

Hello everyone, I am here with yet another deck guide! This time we will go through one that is very close to my heart, as this kind of game plan really suits me. We also played this list against China in Global Games while competing for TOP 4, so you might have already seen it in action! Allow me to introduce you my Priest control, the definition of Valuetown!



If you are tired of those pesky aggros that are running you over by turn 6, this is the deck for you! This is as anti-aggro as it gets, and has awesome matchups against everything that just tries to kill you quickly. It’s also performing well against all the Mages thanks to the ability to heal yourself quite efficiently.

This deck relies heavily on card advantage. While the cards themselves aren’t the best of what you can get in terms of raw power, they all generate extra cards in one way or another. Keep the game going long enough with all the heal and whatnot and you should be burying your opponent with your full hand while they have nothing to play anymore. This deck is capable of gaining 30 HP, playing 20 spells or opening 3 Un'Goro Packs in one turn!



Cards that you want in almost every matchup are Northshire ClericPower Word: Shield andRadiant ElementalYou also won’t make a mistake if you keep Shadow Word: Pain. If you are playing against aggro, you really want any part of Circle of Healing + Auchenai Soulpriestcombo in your opening hand as well. Potion of Madness is also a dream card if your opponent is going aggresive.

Priest of the Feast is sort of specific, but I only recommend keeping it against Mage and mulliganing it against everything else.

Against control you are looking for value, so cards like Curious Glimmerroot are ideal here.



Circle of Healing has a ton of synergy in this deck and should be treated as a combo card. The most obvious use is with Auchenai Soulpriest, as clearing the opponent’s board AND leaving a minion on your side is extremely strong, especially as soon as turn 4. Circle is also a part of a bit more complicated combo, but it’s definitely worth

There are 8 different spells for Shadow Visions in this deck while counting Visions itself. If you are looking for something very specific and want to know your odds for finding it, then the math is really simple, it’s 3/X to hit your target, where X is the number of spells in your deck. So, for example with 6 spells left you are always going 50/50 for specific target. That “specific target” is often Un'Goro Pack from Elise the Trailblazer, as getting more of these in one game of Hearthstone is insanely good and often leads to victory.

You can also go infinite (well, sort of) with Priest of the Feast if you have 3 spells left in your deck and one of them is second Shadow Visions. Ideally you also have Radiant Elemental chilling on board, which just means you heal 3 life for every mana crystal you have available. And we thought that Reno Jackson retired!

Curious Glimmerroot is like a definition of this deck, as it provides card advantage in the purest form. 3 mana 3/3 that draws a card would be insanely strong in HS, and this card is very close to it, not actually being strictly worse than that (it doesn’t bring you closer to fatigue). Keep in mind that if you saw your opponent play a card and then it shows with Glimmerroot, then that’s definitely the pick. Also don’t mistake his ability with discover, it happens more often than you think!

Lyra the Sunshard is the lategame engine of this deck, and she is the real deal. I have heard she might actually be a cousin of Yogg-Saron, but not as crazy and much more reliable. If you are playing a slower matchup, you should definitely consider keeping Radiant Elemental (or even two of them) in your hand to keep them safe and playing them only on your Lyra turn, doing some really sweet stuff thanks to all your spells being almost for free. This turn usually takes a LOT of time, so start immediately and move your mouse switftly and precisely!



You can play Free From Amber in this deck if you want, or if you're missing basically any card from the list. This card is super good against Jade Druid specifically, so you can also add it if you are playing against lot of these on ladder. Without Lyra this deck loses quite a bit of power, so I really recommend having her, but other than that you can make some small changes easily.

That’s it for today guys, as always, thanks a lot for reading! A lot of questions that weren’t answered can be found in Youtube deck guide added below, but if even that doesn’t help, feel free to leave me a comment here or on my social media. Stay tuned for more content!

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