered as she felt a massive orgasm growing deep inside of her. "Please.... harder! Harder!" she moaned, almost delirious with lust. Connor loved hearing how incredibly horny she sounded. He bent his knees and spread his legs even further apart. Now resting on his knees, he fucked her with fast, short jabs of his hips. Each thrust made his hairless root slam against Madison's hard clit and she raced towards orgasm. She threw her head back and spread her legs as wide as they would go, giving Connor all the room he needed to continue fucking her as hard and deep as he did. "I'm gonna cum!" she gasped as her entire body started to shake violently underneath Connor's wildly thrusting body. "Yeahhh, cum for me, Madison! Cum around my cock!", Connor almost yelled as he continued to fuck her as hard as he could. Suddenly he could feel her pussy starting to clamp down reflexively around his rockhard boner, making it feel even tighter for him. He had to put a bit more force in his thrusts to keep fucking her tightening pussy as hard as he wanted to. For several seconds, Madison's body kept spasming as she had the hardest orgasm of her life. But then Connor felt his orgasm building inside of him too. His hips lost their rhythm but not their force as he rammed inside of her time and time again. He could feel his spine starting to tingle, goosebumps crawled up and down his back. Madison's body relaxed again underneath him and he could feel how her pussy was even more slippery than before because of her orgasm. "I'm gonna do it, Madison. I'm gonna cum!", Connor announced urgently. "Oh yesss, cum inside me, Connor! Fill me up with your cum!", Madison deliberately talked dirty to him, determined to turn him on as much as possible for his orgasm inside of her. She felt his buttcheeks starting to tremble and his hips started to flutter. "Oh fuck, I'm... I'm... UNGHHH!" Connor groaned, ramming his hips forward one final time, throwing his head back and moaning out loud as his eyes rolled in his head. Madison could feel his boner getting even harder inside of her and then she could feel his shaft starting to jerk and spasm wildly deep inside of her. With the foreskin pulled back tightly, she could even feel his cockhead starting to pulse before she felt his watery sperm shoot forcefully inside of her, coating the far reaches of her immature womb. She felt his entire body tremble on top of her as he had a massive orgasm. "Ohh yesss.... ohh Connor, shoot your cum in my pussy!", Madison moaned, deliberately tightening and relaxing her pussy around his spasming boner, literally milking it for the very last drop of cum that was left in his balls. After about 10 seconds, Connor's body relaxed again, almost collapsing on top of Madison as his elbows gave way. Madison felt his boner twitch inside of her a few times before he stretched his arms again and started to pull out. Connor looked down as his slightly deflated boner slipped out of Madison's pussy. His shaft was glistening with a mixture of Madison's pussy juice and his own watery cum and when his cockhead slipped out of her hairless pussy, it slapped up against his smooth abs with a soft thud, before his erection softenen even further. Getting up on his knees, he smiled shyly at Madison and said: "Thanks, that felt *so* good!" Madison smiled too, feeling some wetness trickle from her slightly dilated pussy. She looked down and giggled. "You made a real mess!", she said teasingly. Connor chuckled and looked around to see if he could find anything to clean themselves up. But apart from their own swim suits, there was nothing they could use. "I guess we'll have to run towards the water before anyone sees it and then clean ourselves in there", Madison suggested. Connor smiled and nodded. "I don't think it's a good idea to go outside at the same time. You go first, I'll wait a few minutes before I come out too." Madison got up and slipped her bikini top on again. She giggled again when she saw more of Connor's cum leak out of her pussy and trickling down her smooth thighs. "I can't believe how much you shot inside of me!", she said, sounding in awe. Connor smiled, feeling proud of her compliment. "I guess there was a lot of it in my balls", he replied. While Connor stepped into his shorts and pulled them up, he glanced at Madison getting into her bikini bottoms. The material got semi transparent as it got wet with his cum. Connor could feel his soft boy cock make another twitch in his shorts at the hot sight. "Okay, here I go!", Madison said, walking towards the exit of the building, carefully looking out to see if anyone was looking her way. When she was convinced it was safe, she ran out of the building towards the water's edge. Connor glanced at her firm ass flexing in her little bikini bottoms. Even from a distance, he could see her thighs still glistening with some of his cum that had leaked out of her pussy. "Damn, I'm a lucky kid...", he thought to himself. ====================== Did you enjoy this story? Let me know! I love getting feedback. You can contact me on peterpangram@yandex.com.

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