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Call of Duty fans switch off in their millions

Call of Duty fans are switching off from the franchise, Activision's latest user figures suggest. Monthly active user data published by Activision shows player numbers have dipped over the past 12 months - from 127 million in June 2021 to just 94 million this year. The details are part of a tough round of financial results for Activision Blizzard this quarter, despite the recent and highly-profitable launch of Diablo Immortal. Read more


Mega Drive Mini 2 will have tenth of previous retro console's supply

Sega's Mega Drive Mini 2 console will only have a tenth of the supply compared to the previous retro console in North America. What's more, Western customers will need to purchase the console through Amazon Japan's storefront due to the ongoing semiconductor shortage, reports Polygon. The console was originally intended as a Japan-only product, but "by using Amazon's 'Japan Store' system, we found that at least a small number of units could be sold via, so a portion was allocated to make the North American version," says a Sega representative. Read more


First-ever images of atoms 'swimming' in liquid have been captured

For the first time, single atoms have been imaged moving in liquid using graphene, MoS2, and transmission electron microscopy. Continue reading at TweakTown >


How to set a reminder in Microsoft Outlook

Microsoft Outlook is a platform that not only enables users to email each other but also perform a host of tasks such as schedule meetings, share files and folders, get on a call with people and create a to-do list. In addition to this, it also enables users to set reminders. So, if you are […] The post How to set a reminder in Microsoft Outlook appeared first on BGR India.


Report: The US organ transplant network is failing desperate patients

The US network that matches donated kidneys, livers and hearts with desperate patients has serious issues and "needs to be vastly restructured," according to a government review seen by The Washington Post. It reportedly relies on out-of-date technology, has crashed for hours at a time and has never been audited by federal for security or other flaws by federal officials.  The current system has been administered by the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) for 36 years. That non-profit is overseen by the Health Resources and Services Administration. Around 106,000 people are on a waiting list for organs, with most seeking kidneys. Over 41,000 organs were transplanted last year, setting a record, but 22 people die each day waiting, according to the article. In its review completed 18 months ago, the White House's US Digital Service recommended that the government "break up the current monopoly" held by UNOS. "In order to properly and equitably support the critical needs of these patients, the ecosystem needs to be vastly restructured." A big sticking point is that the government has never been allowed to inspect the computer code behind the system, because UNOS hasn't allowed it. "The code is extremely large," said UNOS chief executive Brian Shepherd. "They can come in and ask for specific pieces."The Washington Post obtained the review in draft form as it has yet to be finalized. Leaders of the Senate Finance Committee who saw the report reportedly warned DHS officials that they had "no confidence" in the security of the network, asking the White House to step in to protect it from attacks. "We request you take immediate steps to secure the national Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network system from cyber-attacks," wrote committee chair Sen. Ron Wyden and Sen. Charles E. Grassley. The other main issue is the requirement for manual input that can lead to mistakes or create timing issues for organ matches. "When nearly 100 percent of hospitals use electronic records, the notion that we rely on human beings to enter data into databases is crazy. It should be 85 to 95 percent automatic," a former chair of the UNOS liver transplant policy committee told The Post.The transplant results are the most disconcerting part of the report. In the US in 2020, 21.3 percent of donated kidneys weren't transplanted, according to a report. That compares to 9.1 percent in France, 10 to 12 percent in the UK and eight percent in the Eurotransplant consortium of eight EU countries including Germany. "You would be hard pressed to think you couldn’t at least get 5 percent better [in the US], which would be thousands of transplants," a former HHS official told The Post. For more, check out the article here. 


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