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*kiss flying.

Hai Mas Affandra, emmm... tanggal 29 engga ada ya? Gapapa, memang betul, aku juga merasa demikian. Waktu berjalan dengan sangat cepat setiap kali aku menghabiskannya sama kamu, buktinya gak kerasa kan kita udah sejauh ini?

23 bulan bareng kamu, 1 bulan pacaran sama kamu udah banyak banget hal yang kita lewatin. Senang, sedih, bahagia, marah, dan sebagainya— udah pernah kita laluin semua ya? Diantara semua perasaan itu, yang gak pernah hilang adalah aku yang selalu jatuh cinta sama kamu setiap harinya dan aku yakin kamu juga merasakan yang sama.

Love made you and me choose us from what ifs and buts. Love made us stay even when we're unveiled our ugliness and flaws inside. It was indeed true, i am really in love with you. For seeing all your side which you hid the most, I never felt different. I was the same me, craving for us and you.

Everything about you makes me feel whole again. The things I've always needed was placed into my life and i'm grateful. It didn't matter how bad or good you look inside or outside of that facade. I'm still in love with you, you remained as the person i couldn't afford to lose. I still stand the same grounds with you holding that hands. I'm still the person who wishes you upon falling star and see the same glow of the moon in your eyes. I still want to be with you every phases you have.

Our love is so strong that we can get through the toughest times together and make it out stronger. I know at the end of all of this we will be more in love than before and we will be even happier. And i'm grateful everyday i have you in my life because so many things could have kept us from meeting each other and from being together. I will always be grateful for you, Mas Affan.

Happy mensive, Love.

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